2023 NPC Lectures: #4 Xi on the People’s Congress System

The topic of this lecture, fourth in a series of 2023 lectures delivered to the 170 members of the Standing Committee of China’s 3000-member strong unicameral national legislature the National People’s Congress (NPC), is the application of Xi Jinping Thought to the work of the NPC.

Translations in this series:

A month or two after these lectures were given they were edited and no doubt reviewed before they were published in canonical form on the website of the National People’s Congress. I’ve noticed that we don’t see transcripts of speeches by Chinese leaders, but rather summaries and paraphrases of the speech. Only later are they published. This reminds me of Party School Professor Zhang Xuebo’s 2017 article Observations on the History of Rule by Document 1982-2017 where he discusses the PRC being ruled by a hybrid law/Party documents, leader speech texts going through an intense discussion and review before later emerging in canonical form as holy writ. Perhaps that is the reason for often not publishing leader speeches at the time delivered verbatim in the press but only in paraphrase.


Among the highlights are calls for ideological self-confidence despite criticisms of the Chinese political system by outsiders. Excerpts from the translation below:

  1. Throughout history, there have been numerous examples worldwide where choosing the wrong path of political development led to social upheaval, national division, and the demise of people and government. Designing and developing a national political system must consider the organic unity of history and reality, theory and practice, form, and content. One cannot imagine suddenly transplanting a political system from another country onto one’s own. Copying and transplanting another country’s political system will not work; it will be incompatible with the local conditions and may even jeopardize the nation’s future and destiny. The reason why the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics works, has vitality, and is effective is because it has grown from the social soil of China.
  2. The facts fully demonstrate that Chinese socialist democratic politics has formidable vitality, and the development path and political system of socialism with Chinese characteristics are the correct path that conforms to the conditions of China, ensuring that the people are the masters of the country. As the General Secretary said, “In terms of the political system model, we must firmly hold onto our principles and not waver, no matter which way the wind blows from the east, west, south, or north.” “The Chinese people should have this confidence, and every Chinese person should have this confidence.” 
  3. The General Secretary systematically expounded the Party’s position, ideology, and basic viewpoints on democracy, clarifying myths and revealing the true nature of the Party’s “democratic view” and the inherent logic of the operation of China’s political system. It is a counterattack, rejection, and qualitative transcendence of Western-style democracy, demonstrating the Party’s leadership and the people’s unwavering confidence and determination to follow the socialist political development path of China with Chinese characteristics and develop socialist democratic politics.
  4. The General Secretary pointed out that the world is undergoing unprecedented changes not seen in a century, and that institutional competition is an important aspect of the competition in comprehensive national strength. Institutional advantage is a crucial advantage for a country to gain strategic initiative; stability in the system ensures stability in the country, and strength in the system leads to a strong nation. In the new era and on the new journey, we must unwaveringly uphold and advance the system of the people’s congresses, keep pace with the times, ensure the comprehensive implementation and effective operation of this system, fully leverage the advantages and efficacy of the fundamental political system of the country, rely on the power of the system to resist risks and challenges, and unite wisdom and strength from all its aspects so as to promote the construction of a strong country and serve China’s national rejuvenation.

A Chinese critique of whole process democracy: On Whole Process Democracy

Numbered Exhortations

As has become even more common under Xi, there are a number of numbered quasi-religious moral exhortations (the Party like a religion is the ultimate source or keeper of moral values) among them better-known and lesser-known ones:

  • “The Four Self-confidences” sige zixin  四個自信
  • Four Things to Look For and the Four Things to Look For Even More” “四个要看,四个更要看”
  • “Eight Whethers” “八个能否”
  • 三个有效保证 “The Three Effective Guarantees”
  • “Six Must Upholds”  “六个必须坚持”

In a few passages that seemed especially interesting I added the Chinese language text for the benefit of the sinoliterate. Sino-illiterates 中文文盲 will need to either stick to my translation or resort to the wisdom of Wiser Ones.

Lecture Series on the Work of the 14th National People’s Congress Standing Committee – Fourth Lecture

Update Date: August 2, 2023

In-depth Study and Implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Thoughts on Upholding and Improving the People’s Congress System


更新日期: 2023-08-02


宋 锐

By Song Rui, a member of the Party Group of the NPC Standing Committee and Director of the Office of the Secretariat of the NPC Standing Committee.

Source: People’s Congress of China Website, April 28, 2023

Chairman, Vice Chairmen, Secretary-General, and fellow Members:

Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has attached great importance to and comprehensively strengthened the Party’s leadership over the work of the People’s Congress. This has led to historic achievements in the People’s Congress system, making it more mature and well-established. General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new ideas and requirements regarding socialist democratic politics, the People’s Congress system, and the work of the People’s Congress. This has formed his important thoughts on upholding and improving the People’s Congress system, providing guidance and fundamental principles for adhering to, improving, and effectively running the People’s Congress system in the new era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on upholding and improving the People’s Congress system constitute a comprehensive, systematic, scientific, and open theoretical system. The origins of this important thought can be traced to key speeches and instructions, including:

  • The speech commemorating the 30th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the current constitution in 2012, 
  • The speech at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the National People’s Congress in 2014, the speech at the Central People’s Congress Work Conference in 2021,
  • The signed article commemorating the 40th anniversary of the current constitution in 2022, relevant speeches at central meetings, and
  • Important instructions on the constitution, legislative work, and the establishment of standing committees by local People’s Congresses over the past 40 years. 
  • Additionally, it encompasses the contents of the reports from the 18th, 19th, and 20th National Congresses of the Party, as well as
  • Various central committee documents related to People’s Congress work since the 18th National Congress.

