2020: Xi Jinping to Politburo Collective Study Session on Chinese Archaeology

China  Books Review November 30, 2023 article The Bones Remember by Yangyang Cheng pointed out that Xi Jinping in a talk to the Chinese Communist Party Politburo Collective Study Session doubled down on the depth of China’s ancient past. Xi Jinping said “The latest results of archaeological research show that China is the homeland of Eastern Humanity. China ranks together with Africa as the locales for the earliest origin of humanity. 最新考古成果表明,我国是东方人类的故乡,同非洲并列人类起源最早之地。That may be a bit over the top.

Just as every Chinese dynasty re-invents Confucius in its own image (a generation of two after hating him when they were usurpers fighting the Establishment of the previous dynasty!), to serve its own legitimacy and ambitions, so here history serves politics. As long as it pays the bills for archaeologists doing cool stuff fine. However claims may be pushed to extremes for political purposes somewhere along the lines of Marxist historiography with Chinese characteristics (of course!). Towards the end of his talk to the Politburo, Xi does remind everybody to “Uphold dialectical materialism and historical materialism“.

Chinese archaeology has done important work filling in historical understanding before recorded history and giving a better idea of the multiple civilizations in the Chinese cultural area that contributed to the rise of Chinese civilization. Archaeology has filled in more of the picture of China’s ancient past, along with research by Joseph Needham and others on Chinese scientific and technology achievements and its rich literature and history, have helped make China more self-confident.

China seems to have lacked that to some extent (how very different from the Tang Dynasty in its dealings with Arabs and other foreigners!); in its dealings with foreign countries it carries a chip on its shoulder, beginning with imperialist depredations, yet seemingly exaggerated for political purposes. Nationalism, patriotism and resentments against pesky foreigners are often used by governments to unify and mobilized their countries in the direction the Leader wants to take them. One might wonder that General Secretary Xi Jinping with his endless parade of books entitled “Xi Jinping Thought on X…” may be going to extremes at times.

In 2005, walking on the campus of the Chinese University of Science and Technology in Chengdu, I saw a reminder of that confidence gap — a sign quoting Chinese Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Chen Ning-Yang.

Xi Jinping: Building Archaeology with Chinese characteristics and style to better understand the long-lasting and profound Chinese civilization

November 30, 2020

Source: The Chinese Communist Party ideological journal Seeking Truth  Qiushi 求是

   * This is the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on September 28, 2020 at the 23rd Collective Study Session of the Political Bureau of the 19th Central Committee.

  China is one of the world’s four major ancient civilizations, and the Chinese nation has a long history and a splendid culture that has made great contributions to the progress of human civilization.

  Throughout history, Chinese civilization, with its unique cultural genes and its own course of development, has been rooted on the Chinese soil, interacting with other civilizations in the world, progressing with the times and enjoying a vigorous vitality.

  China’s vast literature records more than 3,000 years of written history. However, before the invention of the oracle bone script, there were more than 1,000 years of civilization in China, and more than a million years of human development that were not recorded in writing. Archaeologists have unearthed remains from ancient times, revealing history to us, and transforming their interpretations and understandings, thereby creating new historical knowledge.

  Archaeology is an important work to show and build the history of the Chinese nation and the treasures of Chinese civilization. Archaeology is indispensable to understanding history. Today China is undergoing extensive and profound social changes, as well as great practical innovations in adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Our practical innovations must be based on the laws of historical development and must travel in the right direction of history. I have repeatedly emphasized that party committees (party groups) and leading cadres at all levels should learn and understand as much as possible about our history. Today, we are holding our Twenty-Third Politburo Collective Study on the topic of China’s latest archaeological discoveries and their significance, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of Chinese civilization, which has a long and profound history, and of strengthening our cultural self-confidence.

