2023: The Tragic Fate of the Young Historian Shen Yuan

Shen Yuan was one of the “ten authorities in history” “历史学界十大权威” during the Cultural Revolution who must be defeated. This article from Yibao website makes me think about the campaign over the past several years against “historical nihilism” a label for historians and others who differ from the Party-approved version of history.

He Yuhuai: The Tragedy of a Young Genius — The Tragic Fate of the Young Historian Shen Yuan

何与怀 | 一位天才青年的悲剧——青年史学家沈元的悲惨无助的命运

Apr 14, 2023

Shen Yuan’s posthumous photo

On April 18, 1970, Shen Yuan was executed by firing squad in Beijing. During the Cultural Revolution, there were uncountable thinkers, famous and unknown, who were tragically killed. Shen Yuan, perhaps, was different from those martyrs who were killed such as Lin Zhaoge, Mian Luoque, Zhang Zhixin and Wang Shenyou. Shen Yuan’s case however people felt was especially tragic. It made a deep impression on many people.


On April 18, 1970, Shen Yuan was executed by firing squad in Beijing.

The day before, according to the recollection of those who were present, a “public trial meeting” was held at the Beijing Workers’ Stadium. At a shout, more than twenty people were escorted to the court and stood in a row in front of the stage. Although it was called a “public trial conference”, there was no public prosecution, and of course no defense was allowed, only a verdict, and almost all of them were sentenced to death. Twenty or so, one by one, upon hearing the verdict, they all fell to the ground. At the end of the conference, all the other people who were sentenced to death were dragged out, but this person was the only one who walked out of the conference hall by himself. When he reached the execution ground, this man shouted, “I still have a major problem to confess!” The executioners took him back. But in fact, this person did not give up any “major problems”, and the next day was taken to the execution ground …….

At the same time, the Military Control Committee of the Beijing Municipal “Public Prosecutor’s Office” (short for Public Security, Procuratorate, and Court, which were merged into one during the Cultural Revolution and controlled by the military) issued a bulletin that read as follows:

Shen Yuan, a 32-year-old man from Zhejiang Province, is a rightist, a trainee researcher at the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a counterrevolutionary traitor. His mother is a rightist and his brother has been sentenced for counter-revolutionary crimes. He attempted to commit treason and defect to the enemy. On September 1, 1968, he broke into a foreign embassy in China, dressed as a black man, and spread a lot of reactionary remarks, viciously attacking our Party and the socialist system and slandering the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

Disguising himself as a black man? Breaking into a foreign embassy in China? That would have been too stupid, too dramatic, too unlikely to succeed, too mind-boggling in those days. But it’s true, although there are discrepancies in the specific circumstances. As the story goes, on that day, Shen Yuan bought a box of oil paint, smeared it on his face and pretended to be a black man, and tried to break into the embassy of an African country in China to apply for political asylum and ask for help to leave China. According to Guo Luoji, Shen Yuan was dressed as a black man and broke into the Soviet Embassy in China twice. The first time was in August 1968, carrying so-called “confidential documents”, but the Soviets did not take him seriously and did not admit him; the second time was on September 1 of the same year, when he was arrested without breaking in. The guard at the door pulled Shen Yuan to a halt, and the oil paint on his hands was wiped off, and he was found to be a fake black man, so he was arrested on the spot.

Shen Yuan was destined to die. He happened to come across the instruction of Mao Zedong on January 31, 1970 to “follow the instructions” issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on combating counter-revolutionary activities – and encountered the “severe crackdown”. By “crackdown”, it means to punish certain “criminals” from time to time in the form of political campaigns, especially “quickly and severely” according to political needs. This document, numbered “Zhong Fa [1970] No. 4”, instructed that:

The Soviet revisionists are intensifying their collaboration with the U.S. imperialists and plotting to launch a war of aggression against us; the domestic counter-revolutionary elements are also taking advantage of this opportunity and echoing it, which is a new trend worth noting in the current class struggle. This small group of counter-revolutionary elements is trying to restore their lost paradise by relying on the force of the empire, the revisionists and the rebels, and intensify their sabotage activities. Some are spreading war terror and disinformation; some are stealing state secrets and serving the enemy; some are taking advantage of the opportunity to overturn cases and disobey controls; some are secretly conspiring and plotting riots; some are embezzling and stealing, speculating and destroying the socialist economy; some are sabotaging the sending down to the countryside of young people and their insertion [Translator’s note: sending urban educated youth “to the mountains and going to the countryside” ] into People’s Commune production brigades and the sending of Party and government cadres and intellectuals to factories and villages to do manual labor.