In terms of content, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts cover three main aspects: the level of road and direction, including

  • The important discourse and requirements for political development, 
  • The whole-process people’s democracy, and the overall rule of law; the level of the People’s Congress system, including the nature, status, characteristics, advantages, efficacy, and principles of the People’s Congress system; and 
  • The level of People’s Congress work, including the deployment and requirements for the exercise of the People’s Congress powers, the conduct of work, and the strengthening of self-construction.

Now, I will report on some of our understanding and experiences in studying and implementing these important thoughts from these three aspects.

I. In-depth study and comprehension of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourse on the political development path and the whole-process people’s democracy, maintaining a firm and clear stance on major issues concerning the future and destiny of the Party and the country.

(1) Upholding the correct path of political development is a major issue that concerns the fundamental and overall situation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “The thinking that guides the planning and advancement of China’s socialist democratic political construction plays a fundamental, overall, and long-term role in the country’s political life.” 

Throughout history, there have been numerous examples worldwide where choosing the wrong path of political development led to social upheaval, national division, and the demise of people and government. Designing and developing a national political system must consider the organic unity of history and reality, theory and practice, form, and content. One cannot imagine suddenly transplanting a political system from another country onto one’s own. Copying and transplanting another country’s political system will not work; it will be incompatible with the local conditions and may even jeopardize the nation’s future and destiny. The reason why the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics works, has vitality, and is effective is because it has grown from the social soil of China. 古今中外,由于政治发展道路选择错误而导致社会动荡、国家分裂、人亡政息的例子比比皆是。设计和发展国家政治制度,必须注重历史和现实、理论和实践、形式和内容有机统一,不能想象突然就搬来一座政治制度上的“飞来峰”。照抄照搬他国的政治制度行不通,会水土不服,会画虎不成反类犬,甚至会把国家前途命运葬送掉。中国特色社会主义政治制度之所以行得通、有生命力、有效率,就是因为是从中国的社会土壤中生长起来的。

The facts fully demonstrate that Chinese socialist democratic politics has formidable vitality, and the development path and political system of socialism with Chinese characteristics are the correct path that conforms to the conditions of China, ensuring that the people are the masters of the country. As the General Secretary said, “In terms of the political system model, we must firmly hold onto our principles and not waver, no matter which way the wind blows from the east, west, south, or north.”

The Chinese people should have this confidence, and every Chinese person should have this confidence.” As the political organ under the leadership of the Party, the People’s Congress must prioritize political considerations. It must take the lead in firmly adhering to the “Four Self-Confidences” and resolutely follow the path of the socialist political development of China with Chinese characteristics. Regarding the so-called “constitutionalism,” multi-party rotation in power, and the “separation of powers” in the West, we must be highly vigilant and firmly resist; we must not fall into their traps. [Note: “The Four Self-confidences” sige zixin  四個自信“confident in our chosen path, confident in our guiding theories, confident in our political system, and confident in our culture.”  End note.]

(2) Democracy is a common value of all humanity and an important principle that the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people have consistently adhered to. General Secretary Xi Jinping has clearly outlined the “Eight Whethers” “八个能否” criteria for assessing whether a country’s political system is democratic and effective. The evaluation of whether a country’s political system is democratic and effective mainly depends upon:

  1. Whether the country’s leadership can orderly and legally transfer power, 
  2. Whether all people can manage state and social affairs, economic and cultural matters according to the law, 
  3. Whether the people can express their interests freely,
  4. Whether all aspects of society can effectively participate in national political life, 
  5. Whether national decisions can be made scientifically and democratically,
  6. Whether various talents can enter the national leadership and management system through fair competition, and 
  7. Whether the ruling party can effectively lead state affairs in accordance with the constitution and laws, and 
  8. Whether the exercise of power can be effectively restricted and supervised by the people. 

The formulation of the “Eight Whethers” criteria is an original theoretical contribution to the construction of China’s socialist democratic politics and the development and progress of human democracy. By comparing and contrasting with these criteria, we can clearly see that China has made decisive progress in addressing these issues, fully demonstrating the superiority of China’s socialist political development path and political system compared to Western-style democracy.

The General Secretary pointed out that democracy is not a decoration or ornament; it is not used for display but to solve the problems that people need to address. Hence, he put forward the “Four Things to Look For and the Four Things to Look For Even More” “四个要看,四个更要看” standards whether a country is democratic or not depends upon whether the people have truly become masters in their own house.

