2023 Lecture to NPC #7: Xi Jinping Thought and Building China’s New Energy System

This is the seventh in a series of seven lectures given to the 170 members of the PRC National People’s Congress Standing Committee. The Standing Committee is the standing legislative body of China; the full 3000-member NPC meets for two weeks every March.

Translations in this series:

In addition to the discussions of Xi Jinping Thought, there is also information on China’s current energy situation, progress and goals in the lecture translated below. Some highlights:

  1. Upholding the priority position of non-fossil energy in energy development, China has promoted the leapfrog development of renewable energy. The national installed capacity of renewable energy power generation has exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts, with hydro, wind, and solar power generation capacities stably ranking first in the world. In 2022, the national renewable energy power generation reached 2.7 trillion kilowatt-hours, with wind and solar power generation exceeding 1 trillion kilowatt-hours.
  2. Significant improvements have been made in the structure of energy consumption, with the proportion of non-fossil energy in the energy consumption structure increasing significantly from 9.7% in 2012 to 17.5% in 2022, and the proportion of coal in the total energy consumption decreasing rapidly from 68.5% in 2012 to 56.2% in 2022.
  3. The accumulated energy intensity has decreased by 26.4%, making it one of the fastest-reducing countries in the world. Energy efficiency improvements and carbon reduction transformations have been continuously promoted in key areas and industries, such as coal-fired power generation, aluminum smelting, and cement, with energy efficiency levels in key areas ranking among the world’s best. 
  4. The energy price mechanism has been continuously improved, with key breakthroughs in the reform of transmission and distribution electricity prices, coal-electricity online prices, and market-oriented reforms for industrial and commercial electricity sales prices. The coal market price formation mechanism has been further innovated and improved, promoting the overall operation of domestic energy prices within a reasonable range, laying a solid foundation for stabilizing prices, stabilizing the economy, and stabilizing the people’s livelihood.
  5. Our country still faces significant pressure in its energy transition. The situation of a heavy industrial structure, a coal-dominated energy structure, and low energy efficiency persists. The proportion of traditional industries in our country remains high, with the secondary industry accounting for about 70% of the total national energy consumption. The task of advancing industrial energy conservation and consumption reduction remains arduous, and there is still considerable room for improvement in energy efficiency. China’s energy structure is characterized by ‘rich in coal, poor in oil, and lacking in gas,’ with coal as the main component, making the transition task challenging.

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Lecture Seven on the Performance and Learning of the 14th National People’s Congress Standing Committee

Update Date: November 3, 2023

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Accelerating the Planning and Construction of a New Energy System




Li Chunlin,  Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission

Source: China National People’s Congress Website 

Chairman, Vice Chairmen, Secretary-General, and Members of the NPC Standing Committee:

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed “accelerating the planning and construction of a new energy system.” This is a new deployment and requirement by the Central Committee of the Party for the high-quality development of energy in the new era and aligns with the strategic decisions to adapt to the overall development and take the initiative in the historical transformation of energy. According to the arrangement, I will mainly report on four aspects around this theme:

  1. Deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourse on energy work

 Comrade Xi Jinping, as the core of the CPC Central Committee, attaches great importance to energy work. Since the 18th Party Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important talks on energy work from the strategic height of national development and security, scientifically answering the major questions of China’s energy transformation and high-quality development, and opening up a new road of energy development with Chinese characteristics. These important talks are an important part of Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and provide strategic guidance, fundamental guidelines and action guidance for promoting energy development in the new era. We must learn and understand the important theses of General Secretary Xi Jinping on energy work, which can be recognized and grasped from the following six aspects:

1.1 The “Four Revolutions and One Cooperation” , a new energy security strategy, leads China to a new stage of high-quality energy development.

In June 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively proposed the “Four Revolutions and One Cooperation” 四个革命、一个合作  sì gè gémìng, yīgè hézuò new energy security strategy during the sixth meeting of the Central Leading Group for Finance and Economics 中央财经领导小组. This strategy includes 

  • promoting the revolution in energy consumption, 
  • restraining unreasonable energy consumption, 
  • promoting the revolution in energy supply, 
  • establishing a diversified supply system, 
  • promoting the revolution in energy technology, 
  • driving industrial upgrading, 
  • promoting the revolution in energy systems, 
  • opening up a fast track for energy development, and 
  • comprehensively strengthening international cooperation to achieve energy security under open conditions. 