The Beijing Municipal Public Law and Military Control Commission of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) issued three circulars on January 9, February 11, and March 24, 1970, regarding the “publication of criminal cases for discussion. This is the front page of the February 11 Notice.

Translation below.

Supreme Instruction

Resolutely suppress all counter-revolutionary elements and greatly consolidate our revolutionary dictatorship so that the revolution can be carried through to the end and the goal of building a great socialist state can be achieved.

In order to safeguard social order and the interests of the people, the dictatorship must also be exercised over thieves, swindlers, murderers and arsonists, hooligan groups and all kinds of bad elements that seriously disrupt social order.

Circular Notice

In order to strengthen the dictatorship over a small group of counterrevolutionary forces, to crack down on the existing counterrevolutionary and destructive activities, and to further improve the revolutionary order in the capital, a number of existing counterrevolutionaries have recently been sentenced again. The materials on the cases of fifty-five criminals, including Gu Wenxuan, are hereby sent to all units, requesting revolutionary committees at all levels, workers, and the Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team of the People’s Liberation Army to organize serious discussions among the revolutionary masses, put forward their opinions on handling the cases, and report them to the Municipal Public Law and Military Control Commission. This material is for internal discussion only and is not to be posted.

Beijing Municipal Public Law and Military Control Committee of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army

February 11, 1970

According to Mao Zedong’s instructions, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) launched the horrific “One Strike, Three Oppositions” campaign during the year. In order to set a “model” for the campaign, the Beijing municipal authorities held three public trials and public sentences from late January to mid-April, with tens to hundreds of thousands of participants, to sentence and execute the so-called “counter-revolutionary” criminals. In order to prepare for the public trials and sentences and to create public opinion, the executive unit, the Beijing Municipal Public Law Military Control Committee of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), issued three circulars on January 9, February 11, and March 24, 1970, to “publish the cases of criminals for discussion. On January 9, February 11, and March 24, 1970, the Beijing Municipal Public Law and Military Control Commission issued three “notices” for “discussion by the revolutionary public” and “opinions on sentencing”. All those executed in that year were on the list attached to this Notice. However, Shen Yuan was on this list twice in succession. The first time was on February 11, 1970, and the second time was on March 24, a month or so later. Not only in Beijing, but also in the whole country, Shen Yuan was the only person who had been on such a list twice.

Translation below
  1. Counter-revolutionary traitor Yuan, male, 32 years old, a native of Zhejiang Province was caught red-handed. Yuan comes from a family of so-called officials. He is a rightist, and a research intern at the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His mother was a rightist.

Shen wrote a lot of reactionary articles, actively planned to defect to the enemy, and on September 1, 1968, disguised as a black man, defected to a foreign embassy in China, spread a lot of reactionary remarks, and viciously attacked our Party and the socialist system and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. [Handwritten notation] Condemned to death ….

  1. Counter-revolutionary traitor Dong Fengchun, male, 35 years old, native of Liaoning Province was caught red-handed. Dong is a landlord by birth, a rightist, and an assistant technician at the former Haihe Survey and Design Institute of the Ministry of Hydropower. His father and mother were both landlords.

On August 12, 1966, Dong crossed the border, betrayed important political information, and viciously attacked the socialist system of China. Later he was brought back to China. [Handwritten notation] Condemned to death by execution.

Translation below
  1. The counter-revolutionary traitor Shen Yuan, male, 32 years old, from Zhejiang Province was caught red-handed. Shen is a phony official, a rightist, and an intern researcher at the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His mother was a rightist, and his brother was sentenced for counterrevolutionary crimes.