  1. We should look to see whether the people have the right to vote, but even more important is to look at whether they have broad rights to participate in society.  
  2. We should look to see what verbal promises were made during the election process but even more important is to see how many of those promises were fulfilled after the election.
  3. We should look to see what political procedures and rules are stipulated by the system and laws, and even more, see whether these systems and laws are genuinely enforced. 
  4. We should look to see whether the rules and procedures for exercising power are democratic and, even more, see whether power is genuinely supervised and constrained by the people. 

The “Four Things to Look For and the Four Things to Look For Even More”   complement and develop the “Eight Whethers” criteria. Through practice and  comparison, we can clearly see the reality and effectiveness of Chinese democracy and the limitations and hypocrisy of Western-style democracy.

The Chinese Communist Party has always held high the banner of People’s Democracy. The General Secretary elaborated on the Party’s Five Basic Viewpoints on Democracy

  1. People’s democracy is the lifeblood of socialism. Without democracy, there is no socialism, no modernization of socialism, and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 
  2. The essence and core of socialist democratic politics are the people being masters of the country. The development of socialist democratic politics is about reflecting the will of the people, safeguarding the rights of the people, and stimulating the creative vitality of the people by ensuring that the people are masters of the country through the institutional system. 
  3. The development path of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics is the correct path that conforms to China’s conditions and ensures that the people are masters of the country. It is the inevitable result of the historical logic, theoretical logic, and practical logic of the long-term struggle of the Chinese people since modern times. It is a necessary requirement for adhering to the Party’s essential nature and practicing the fundamental purpose of the Party. 
  4. The people exercise their rights through elections and voting, and comprehensive consultations among various aspects of the people take place before major decisions. These are the two important forms of socialist democracy in China, constituting the institutional characteristics and advantages of socialist democratic politics in China.
  5. The key to developing socialist democratic politics is to give full play to the characteristics and advantages of China’s socialist democratic politics, continuously promote the institutionalization, standardization, and proceduralization of socialist democratic politics, and provide more perfect institutional guarantees for the prosperity and stability of the Party and the state.

The General Secretary systematically expounded the Party’s position, ideology, and basic viewpoints on democracy, clarifying myths and revealing the true nature of the Party’s “democratic view” and the inherent logic of the operation of China’s political system. It is a counterattack, rejection, and qualitative transcendence of Western-style democracy, demonstrating the Party’s leadership and the people’s unwavering confidence and determination to follow the socialist political development path of China with Chinese characteristics and develop socialist democratic politics.

(3) Creatively putting forward the significant concept of whole-process people’s democracy. Whole-process people’s democracy is a great creation by the Communist Party of China, led by unity and guiding the Chinese people in pursuing, developing, and realizing democracy. It is a major achievement in the theoretical innovation, institutional innovation, and practical innovation of socialist democracy, promoted by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. The introduction of this significant concept is closely related to the work of the National People’s Congress (NPC). 

In November 2019, during an inspection of the grassroots legislative contact point of the NPC Standing Committee’s Legal Work Committee in Hongqiao Street, Changning District, Shanghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “We are taking a path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, and people’s democracy is a form of whole-process democracy.” 

At the Central People’s Congress Work Conference in October 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically elaborated on the significant concept of whole-process people’s democracy for the first time. He emphasized that China’s whole-process people’s democracy not only has a complete institutional process but also involves comprehensive participation in practice. 

All the people exercise democratic rights through lawful democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and supervision. They manage state affairs, economic and cultural undertakings through various means and forms, realizing a unified process of democracy and outcomes, procedural and substantive democracy, direct and indirect democracy, and the unity of people’s democracy and the will of the state. It is a democracy that covers the entire process, all aspects, and all dimensions, making it the broadest, most authentic, and most effective form of socialist democracy. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Party proposed that whole-process people’s democracy is the essential attribute of socialist democratic politics and the essential requirement for Chinese-style modernization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “The system of the People’s Congress is an important institutional framework for realizing China’s whole-process people’s democracy.” This represents a new positioning and new requirements for the system of the People’s Congresses, as well as a new topic and task for adhering to, improving, and operating the system of the People’s Congress in the new era. In my understanding, the role of an important institutional framework is reflected in the fact that the system of the People’s Congress, as the fundamental political system of the country, is an important way for the Chinese people to be masters of the country and the highest form of realization. The operation of the system of the People’s Congress covers various aspects such as democratic elections, democratic consultations, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision, making it a crucial practical platform for whole-process people’s democracy. The People’s Congress formulates and amends the constitution and laws, supervises the implementation of the constitution and laws, providing solid legal guarantees for whole-process people’s democracy.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has made clear requirements for the People’s Congress in practicing and developing whole-process people’s democracy: 

  1. Under the leadership of the Party, continuously expand orderly political participation of the people, strengthen the rule of law, protection of human rights, and ensure that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms in accordance with the law. 
  2. Ensure that the people exercise their election rights according to the law, elect representatives through democratic elections, and ensure that the people’s rights to information, participation, expression, and supervision are implemented in all aspects and links of the work of the People’s Congress, ensuring that the voices of the people are heard in every link of decision-making, execution, and supervision of the Party and the state. 
  3. Improve the People’s Congress’s platforms and carriers for expressing democracy and public opinion, perfect the working mechanisms for absorbing public opinion and gathering collective wisdom, promote People’s Congress consultations and legislative consultations, and unify various social opinions and public sentiments into the fundamental interests of the broadest people. 
  4. Strengthen research and propaganda on socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics and the system of the People’s Congress, clarify the characteristics and advantages of China’s political system, and tell the story of Chinese democracy well.

II. Thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s discourse on the system of the People’s Congress, persistently uphold, improve, and operate the system of the People’s Congress well in the new era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on upholding and improving the system of the People’s Congress, as well as his discourse on the system of the People’s Congress in the new era, expand and deepen the scientific connotation, essential characteristics, and practical requirements of the system of the People’s Congress. It marks a new height in our Party’s understanding of the laws governing the development of socialist democratic politics and the strengthening of the state power system.

(1) Deeply manifests the historical logic, theoretical logic, and practical logic of implementing the system of the People’s Congress in China. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “The implementation of the People’s Congress system in China is a great creation by the Chinese people in the history of human political systems, a basic conclusion drawn from the profound lessons of China’s political life since modern times, and a historical result of more than a hundred years of vigorous transformation and development in Chinese society. It is an inevitable choice for the Chinese people to rise and become masters of their own destiny.” 

This important discourse fully reflects the twists and turns, as well as the hardships, in China’s correct political development path since modern times, revealing profoundly that the implementation of the system of the People’s Congress is a historical choice and the people’s choice.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stated,

  • “The system of the People’s Congress, which is implemented in China, is a good system that conforms to China’s national conditions and realities, reflects the socialist nature of the state, ensures that the people are the masters of the country, and guarantees the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is a great creation by the Party, leading the people, in the history of human political systems. It is a brand-new political system of significant importance in the political development history of our country and even the world.”
  • “In the 60-plus years, especially in the more than 40 years of reform and opening up, the system of the People’s Congress has provided important institutional guarantees for the Party to lead the people in creating miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability.” 

By evaluating the system of the People’s Congress with terms like “good system,” “great creation,” “brand-new political system,” and “important institutional guarantee,” it fully illustrates the significant status and profound significance of this system in China’s national governance system and in the history of political development at home and abroad. We must cherish and uphold over the long term the fundamental political system that our Party has painstakingly established, which has been tested by long-term practice,  continually improve it, and comprehensively implement it.

(II)  Characterizes the remarkable advantages and tremendous effectiveness of the system of the People’s Congress with the term “The Three Effective Guarantees.” “三个有效保证” General Secretary Xi Jinping stated at the Central People’s Congress Work Conference: The system of the People’s Congress, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, 

  • Upholds the basic principles of Marxist state theory, adapts itself to the national system of people’s democratic dictatorship; and 
  • Effectively guarantees the country’s advancement along the socialist path;
  • Insists that all state power belongs to the people, maximally ensuring that the people are the masters of the country, unifying the  leadership of the Party, the people’s mastery, and governance according to law.

This effectively ensuring that the country’s governance breaks free from historical cycles of chaos and prosperity; it correctly handles a series of major political relationships related to the country’s future and destiny, achieves the unified and efficient organization of the state, maintains national unity and ethnic solidarity, and effectively ensures that national political life is both dynamic and orderly. The “The Three Effective Guarantees” succinctly characterize the essential nature and advantageous effects of the system of the People’s Congress, fully illustrating the supportive role of this system in the national governance system and governance capacity.

(III) Clearly defines the major principles for upholding, improving, and operating the system of the People’s Congress with the term “Six Must Upholds”  “六个必须坚持”   The “Six Must Upholds” proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Central People’s Congress Work Conference have rich connotations, serving as both experiential summaries and major principles that must be firmly grasped and consistently followed.