The “Four Revolutions and One Cooperation” new energy security strategy is a complete theoretical system that not only points the direction for high-quality energy development but also provides a scientific methodology for promoting energy reform and development in depth. This requires us to adhere to a systemic perspective, comprehensively promote the transformation of energy consumption patterns, build a diversified and clean energy supply system, implement the strategy of innovation-driven development, continuously deepen the reform of the energy system, and actively promote international cooperation in the field of energy to deepen and solidify the new energy security strategy.

[Note: Excerpt from 2019 CITIC Economic Tribute article  “Understand the major energy strategic thinking of “Four Revolutions and One Cooperation” from the perspective of energy capital“   能源资本认识“四个革命、一个合作”的重大能源战略思想    “International energy cooperation: ensuring global supply of energy forms and energy capital circulation: China’s energy dependence on foreign countries is increasing, which is the biggest challenge to energy supply security. Under certain specific time and space conditions, it will become a bottleneck restricting China’s economic and social development. The laws of nature tell us that an isolated system can only maintain its normal operation by opening up to the external system and absorbing more external energy. 

General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed “strengthening international cooperation in all aspects and achieving energy security under open conditions”, which requires China’s energy field to absorb new energy through systematic opening to the outside world, thereby achieving new development and progress.  There are many indicators that tell us if a country is big or strong, but such countries are always an energy country and an energy power. This kind of bigness and strength includes two aspects: supply and consumption. China is the largest energy consumer, and its dependence on foreign energy sources is increasing year by year. We must look at this fact from two aspects: the positive side, the connection with the outside world is getting closer and closer, and energy is continuously absorbed from the external system to maintain the lowest entropy increase; the negative side, once energy security becomes an issue, The country’s overall security has lost its material foundation and source of motivation. Faced with this grim reality, China must strengthen international cooperation in the energy field and mainly solve three major problems: First, solve the problem of sufficient energy supply in China; second, solve the problem of the progress of China’s energy technology; third, solve the problem of building a community with a shared future for mankind. The problem of power source.”  End note]

1.2 “Energy security and safety are the most important concerns of the country” points out the primary issues of China’s energy development.

In July 2023, during an inspection in Jiangsu, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that energy security and safety are crucial to the country and cannot be ignored for a moment, emphasizing that they are “the most important concerns of the country.” In October 2021, during an inspection and investigation at the Shengli Oilfield, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to develop the real economy, stating that we must hold the “rice bowl” of energy in our own hands. The important discourse of the General Secretary profoundly explains the important significance of ensuring the stable supply of energy security for the stable and healthy development of the economy and society under new conditions and reflects a profound consideration of ensuring China’s energy security in the new era, demonstrating a firm will to maintain the security and development of the country. This requires us to adhere to the bottom-line thinking, continuously strengthen the construction of the energy production-supply-storage-sales system, enhance the sustainable and stable supply of energy, and improve the capability of risk control, providing strong energy security for the high-quality development of the economy and society.

1.3 “Upholding the Principle of Putting Making People Central” delineates the essential characteristics of China’s energy development.

Upholding the principle of putting the people at the center is the fundamental starting point and foothold of energy work. In July 2015, during the tenth meeting of the Central Leading Group for Finance and Economics, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that photovoltaic power poverty alleviation achieves two goals at once, both poverty alleviation and the development of new energy, and support should be increased.

In January 2022, when extending warm New Year wishes to people of all ethnic groups nationwide, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to strengthen the responsibility for ensuring the supply of energy for people’s livelihood, ensuring that the people can spend the winter safely and warmly. The important discourse of the General Secretary fully demonstrates the stance and sentiment of people first. This requires us to adhere to securing the bottom line of people’s livelihoods, comprehensively promote the construction of energy use in urban and rural areas, strengthen the regulation of coal, electricity, oil, and gas transportation, and effectively prioritize ensuring and improving the energy use for people’s livelihoods as the primary goal of energy development.