Shen persisted in his reactionary stance, wrote a lot of reactionary articles and made a lot of counter-revolutionary arguments. He attempted to defect to the enemy. On September 1, 1968, he disguised himself as a black man and entered a foreign embassy where he spread a great deal of counter-revolutionary talk, viciously attacking our country’s socialist system and slandering the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

  1. The counterrevolutionary criminal Jin Youzhong, male, fifty-two years old from he Hebei Province, is a capitalist by birth. His former occupation was staff worker. He did odd jobs at the Beijing quilt factory. He was sentenced to prison for embezzlement.

Prisoner Jin is extremely reactionary. Since 1954 he has been spread a lot of reactionary talk, making vicious attacks against China’s socialist system and the Three Red Flags. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution…

On two occasions, Shen Yuan was given “notices” for “discussion among the revolutionary masses” and “opinions on execution”. All of those executed in 1970 were given such notices.

In this terror-filled socio-political environment, Shen Yuan, a weak-willed scholar, was included in the list of those who “did all kinds of evil things and did great harm” and was sentenced to death for “counter-revolutionary crimes”. He was summarily executed under the severe “dictatorship of the proletariat”. He was sentenced to death for “counter-revolutionary crimes” and died under the gun of “dictatorship of the proletariat”.

The execution ground where Shen Yuan was shot.


Shen Yuan tried twice to save himself. However he was also too ignorant. He was just a very ordinary person, in the lower strata of society. Supposedly he “possessed confidential materials”, but nothing more than a few Red Guard newspaper. He had nothing, no information at all to sell, nothing. So what value could he have been to anyone? Why should they take him in? Why should the other side endure a diplomatic storm for his sake? In the case of Shen Yuan, to get such a heavy sentence, there should have been some evidence that he betrayed intelligence information and so on. This is just judicial common sense. That there was none did not not reduce his guilt in any way. This constitutes “treason and defecting to the enemy”, of course, he “deserved to die”.

Why would a scholar like Shen Yuan, who was so nerdy, choose to dress up as a black man and flee into a foreign embassy as a path of no return? This should be a very shallow question, but we still have to ask it, and keep asking it! When Yu Jie commented on this event almost forty years ago, he thought of the “performance art” that many people in mainland China are interested in today, and said that if this is a kind of “performance art”, it is enough to make all the performance artists in China today drop their jaws. It is a kind of “performance art” that would make all the performance artists in China today stand in awe. Of course, such a life-threatening event is never the result of artistic inspiration! Anyone can imagine that Shen Yuan must have gone through a painful struggle in his soul before making this decision! Besides, Shen Yuan was such a person – it was clear from his words and deeds that he was full of deep love, full of simple love, for his Chinese compatriots, for China, for Chinese civilization and for Chinese history.

At that time, Shen Yuan was really persecuted to the point of no return. There was just no escape for him. He had just gotten married, and the young couple had just started their days. His wife was his cousin, beautiful, pure and wise, and his childhood sweetheart. They were living with relatives, but when the Red Guard movement came, they were swept away and forced to constantly hide. Their workplace did not accept them, so they could not even get housing allocated to them. Shen Yuan asked his sister, who lived in Hangzhou, for help, but she was already too busy to take care of herself, so how could she make things even worse by accepting a “counter-revolutionary” into her home? The pain of being abandoned by friends and relatives, the desperation of not having anyone to call upon under the sky and upon the earth, is something that people who have not experienced the horrors of the Cultural Revolution can hardly understand. Even a mole cricket has to cherish life, let alone a young man with a spiritual life! As long as there is a little way out, as long as there is a star of hope, how could Shen Yuan have been so stupid as to embark on this almost doomed road to death?

How unwilling he was to end his life here. Even when he was being taken to the execution ground, if others had been desperate, he was still using his incredible resourcefulness to seek a chance to escape from death – his mind must have flashed through the various dynasties of history, “Save a man by the sword! The story, to live another day, an hour, even a minute, waiting for someone to shout out such a sentence. Very unfortunately, all that remains of Shen Yuan today is just a thought. But his last effort to survive was simply amazing, truly something that would make the ghosts and spirits weep!