  1. Must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Adhere to the core role of the Party in overall coordination, resolutely uphold the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, ensure the comprehensive implementation and effective execution of the Party’s theory, line, principles, and policies in national work. Strengthen and improve the Party’s leadership, be adept at making the Party’s propositions become the will of the state through legal procedures, ensure that candidates recommended by the Party organization become the leading personnel of state organs through legal procedures, and ensure that the Party exercises leadership over the state and society through state organs, maintaining the authority of the Party and the state, and maintaining the unity of the entire Party and the entire nation.
  2. Must uphold the institutional system to ensure the people are the masters of the country. Must uphold the centrality of the people, insist that all state power belongs to the people, support and ensure that the people exercise state power through the People’s Congress, improve the democratic system, enrich democratic forms, broaden democratic channels, ensure the people’s equal participation and equal development rights, develop a more extensive, fuller, and sounder whole-process people’s democracy.
  3. Must uphold the comprehensive governance according to law. Adhere to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, build the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, construct a socialist rule of law state, promote various undertakings and work in accordance with the Constitution and laws, safeguard social fairness and justice, respect and protect human rights, realize the legalization of all state work. The system of the People’s Congress is an important institutional platform for comprehensive governance according to law, and the People’s Congress should exercise its legislative, supervisory, and other powers in accordance with laws and procedures, playing a good role in the comprehensive governance according to law.
  4. Must uphold democratic centralism. Adhere to the unified exercise of state power by the people through the People’s Congress, with people’s congresses at all levels elected through democratic elections, being responsible to the people and subject to people’s supervision. Various state organs such as administrative, supervisory, judicial, and procuratorial organs at all levels are formed by people’s congresses, responsible to people’s congresses, and subject to the supervision of people’s congresses. The reasonable division of powers of decision-making, execution, and supervision is both coordinated and coordinated, ensuring that state organs exercise their powers and perform their duties in accordance with statutory powers and procedures.
  5. Must uphold the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhere to the organic unity of the leadership of the Party, the people’s mastery, and governance according to law, with the core being to adhere to the Party’s leadership. The system of the People’s Congress is the fundamental political system arrangement that ensures the Party’s effective governance of the country by leading the people according to law. We can draw on beneficial achievements of human political civilization but must not copy Western political system models. The major conclusion that the system of the People’s Congress is a fundamental political system arrangement featuring the “organic unity of the three” is the most concentrated, comprehensive, and important summary of the nature, status, and role of the system of the People’s Congress. The operation of the People’s Congress, all its work, can find direction and follow it from the “organic unity of the three.”
  6. Must uphold the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. The system of the People’s Congress is an important part of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and an important part of the national governance system. It is necessary to adhere to and improve the system of the People’s Congress, continuously promote the institutionalization, standardization, and proceduralization of socialist democratic politics, and better transform institutional advantages into governance effectiveness within the whole process.

The General Secretary pointed out that the world is undergoing unprecedented changes not seen in a century, and that institutional competition is an important aspect of the competition in comprehensive national strength. Institutional advantage is a crucial advantage for a country to gain strategic initiative; stability in the system ensures stability in the country, and strength in the system leads to a strong nation. In the new era and on the new journey, we must unwaveringly uphold and advance the system of the people’s congresses, keep pace with the times, ensure the comprehensive implementation and effective operation of this system, fully leverage the advantages and efficacy of the fundamental political system of the country, rely on the power of the system to resist risks and challenges, and unite wisdom and strength from all aspects to promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

III.  Deeply study and implement the deployment requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the people’s congresses, and strive to create a new situation in the work of the people’s congresses in the new era.

The General Secretary has provided many instructions and requirements on the work of the people’s congresses, especially outlining Six Key Tasks at the Central People’s Congress Working Conference. It is necessary to earnestly study and implement the deployment requirements of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, adhere to the principles of summarizing, inheriting, improving, and elevating, carry forward past achievements, uphold the right path while innovating, perform duties in accordance with the law, and comprehensively improve the quality and level of the work of the people’s congresses.

The first task is to comprehensively implement the Constitution to uphold the authority and dignity of the Constitution. Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the Party Central Committee has placed the Constitution and its implementation in a prominent position in the governance of the country. The General Secretary emphasized that the Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, the general program for governing the country, and the concentrated expression of the will of the Party and the people. It holds the highest legal status, authority, and efficacy; to uphold the rule of law, it is necessary to uphold the rule of the Constitution. The comprehensive implementation of the Constitution is the primary task and fundamental work of comprehensively governing the country according to law and building a socialist rule of law country.

The General Secretary has personally led and promoted a significant amount of work in the implementation of the Constitution: the fifth amendment to the current Constitution, improvement of related legal systems, implementation of the pardon system stipulated by the Constitution, and the establishment of laws such as the Heroes and Martyrs Protection Law and the National Anthem Law. The implementation of constitutional oaths and constitutional interpretation mechanisms has been carried out. In line with the decisions of the Party Central Committee, the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee have established and improved the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, enacted the Hong Kong National Security Law, and improved the electoral system in Hong Kong, providing a solid legal guarantee for maintaining the constitutional order of the Special Administrative Region and ensuring the stability and long-term implementation of the principle of “one country, two systems.” Legislation related to Hong Kong by the National People’s Congress is a fulfillment of the responsibilities granted by the Constitution and the Basic Law and should be viewed from the perspective of implementing the Constitution.

In December of last year, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the current Constitution, General Secretary Xi Jinping published an important article, comprehensively reviewing the historical achievements of China’s constitutional system construction and implementation, summarizing the regular understanding of China’s constitutional system construction, and proposing the overall requirements and key tasks for the comprehensive implementation of the Constitution in the new era. This includes: strengthening the comprehensive leadership of the Party in constitutional work, giving full play to the core role of the Constitution in legislation, improving the institutional system to ensure the comprehensive implementation of the Constitution, promoting the standardization and proceduralization of constitutional supervision, enhancing the capacity and quality of constitutional review and filing, implementing the constitutional interpretation procedure mechanism, and strengthening constitutional theoretical research and education. We must deeply study and comprehend these requirements, strengthen our constitutional consciousness, fulfill the mission of the Constitution, and work hard to write a new chapter in the practice of the Constitution in China in the new era.