On Sept. 22, 2020, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, president of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), presided over a forum of experts in the fields of education, culture, health and sports in Beijing and delivered an important speech, listening to opinions and suggestions on economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Xinhua News Agency, Ju Peng / photo

   I. Fully recognize the great achievements and significance of China’s archaeological work

  Archaeology is a very important discipline. The million-year history of the origin of mankind and the tens of thousands of years of human prehistory and civilization rely mainly on archaeological results for their construction. Even the history of civilization after the existence of written records needs to be referred to, corroborated, enriched and improved through archaeological work. Historical and cultural heritage not only vividly describes the past, but also profoundly affects the present and the future; it belongs not only to us, but also to future generations. Protecting and passing on historical and cultural heritage is responsible for history and the people. We need to strengthen archaeological work and historical research, so that the cultural relics in museums, the heritage on display on the earth, and the texts written in ancient books can all come to life, enriching the nourishment of history and culture for the whole society.

  In 1921, China began investigating the remains of Yangshao culture.  This was the birth of modern archaeology in China, today nearly one hundred years old. After the founding of New China, our Party placed great stress on archaeological work, established and improved the archaeological work system. The ranks of professional archaeologists have been growing, the scale of archaeological projects undertaken has expanded, and important discoveries have been made. The level of academic research and technological development has been improving, significantly raising China’s profile on international discussions about archaeology.  Even during the 1960s and 1970s, China made significant achievements in archaeological work at the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the First Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum, the Han Tomb at Mawangdui, and the Hemudu site.

  After the reform and opening up, China’s archaeological work has entered a period of rapid development. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party Central Committee has put the protection and utilization of historical and cultural heritage in a more prominent position. I have repeatedly put forward requirements on the protection and utilization of historical and cultural heritage, and I have seen a lot of important local historical and cultural heritage during my visits to places. In August last year, I hosted a symposium at the Dunhuang Research Institute and delivered a speech on the protection and research of cultural relics.

From May 11 to 12, 2020, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, president of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), is on a visit to Shanxi. This is the afternoon of May 11, Xi inspected the protection of historical and cultural heritage at the Yungang Grottoes in Datong City. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Bin / photo

  After several generations of archaeologists’ successive struggles, China’s archaeological work has made significant achievements, extended the historical axis, enhanced the historical credibility, enriched the historical connotation, and revitalized the historical scene. To summarize, there are mainly the following aspects.

  First, archaeological discoveries have demonstrated the historical lineage of the origin and development of Chinese civilization. The major achievements of China’s archaeological discoveries confirm the country’s millions of years of human history, 10,000 years of cultural history and 5,000 years of civilization. The latest archaeological results show that China is the homeland of Eastern Humanity. China ranks together with Africa as the locales for the earliest origin of humanity.  最新考古成果表明,我国是东方人类的故乡,同非洲并列人类起源最早之地。

  • Peking Man 北京猿人 man-apes invented artificial fire 500,000 years ago, one of the earliest locales for this discovery in the entire world. 
  • As early as 10,000 years ago, our forefathers planted corn and rice, and the origins of agriculture in China is of equal antiquity as in North Africa and West Asia.
  • China’s invention and discovery of musical instruments, canoes, water conservancy facilities, and astronomy, etc., are the earliest in the world, or one of the earliest. 
  • The discovery of musical instruments, canoes, water facilities, astronomy and other inventions in China is also one of the earliest in the world. 

The archaeological results also illustrate the formation and development process of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization as one, one family and one country, and reveal the values on which Chinese society relies to survive and develop and the cultural genes of the Chinese nation that are used daily without being aware of them. These major achievements provide us with first-hand materials for better studying the history of Chinese civilization and shaping the historical perception of the entire nation, and are of great political, cultural, social and historical significance.

  Secondly, archaeological discoveries have demonstrated the splendid achievements of Chinese civilization.

The major achievements of China’s archaeological discoveries fully demonstrate that China is at the forefront of the world in the development of ancient civilization in the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages, and that our forefathers achieved amazing results in cultivating crops, domesticating wild animals, seeking medicine, observing astronomy and geography, making tools, creating writing, discovering and inventing science and technology, building villages, creating cities, constructing and governing the country, creating and developing culture and art, and so on.