Let’s start from the moment of excitement that Shen Yuan once had.

In 1955, at the age of 17, Shen Yuan passed the entrance examination for the history department of Peking University. In a country with so many students apply for university, this was an outstanding achievement. Guo Luoji, Shen Yuan’s classmate in the history department of Peking University at that time, recalled that Shen Yuan was a student of exceptional talent. Or rather, he combined genius with diligence. During his studies at Peking University, as he said in a letter to his teacher, he rarely rested. There were large numbers of reference books to read and notes to copy out. He ran to the library as soon as he finished each class, and after each meal he rushed to wait for the doors to open, otherwise he could not get a seat. “Once he entered the library, it was as if an old cow had reached the pasture”, a metaphor that vividly reproduced his study life back then. Shen Yuan told his classmates, “We are the future Fan Wenlan, Guo Moruo, and Jian Bozan.” He was a Marxist historian, a man of high ambition and high aspirations. (See Guo Luoji, “A Talented Man, Born in an Era of Talent Destruction – A Lament for Shen Yuan,” online article)

While working diligently as a determined, very scholarly student in the history department of Peking University, the bookish Shen Yuan suffered a catastrophe because of an unfortunate act that violated the rules of heaven – out of curiosity and because of his intelligence and childishness, he translated and discussed Khrushchev’s “secret report” against Stalin. report” against Stalin. Guo Luoji recalls that Shen Yuan found the report to contain many important issues and opinions, the most profound of which were two points that caused him to ponder deeply and discuss with his classmates.

The leak of Khrushchev’s secret report had been widely reported in the West.

First, how was Stalin able to hold the power of life and death? Why was he able to conceal his bad deeds for a long time? Khrushchev only attributed it to the cult of the individual, while Shen Yuan said bluntly – “fundamentally this is really a problem of the system”.

Second, why are the facts revealed in Khrushchev’s secret report not found in the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks)  and in the History of the Soviet Union? Is that kind of history still a credible history? Shen Yuan asks: Why can’t the historians of the feudal dynasties of China write credible histories? Those who study and research history are, of course, particularly interested in how history is written. The question raised by Shen Yuan led to a lively discussion, and everyone could not help but think of their own mission: what kind of historian will they be in the future? Who will carry on the tradition of the Grand Historian Sima Qian?

During the 1957 Anti-Rightist Campaign, when Peking University was classified as rightist by the relatively high percentage of rightists there, Shen Yuan, who was devoted to his studies and buried deeply in his books, was branded as a “rightist” because he did not actively participate in the Party organization and because he argued with some radical Party members. His superiors even thought that “he had long been a rightist” and decided that the slogans he and his classmates posted outside the history department’s dormitory and the wall newspaper “Quasi-Fun Monthly” [Translator’s note: named after Lu Xun’s essay collection of the 1930s] were attacks on the Party. They even went back to attack his translation of Khrushchev’s secret reports and his comments on it, accusing him of “vicious attacks on the socialist era”. “This went even further – to characterize him as being on the “far-right”.

In that year, Shen Yuan was nineteen years old, just the right age to be vigorous. The following year, Shen Yuan was expelled from school and sent to the countryside for three years of reform through labor. This was a turning point in his very short life.


In 1961, Shen Yuan returned to Beijing after his classification as a rightist was canceled. Fortunately, Shen Yuan’s aunt and uncle, who were high-ranking intellectuals at the time, were particularly fond of him and allowed him to live in their home in the east of Beijing. What made Shen Yuan special was that he studied behind closed doors. He paid no attention to what was going on outside the window, and devoted himself to the study of history, and actually has some surprising accomplishments.