The second key task is to accelerate the improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics to promote development and ensure good governance. The General Secretary attaches great importance to legislative work, making important statements and instructions on multiple occasions, personally researching and promoting major legislation. The General Secretary’s requirements for legislation mainly focus on the following aspects.

First, strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party in legislative work. It is emphasized to strengthen the leadership of the Party in legislative work, improve the decision-making procedures for major issues in legislative work, report to the Party Central Committee for discussion and decision on legislation involving major institutional and policy adjustments. The Party Central Committee proposes amendments to the Constitution to the National People’s Congress in accordance with the procedures specified in the Constitution for constitutional amendments. Major issues related to the formulation and amendment of laws are reported by the Party Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress to the Party Central Committee. In 2016, the Party Central Committee issued opinions on strengthening the Party’s leadership in legislative work. The Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau discusses major legislative matters every year. After the 19th National Congress of the Party, the Party Central Committee established the Comprehensive Law-Based Governance Committee to improve the system and working mechanism of the Party’s leadership in the comprehensive law-based governance, and strengthen the Party Central Committee’s leadership in legislative work.

Second, play the guiding and driving role of legislation. The General Secretary pointed out that comprehensive law-based governance must first have laws to rely on, adhere to the priority of legislation, and play the guiding and driving role of legislation. The General Secretary metaphorically likened reform and the rule of law to “the two wings of a bird and the two wheels of a car,” emphasizing the need to better integrate decision-making on reform and development with decision-making on legislation. This involves deepening reform and improving the rule of law through legislation, ensuring that various fields of reform and innovation are supported by a more perfect legal framework, and ensuring that the development of the country and major reforms are based on the rule of law.

Third,  focus on improving the quality of legislation. The General Secretary pointed out that the expectations of the people for legislation are no longer about whether it exists or not, but about whether it is good, effective, and able to solve practical problems. Not all laws can govern a country, and not all laws can govern a country well. The emphasis on the rule of law requires an improvement in the quality of legislation. The General Secretary stressed, “Development needs high-quality legislation, and legislation also needs high quality. To ensure and promote sustained and healthy economic development through high-quality legislation.” Addressing the tendency toward departmentalization and the phenomenon of power struggles and scapegoating in legislative work, the General Secretary emphasized, “All relevant parties should view legislative work from the perspective of the overall situation of the Party and the country, not be confined to their own so-called interests, and not interfere with legislative work because of this. We must understand that even if the overall interests of the country and the people are small, they are big, and the local interests of departments and industries are small, they are small.”

Fourth,  clarify the focus areas and main tasks of legislation. General Secretary Xi Jinping has proposed strengthening legislation in key areas, emerging fields, and areas involving foreign affairs. It is essential to establish a legal system that urgently addresses the needs of national governance, meets the increasing aspirations of the people for a better life, and safeguards the legal system necessary for national security. Faced with the accelerating evolution of a global situation unseen in a century and the increasingly severe and complex international environment, General Secretary Xi emphasizes the need to coordinate the development of domestic and foreign legal systems, integrate development and security, and promote the construction of a legal system applicable beyond China’s borders. This approach aims to effectively respond to challenges, prevent risks, and safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

Fifth,  leverage the leading role of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and its Standing Committee in legislative work. General Secretary Xi calls for the improvement of the pattern of party leadership, NPC dominance, government support, and multi-party participation in legislative work. It is essential to optimize the allocation of legislative powers, empower the NPC and its Standing Committee to play a leading role in legislative work, enhance the mechanisms for legislation drafting, argumentation, coordination, and deliberation, and improve the voting procedures for legal drafts. In practice, the leading role of the NPC is mainly reflected in maintaining leadership under the party, formulating legislative plans and tasks, leading the drafting of comprehensive and fundamental laws by NPC specialized committees and working committees, intervening early in laws drafted by other departments, and ensuring effective coordination to prevent the legalization of departmental interests and local protectionism. This helps consolidate consensus, make scientifically informed decisions, and improve the quality of legislation.

Sixth, insist upon scientific, democratic, and lawful legislation. General Secretary Xi emphasizes that the core of scientific legislation lies in respecting and reflecting objective laws, democratic legislation focuses on serving the people and relying on the people, and lawful legislation centers on strictly following statutory powers and procedures. It is necessary to adhere to a systematic view, coordinate legislative reforms, abolish, interpret, and compile comprehensively. This includes perfecting the systems of laws, administrative regulations, supervisory regulations, and local regulations, enhancing the systematic, holistic, coordinated, and timely nature of the legislative system, making the legal system more scientifically sound and unified. Over the years, the NPC and its Standing Committee have established effective mechanisms and practices in scientific, democratic, and lawful legislation. This includes extensive solicitation of legislative projects when formulating legislative plans, developing special plans for legislative revisions, establishing specialized task forces for legislative work, conducting legislative research, discussions, arguments, evaluations, publicly soliciting opinions on legal drafts, setting up grassroots legislative contact points, and emphasizing the role of NPC deputies in legislative work.