The Chinese people have made marvelous achievements in various fields, including building villages, creating cities, building and governing nations, and creating and developing culture and art. These major achievements have demonstrated the enterprising spirit of the Chinese people to pioneer and innovate, keep pace with the times, and strive for continuous self-improvement, and are an endless treasure of knowledge, wisdom, and art, as well as an important source of firm cultural self-confidence.

  Thirdly, archaeological discoveries have demonstrated the significant contribution of Chinese civilization to world civilization. Chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has continued uninterrupted since ancient times. For a long time, Chinese civilization has interacted and exchanged ideas with other civilizations of the world, contributing to the world a profound system of thought, rich achievements in science, technology, culture and art, and unique institutional creations, which have profoundly influenced the course of world civilization. 

  • Ancient Chinese agricultural technology,
  • The Four Great Inventions [the compass,gunpowder,papermaking, and printing], as well as 
  • Lacquerware, 
  • Silk, 
  • Porcelain, 
  • Pig iron and steel-making technology, 
  • The County System and 
  • The Imperial Examination System are distinctly original in the history of world civilization. 

These major achievements have demonstrated the outstanding contributions that China has made to the progress of human civilization over the course of its long history, as well as the peaceful character of the Chinese nation, its tolerant nature of accepting all rivers from all corners of the world, and its great power spirit of being one nation under the sun.

  For a long time, China’s archaeological work has made significant progress, and archaeological discoveries have been fruitful. The majority of archaeologists have been working in the field, showing a deep sense of patriotism, firm academic ambition, and a tenacious work style. Here, on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to the majority of archaeologists nationwide!

   II. Improving our archaeological work and historical research

  I have repeatedly emphasized that “cultural self-confidence is a more basic, broader and deeper self-confidence, and a more fundamental, deeper and more enduring strength“, and that “China has firm confidence in its roads, theories and systems, the essence of which is cultural self-confidence based on the inheritance of a civilization of more than 5,000 years “. Archaeological work is an important cultural endeavor, as well as a work of great socio-political significance. Struggles in the field of history and culture will persist for a long time, and we must attach great importance to archaeological work, counter all kinds of distortions and slanders against the history of the Chinese nation with facts, and provide strong support for the promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the enhancement of China’s cultural self-confidence.

   First, we will continue to explore the unknown and reveal China’s origins. China’s ancient history there are many unknown areas, and archaeological work has a long way to go. For example, there are still a lot of gaps in the study of the history of the Xia Dynasty, due to the lack of sufficient written records, and so archaeological discoveries to confirm the credibility of the history is particularly important. Another example, the “Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors” and other prehistoric figures, are they mythical or are they real people? We need archaeological work here too to unravel these mysteries. To implement national projects such as the “Comprehensive Study of the Origin and Early Development of Chinese Civilization“, “Archaeology of China , we need to strengthen the archaeological resources survey and provide needed policy support to research work, and improve the level of archaeological work planning. Overall arrangements should be made around some major historical issues, and efforts should be concentrated on research to achieve new breakthroughs.

[YouTube video on archeology in China

Videos on Chinese Archaeological projects from Chinese Central Television]

On September 29, 2019, the awarding ceremony of State Medals and State Honors of the People’s Republic of China was held in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, president of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), presented the medals to Fan Jinshi, a recipient of the national honorary title of “Outstanding Contributor to Cultural Relics Protection”. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye / photo

   Secondly, we must do a good job of excavating, organizing and interpreting archaeological results. The archaeological community, together with researchers in the fields of economics, law, politics, culture, society, ecology, science and technology, and medicine, should do a good job of researching and interpreting unearthed artifacts and ruins. In this way, they will be able to present the origin and development of our country’s civilization, as well as its significant contributions to humankind, in a clearer and more comprehensive manner. We will need to absorb the latest historiographical research results and make timely improvements to some parts of China’s ancient history, so as to give a complete and accurate account of China’s ancient history and be better history educators.