In 1962, Shen Yuan was recommended by his aunt’s parents to their acquaintance Liu Guosheng, deputy director of the Department of Social Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Liu was in charge of the Institute of Modern History, and he knew that the historian Li Shu was looking for an assistant at that time, so he recommended Shen Yuan to Li Shu’s tutelage. It is said that Liu Guosheng asked Li Shu, “Don’t you want someone? Do you want a right-winger?” Liu handed him nine articles written by Shen Yuan. After reading them, Li Shu was overjoyed and said to himself, “This is the assistant I am looking for.” At that time, Shen Yuan was an unemployed youth without a work unit. Li Shu asked the Public Security Bureau for his file. He said, “Isn’t he just a rightist? What’s the big deal about that?” Then he decided to hire Shen Yuan as a trainee researcher. (See Guo Luoji, “Mourning Shen Yuan”郭罗基,〈哀沈元〉)

Liu Guosheng and Li Shu were both courageous leaders who loved and cherished talents. However, Shen Yuan was transferred to the Institute of Modern History of the Ministry of Social Science, mainly because it was during the adjustment period of the three-year difficulties, when Mao’s ultra-leftist practices were more or less criticized, and the policy toward intellectuals was relatively relaxed for a while. Otherwise, according to the personnel rules of the Communist Party, an expelled rightist student could not be transferred to the highest research institution even if his hat was removed.

Li Shu, who was also the editor-in-chief of the academic journal Historical Studies in Beijing at the time, selected among nine articles by Shen Yuan, “On Han Shiyu’s “The Book of Urgent Instructions,” 论汉史游的《急就篇》and published it in Historical Studies, No. 3, 1962 《历史研究》1962年第3期. This is a scholarly paper on the socio-cultural study of the Han Dynasty’s children’s enlightenment book, The Book of Urgent Instructions. According to scholars in this field, this article shows the author’s profound knowledge of history, phonetics and phonology and his novel perspective, which is a refreshing spring breeze amidst the prevailing national discourse of class struggle; the article also features historical materialism in analyzing social thought from economic life. It is a good piece of work in both national and Marxist historiography. It caused an instant sensation in the historiography of mainland China. Guo Moruo exclaimed, “This article is well written.” He even said, “I could not have written such an article.” Fan Wenlan said, “At least it is better than mine.” Zhou Yutong of Fudan University was so excited when he talked about Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan’s “On Han Shiyu’s ‘The Book of Urgent Compliments'” was published in Historical Studies, No. 3, 1962.

Soon after Shen Yuan came to the Institute, the first issue of Historical Studies in 1963 published his full-length article of more than 50,000 words, “Hong Xiuquan and the Taiping Revolution” 1963年第1期《历史研究》又发表他全文五万多字的长篇文章〈洪秀全与太平天国革命〉. On February 12 of the same year, the People’s Daily devoted a full page to his article “On Hong Xiuquan” (i.e., a compressed version of the previous article of 10,000 words)1963年2月12日,《人民日报》用一整版刊载他的〈论洪秀全〉. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the People’s Daily had never published an academic article on a full page. Shen Yuan received such this favorable treatment and it won him a lot of applause. Shen Yuan’s article was not only valued by the academic community, but also appreciated by Deng Tuo, the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee 1958年,邓拓调任中共北京市委书记处书记 [Translator’s note: and People’s Daily editor. A qq.com article about Deng Tuo celebrates the achievements of Deng Tuo but doesn’t mention that he had been the chief editor of People’s Daily, was criticized, and committed suicide during the Cultural Revolution. Some things still best left unsaid. End note.] . Thus, it caused another sensation in the academic world. At one time, from the north to the south of the scholars, everyone competed to say Shen Yuan, thus deriving the “Shen Yuan Road”. For a time, it seemed that the path of Shen Yuan had been supported from above and Shen Yuan’s fate seemed to have turned around.


However, at that time, insiders knew that there was a killing machine behind the so-called “turnaround”. Shen Yuan showed his talent, realized his ambition, and made his debut, impressing the authorities in Chinese history, but he also attracted jealousy.