The third key task is to effectively use the supervisory powers granted to the NPC by the Constitution, implementing correct, effective, and lawful supervision. General Secretary Xi points out that the important principles of the People’s Congress system and the basic requirements of its institutional design are that the power of any state organ and its staff should be subject to supervision and restraint. He emphasizes the need to better leverage the important role of NPC supervision in the party and state supervision system, allowing the people to supervise power, letting power operate in the sunlight, using the institutional cage to control power, and using the reins of the rule of law to manage power. The purpose of NPC supervision, as stated by General Secretary Xi, is to “maintain the unity, dignity, and authority of the country’s legal system, ensure the effective implementation of laws and regulations, and ensure that administrative, supervisory, judicial, and prosecutorial powers are exercised correctly in accordance with the law.”

General Secretary Xi explicitly requires the NPC to “exercise the supervisory powers granted by the Constitution and laws, implement correct, effective, and lawful supervision.” In my understanding, correct supervision is crucial for upholding the leadership of the party, determining the role of the NPC in supervision, and handling the relationship between the NPC and the “one government, one committee, two houses” system appropriately. It is necessary to exercise the supervisory powers granted by the Constitution and laws, while avoiding overstepping boundaries or assuming others’ duties, truly forming a collaborative effort. Effective supervision is contingent on identifying the right entry points and breakthroughs, genuinely solving problems, advancing work, and perfecting systems. As General Secretary Xi pointed out, “Uphold focusing on the Center, serving the overall situation, highlighting key points, focusing on the major decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee, focusing on what the people think, hope, and wish, and promoting the resolution of prominent contradictions and problems that restrict economic and social development.” Lawful supervision involves supervising in accordance with statutory responsibilities, within statutory limits, and following statutory procedures. It entails the comprehensive use of statutory supervision methods to propel state organs to fulfill their responsibilities and conduct work within the scope defined by the Constitution and laws.

General Secretary Xi and the Central Committee have assigned new responsibilities to the NPC in the areas of budget review supervision and state-owned asset management supervision. They continuously deepen and expand the work of NPC supervision. The Central Committee has issued guiding opinions on key areas of budget review supervision, expanding policies, improving the reporting mechanism from the State Council to the NPC Standing Committee on outstanding issues discovered through audits, establishing a system for the State Council to report on state-owned asset management to the NPC Standing Committee, and strengthening the oversight of local people’s congresses on government debt. Implementing the requirements and decisions of General Secretary Xi and the Central Committee, the work of NPC budget review supervision and state-owned asset management supervision has been thoroughly promoted, playing an important role in managing the people’s “wallet” and commonwealth.

General Secretary Xi proposes to improve the supervision system of the NPC over administrative organs, supervisory organs, judicial organs, and procuratorial organs. Amending the Supervision Law has been included in this year’s legislative work plan.

The fourth task is to fully leverage the role of NPC deputies to respond to the people’s calls and fulfill their responsibilities. General Secretary Xi points out, “The reason why the People’s Congress system has strong vitality and remarkable advantages is crucially rooted in the people.” Fully leveraging the role of NPC deputies has been emphasized by General Secretary Xi since the 18th National Congress. The idea of responding to the calls of the people is put forward by General Secretary Xi and is a significant requirement for the work of the NPC and other state organs. General Secretary Xi deploys the role of NPC deputies in three aspects:

First, requirements for various state organs and their staff. General Secretary Xi states, “Strengthening ties with NPC deputies and the people at all levels of state organs is an inherent requirement of implementing the People’s Congress system, and it is a basic requirement of the people for their elected and appointed representatives.” He emphasizes, “Strengthening ties with NPC deputies and the people is an important aspect of being accountable to the people and subject to the supervision of the people. Listen to the opinions and suggestions of NPC deputies and the people attentively.”

Second, requirements for the NPC Standing Committees at all levels. General Secretary Xi proposes, “Improve the mechanism for members of the NPC Standing Committees at all levels to connect with NPC deputies, facilitate the smooth flow of social sentiment, and reflect and express channels.” He emphasizes, “NPC Standing Committees at all levels should enhance the capacity building of deputies, support and guarantee deputies to perform their duties in accordance with the law, making the role of NPC deputies at all levels an important embodiment of the people’s mastery.

In accordance with the deployment of the 19th National Congress of the Party, the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee adopted the “Program for Deepening Reform of Party and State Institutions,” deciding to establish a Deputies’ Work Committee under the NPC Standing Committee. This fully reflects the high regard given by General Secretary Xi and the Central Committee to the work of the NPC and also places higher requirements on the NPC Standing Committee to do well in the work of deputies.

Third, requirements for NPC deputies. General Secretary Xi points out that NPC deputies shoulder the glorious responsibility entrusted by the people and should faithfully represent the interests and will of the people, and participate in the exercise of state power in accordance with the law. “Stabilize political positions, fulfill political responsibilities, strengthen ideological and work style construction, model adherence to the constitution and laws, and be politically insightful.” He emphasizes that deputies should “fully leverage the characteristics and advantages derived from the people, closely connect with the people, serve as a bridge between the party and the state and the people, mobilize positive factors to the maximum extent, resolve negative factors, and demonstrate the style of NPC deputies in the new era.” Regarding deputies’ connection with the masses, General Secretary Xi specifically proposes, “Enrich the content and forms of NPC deputies’ connection with the people, broaden channels of connection, actively respond to social concerns, and better understand the grassroots, gather people’s insights, and benefit the people’s lives.”