   Thirdly, we need to: 

  • Improve the protection of historical and cultural heritage sites. Archaeological sites and historical relics are witnesses to history and must be well protected and utilized.
  • Establish a sound system for the management of historical and cultural heritage resources and assets, 
  • Build a large national database of cultural heritage resources, 
  • Strengthen the coordination and guidance of cultural heritage resource census and 
  • Catalogue publication in related fields, 
  • Strengthen technical support and 
  • Guide the participation of society at large in archaeology. 

The protection of historical and cultural heritage should be our top priority. We should also see to it that these cultural resources are rationally utilized so that it can fully play its role in providing public cultural services and meeting the needs of the people’s spiritual and cultural life. 

The protection mechanism for immovable cultural relics should be improved, and the protection and management of cultural relics should be incorporated into the preparation and implementation of territorial spatial planning. The system design and supporting policies of “do archaeology first, before transferring land to other uses” should be formulated, and land where historical and cultural relics may exist should not be used until archaeological surveys, exploration, and excavation have been completed in accordance with the law. 

We must learn about and deeply appreciate the lessons of major cultural heritage disaster accidents at home and abroad, inspect the implementation of the main responsibility, strengthen the hidden dangers, and enhance the protection of historical and cultural heritage. We need to strengthen law enforcement supervision, standardize the reporting process, and crack down on cultural relics crimes.

   Fourthly, archaeological capacity-building and discipline-building should be strengthened. We must 

  • Uphold dialectical materialism and historical materialism, 
  • Conduct in-depth theoretical explorations, including exploring the criteria for identifying human civilization, especially Chinese civilization, in line with historical reality, and strive to build an archaeology with Chinese characteristics, style and style, so as to enhance the influence and discourse of Chinese archaeology in the international archaeological community. 
  • New means and tools provided by science and technology should be utilized to improve the discovery and analysis capabilities of archaeological work and the protection of historical and cultural heritage.
  • Actively cultivate and strengthen the archaeological team, so that more young people will love and devote themselves to the cause of archaeology, so that the cause of archaeology will be succeeded by a large number of talents.

   III. Utilizing the results of archaeological and historical research

  In the course of history, the Chinese nation has developed a great national spirit and an excellent traditional culture, which are the cultural genes of the Chinese nation’s unceasing survival and prosperity, as well as the spiritual force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and should be carried forward in the light of new realities. 

       Through in-depth study of history and strengthening the dissemination of archaeological and historical research results, we should educate and guide cadres and masses, especially young people, to understand the historical lineage of the origin and development of Chinese civilization, the splendid achievements made by Chinese civilization, and its significant contributions to human civilization, so as to continuously enhance national cohesion and national pride.

  We must tell the story of Chinese history to the world. We must make use of our archaeological achievements and historical research results to demonstrate to the international community, through foreign publicity, exchanges and seminars, the vast and profound Chinese civilization. 

        We must make clear the splendid achievements of Chinese civilization and its significant contributions to human civilization, so that the world can learn about the history of China and the spirit of the Chinese nation, thereby deepening the world’s knowledge and understanding of today’s China, and creating an atmosphere of good international public opinion.

  Party committees and governments at all levels should be firmly convinced of their great responsibility for the protection of historical and cultural heritage,  care for and provide moral support for archaeologists, and actively provide support in terms of human, material and financial resources.  By doing these things, Party committee and governments at all levels shall create favorable conditions for archaeological work, for the protection of cultural relics and for historical research.

习近平:建设中国特色中国风格中国气派的考古学 更好认识源远流长博大精深的中华文明

2020-11-30 15:25:25 来源: 《求是》

建设中国特色中国风格中国气派的考古学 更好认识源远流长博大精深的中华文明






  2020年9月22日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在京主持召开教育文化卫生体育领域专家代表座谈会并发表重要讲话,就“十四五”时期经济社会发展听取意见和建议。 新华社记者 鞠鹏/摄





  2020年5月11日至12日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在山西考察。这是5月11日下午,习近平在大同市云冈石窟考察历史文化遗产保护情况。 新华社记者 刘彬/摄









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About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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3 Responses to 2020: Xi Jinping to Politburo Collective Study Session on Chinese Archaeology

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