The phrase “Shen Yuan’s path” came from Peking University. Soon, research institutions and colleges and universities were talking about the rightist star, and it became a “Shen Yuan incident” for a while. Some people in the history department of Peking University went on to charge the Chinese Propaganda Department that Shen Yuan was a rightist, and that by publishing his articles in this way, the press was openly promoting the “white [Note: rightist, counter-revolutionary] and expert” path (i.e., not the “red and expert” advocated by Mao Zedong) and opposing the Party’s education policy. In the Institute of History, opposition was even more vocal. People of the same generation as Shen Yuan had come to the Institute for several years without producing a single article, but Shen Yuan produced several articles a year which time and again made a sensation. This was the most damaging of all. However, once this “Shen Yuan Road” argument spread, the reaction was strong. Zhou Yutong claimed in his classroom that he was “strongly in favor of Shen Yuan’s path”. Li Shu said, “If there are ten Shen Yuan in the study of modern history, the outlook will be radically changed.” However, because of the turbulent currents, the leaders had to suggest that Shen Yuan not use his real name but a pen name to publish his articles. Later, Shen Yuan could not use his real name to publish his articles, and used the pseudonyms of “Zhang Yulou” (from the couplet in Li Shu’s room), “Gao Ziqiang”, “Zeng Wuxiu” and so on.

There is a story about Shen Yuan using a pseudonym. Under the pseudonym of “Zhang Yulou”, he wrote an article entitled “Marxist Class Analysis Method and Historical Research”, which was first published in “Historical Research”. Ding Shouhe, deputy editor-in-chief of Historical Research, sent it to the People’s Daily along with a paper written by Liu Danian, director of the Institute of Modern History, on “Several Issues in Modern History Research”. The People’s Daily, not knowing who “Zhang Yulou” was, used Shen Yuan’s article instead of Liu Danian’s. Shen Yuan’s article was a good example of how to make a difference. However, when some people found out that Shen Yuan was still using his pen name to publish articles, they still did not relent and sued again, even to Mao Zedong, accusing Li Shu and others of “touting the Rightists” and “reusing the Rightists ” (rightists who had had that label removed or rightists). One day, Mao Zedong’s secretary Tian Jiaying called Li Shu and said, “Someone sent Chairman Mao mimeograph materials exposing the ‘Shen Yuan incident. It’s a good thing it passed through my hands. I don’t know how Mao will criticize it when he sees it. Come quickly!” (See Guo Luoji, “Mourning Shen Yuan.”) The Central Propaganda Department also sent someone to investigate and gave instructions to “pay attention to the impact” and never let Shen Yuan publish articles again.

When the “Cultural Revolution” broke out in 1966, Shen Yuan was immediately included among the “ten authorities in history” “历史学界十大权威” to be defeated. He was the youngest of these “authorities”, being only twenty-eight years old at the time, and all the historians on the same list were his teachers. In the following two years, Shen Yuan was continuously criticized and accompanied by fighting, suffering all kinds of insults and losing all his human dignity, and in desperation, the aforementioned incident happened.


Shen Yuan did not commit any heinous crime. After his arrest, Mrs. Shen still held out hope. She told the her mother with whom who was working together digging bomb shelters (at that time, all the people were digging holes to implement Mao Zedong’s supreme instruction of “digging deeper”), “I am determined to wait for him for another seven or eight years, and he will come out and be reunited.” One day, she was called to a mass sentencing meeting, where Shen Yuan was escorted to the stage with other “counter-revolutionaries” and announced to be sentenced to death for treason. Confronting the slogan-shouting crowd, Shen Yuan, his wife and cousin, fainted on the spot.

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, in 1981, there was finally a notice of his political rehabilitation. At that moment, Shen Yuan’s strong mother cried out for the first time since her son’s death: “I want the person, I don’t want paper, I don’t want paper! I sent away a living person, a brilliant, talented son, why now give me a piece of paper? I want a human being! I want the person! ……” There words tore at people’s hearts, her listeners were moved. But the mother could not get her son back – he was killed by another abstract “mother”. This was the sin of a dictatorship!