The fifth task is to strengthen political awareness in government bodies and enhance the self-construction of the National People’s Congress (NPC). General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that at all levels, the NPC and its Standing Committees should “be politically conscious institutions that consciously adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, ensure that the state power is exercised by the people, comprehensively fulfill the responsibilities conferred by the Constitution and laws, and always maintain close ties with the people.” The positioning and requirements of the “Four Organs” 四个机关  reveal the attributes, status, and mission of the NPC from different perspectives.  

[Note: At the November 2021 working conference of the Central People’s Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “the people’s congresses at all levels and their standing committees should continuously improve their political judgment, political comprehension and political execution, and comprehensively strengthen their self-construction, so that they can become a political organ that consciously adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, an organ of state power that ensures that the people are the masters of their own house, a working organ that comprehensively assumes all the responsibilities conferred on it by the Constitution and laws, and a representative organ that is in close contact with the masses of the people.   End note.]

It is not only the goal and direction for the NPC and its Standing Committees to strengthen their own construction but also the standards and requirements for performing their duties and doing their work effectively. Among the “Four Organs,” 

  • First, its position as a state political organ, requires the NPC to clearly articulate its political stance, firmly adhere to the overall leadership of the party, and consciously implement the party’s leadership throughout all aspects of its work. 
  • Its position as a state power organ requires the NPC to uphold the principle that all state power belongs to the people, support and guarantee that the people exercise their right to be masters of the country throughout the entire process of development. 
  • Its position as a working organ requires the NPC to comprehensively fulfill its statutory responsibilities, promote comprehensive governance according to law, and ensure the orderly advancement of various national undertakings in accordance with the law. 
  • Its position as a representative organ requires the NPC to uphold the supremacy of the people, establish a firm awareness of its purpose, always maintain close ties with the people, conscientiously accept the supervision of the people, and serve the people, exercise its power for the people, and fulfill its duties for the people, consciously accepting the supervision of the people.

Regarding self-construction, General Secretary Xi requires optimizing the composition of the NPC Standing Committee and specialized committees, creating a team for NPC work that is politically firm, serves the people, respects the rule of law, promotes democracy, and is diligent and responsible. He also emphasizes the need to strengthen discipline and work style construction, strictly fulfill statutory responsibilities, adhere to statutory procedures, resolutely prevent formalism and bureaucracy, and improve the practical effectiveness of NPC work.

The sixth task is to strengthen the overall leadership of the party in NPC work. General Secretary Xi pointed out, “The system of the People’s Congress is an important institutional vehicle the Party uses to lead state organs, and it is also an important form for the Party to fully promote democracy and implement the mass line in state power.”  总书记指出,“人民代表大会制度是党领导国家政权机关的重要制度载体,也是党在国家政权中充分发扬民主、贯彻群众路线的重要实现形式。”General Secretary Xi makes clear requirements for party committees at all levels: place NPC work in an important position, improve the institutional mechanisms for party leadership in NPC work, regularly listen to reports on the work of the NPC Standing Committee party group, study and solve major issues in NPC work, etc. Support the NPC and its Standing Committee in exercising their powers and carrying out their work in accordance with the law, guide and supervise the “one government, one committee, two houses” to conscientiously accept NPC supervision. Strengthen the construction of the leadership team of the NPC Standing Committee and the work team.

General Secretary Xi has given important instructions multiple times on the NPC’s adherence to the party’s overall leadership. He requires party groups of NPC Standing Committees at all levels to conscientiously implement various systems of the party’s leadership and fulfill the main responsibility for strict party governance. He requires the NPC to clearly articulate its political stance, faithfully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and embody the adherence to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party in all aspects and throughout the entire process of work. In practice, NPC work should be planned and promoted around the overall situation of the party and the country, ensuring that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the corresponding party committees at the same level are implemented. Strictly implement the reporting system to ensure that all NPC work is carried out under the leadership of the party. Strengthen the construction of the party within the NPC to ensure that the party’s leadership is fully, systematically, and integrally implemented in all aspects of NPC work throughout the entire process.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on adhering to and improving the system of the People’s Congress are essential subjects and basic skills for NPC comrades. We must comprehensively and systematically continue to study and implement this important ideology, placing it in the scientific system of Xi Jinping’s Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New Era and combining it with Xi Jinping’s Thought on the rule of law. We must also combine it with the functions, responsibilities, and work done by the NPC, enhance our sense of duty and mission, and improve our capabilities and skills. We should closely focus on fully implementing the spirit of the 19th Party Congress and do well in the work of the NPC in the new era, making new contributions to adhering to and improving the system of the People’s Congress.


更新日期: 2023-08-02


宋 锐

来源: 中国人大网  

2023年04月28日 16:18:30





















































About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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