China is so big, why does it have no room for a Shen Yuan? There is much more to be said about the death of Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan, a Shanghai native, wearing a pair of glasses for his near-sightedness, thin, tall, fair-skinned scholar, from a scholarly family, cultured, shy and few words, somebody who always followed the rules, who never offended anyone, and never hurt anyone. He had just been quietly has only been quietly doing his job. Even when he was in prison, according to the memories of his former cellmates, he was also very well liked. “Although he was sick himself, he still shared his limited rations with others.” “He was very calm, cultivated and learned, and very well-respected.” But such a person as Shen Yuan, long before the “Cultural Revolution”, has made many people jealous because they could not compare with him. He had no grudge against those people, so why were they did that attack him so?

As the title of Guo Luoji’s article “Mourning Shen Yuan” indicates, Shen Yuan was “a talented person born in an era of destruction of talent”. Many years later, Guo Luoji visited Li Shu and Ding Shouhe. In his “Discussing Shen Yuan’s death, Li Shu outlined two reasons: “First, he died because many people were jealous of him. Secondly, he died because of his own ignorance and everyone’s ignorance.” Ding Shouhe, on the other hand, felt deeply guilty that they had “killed” Shen Yuan! He said, “Li Shu and I love talent, and tried every possible way to publish his articles, but we ended up doing him a disservice.” “Publishing his articles over and over again caused jealousy and drove him to his death. Had I known this, I would have been better off not publishing his articles back then.” The concept of “shared jealousy” or “group jealousy” is very profound, according to Guo Luoji. Jealousy is a bad point of individual people, but the common jealousy towards people of talent is a sickness of society. The cause of the sick society is an irrational system (see Guo Luoji, “Mourning Shen Yuan”).

During the “Cultural Revolution” years, when there was a lot of smoke and fire everywhere, Shen Yuan was even more pathetically isolated and helpless. He was forced to a dead end step by step. After his arrest, Shen Yuan’s case was handed over to his colleagues in various institutes of the Academy of Sciences to discuss his case. All those who experienced the Cultural Revolution knew that the purpose of calling the masses to discuss the case and how to sentence the “counter-revolutionaries” was not to ask people to express their opinions, but to intimidate people so that they would not express their opinions and to act as a deterrent. Some people did express their opinions, but they must have said in good conscience that the sentence was too light for someone, never that it was too heavy. At that time, people who knew or did not know Shen Yuan, none dared to come forward to help him say a word, even if they called for a suspended sentence of death. Perhaps some people still feel that Shen Yuan is ridiculous, or even “deserved it”.

This is the wound, sorrow and the shame of an entire generation of intellectuals.

In his essay “Facing the Highly Distinguished Dead,” Liu Zifu painfully dissects his own soul:

More than thirty years later, I still remember Shen Yuan’s name clearly, and the tragic story of a young outstanding scholar who was buried alive and destroyed…….When I think of his tragedy, I first of all think of the absurd years in the past when I was also mad, and I also criticized”rightists”and”counter-revolutionary revisionists ” with a strong voice. “I was also afraid of lagging behind in drawing a clear distinction between myself and “Shen Yuan’s path”and even joining the ranks of those who denounced them. I really felt that I had participated in creating a wrong era and that I was complicit in the murder of Shen Yuan.

People understand that tyranny can be twofold, not only the violent dictatorship of a dictatorship, but also the tyranny of the majority imposed by a dictatorially ignorant population. The Shen Yuan case provides a sad specimen of the vileness of human nature and the evil of the system.

When Guo Luoji, a classmate of Shen Yuan’s in the history department of Peking University, visited his family in Sydney in 2012, the author of this article met with him and presented him with a book entitled “Looking North at the Long Sky”.

(This article was originally part of the author’s long essay “They made all the survivors lose weight. …… – A Tribute to the Thinkers Killed in the Cultural Revolution”. It was originally published in my book “Looking North at the Long Sky” (Taipei, Xiuwei, November 2008) on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Cultural Revolution in May 2006, but has later revised.)

[Please add the source and link: https: //yibaochina.com/?p=250041 ]

[The author’s views do not represent the position of the Journal]

何与怀 | 一位天才青年的悲剧——青年史学家沈元的悲惨无助的命运

Apr 14, 2023


















































About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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