1.4 Adhering to Green and Low-Carbon Development Establishes a Clear Orientation for China’s Energy Transformation

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that green and low-carbon development is the trend, and those who follow it will prosper. He also emphasized that green and low-carbon development is a complex task and a long-term mission for comprehensive transformation of economic and social development. General Secretary Xi’s important discourse reveals the global trend and logic of energy development, summarizes the characteristics, trends, and principles of China’s energy development in the new era, and provides practical guidance. This requires us to firmly follow the path of high-quality development with ecological priorities and low-carbon characteristics, adhere to a holistic approach, coordinate energy transformation and security, handle the complementary, coordinated, and alternative relationships between different energy varieties in different stages of transformation, promote the optimization combination of traditional and new energy, and better support the achievement of carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

1.5  Paying Attention to China’s National Conditions and Resource Endowment Clarifies the Strategic Foundation for China’s Energy Security and Transformation

In September 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Yulin, Shaanxi, that as China’s main energy source, coal must follow the development direction of green and low-carbon, benchmark the tasks of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and rely on the national situation, control the total amount, secure the bottom line, orderly reduce and replace, and promote the transformation and upgrading of coal consumption.

In December 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the Central Economic Work Conference that relying on coal is our basic national condition, and achieving carbon peak must be based on this reality. General Secretary Xi’s important discourse indicates that coal is the “ballast” of China’s energy security, and to do a good job in energy, we must base it on the actual situation where coal is the mainstay, and make good use of coal, which is a stable, economical, and domestically secured source of energy, is of great significance to China’s energy transformation and high-quality economic development. This requires us to further consolidate the security foundation of coal, vigorously promote the clean and efficient utilization of coal, promote the transformation and upgrading of coal consumption, and continuously enhance the stability, security, and sustainability of energy supply.

1.6   Accelerating the Planning and Construction of a New Energy System Establishes the Fundamental Path for China’s High-Quality Energy Development in the New Era

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stated the need to build a clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy system, and further proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system. The new energy system is in line with the new energy security strategy, and it is a new form of systematic reshaping as the energy system evolves and upgrades. General Secretary Xi’s important discourse answers the question of China’s high-quality energy development in the new era, and points out the key tasks and directions for future energy work. This requires us to adapt to new trends and requirements, promote the coordinated and complementary development of fossil energy and non-fossil energy, firmly grasp the essential characteristics of clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy, accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy systems, and provide energy support for high-quality economic development and the promotion of China’s modernization.

II. Great Achievements in China’s Energy Development since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Under the guidance of the “Four Revolutions, One Cooperation” new energy security strategy, China’s energy revolution has made significant progress, ensuring the effective security of energy for over 1.4 billion people, achieving significant achievements in the construction of energy infrastructure, and major breakthroughs in nuclear power and new energy technologies. The vivid practice of the energy revolution in the new era of the past ten years has provided important support for building a well-off society in an all-round way and laid a solid foundation for the comprehensive opening of a socialist modern country. This is mainly reflected in the following five aspects:

2.1 Vigorous Construction of a Diverse Supply System, Significant Enhancement of Energy Supply Guarantee Capacity

Upholding the priority position of non-fossil energy in energy development, China has promoted the leapfrog development of renewable energy. The national installed capacity of renewable energy power generation has exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts, with hydro, wind, and solar power generation capacities stably ranking first in the world. In 2022, the national renewable energy power generation reached 2.7 trillion kilowatt-hours, with wind and solar power generation exceeding 1 trillion kilowatt-hours. 

The assured foundation for fossil energy supply has been further strengthened. Deepening the structural reform of the supply side, the quality of coal supply has continued to improve; vigorously promoting oil and gas exploration and production, stabilizing crude oil production at over 200 million tons, and increasing natural gas production to over 220 billion cubic meters; focusing on the big issue of clean and efficient use of coal, actively promoting the “Three Reforms” 三改联动 of coal-fired power plants:  energy-saving and carbon reduction, flexibility enhancement, and heating plant conversion, with a completed transformation scale exceeding 520 million kilowatts. 

The transmission capacity of energy has significantly increased, and the energy infrastructure network that spans east and west, north and south, urban and rural areas, and is interconnected has been basically completed. At present, China has basically formed an energy supply guarantee system driven by coal, oil, gas, nuclear, and renewable energy, with an energy self-sufficiency rate of over 80%, firmly holding the bottom line of energy security.

2.2  Comprehensive Promotion of Energy Consumption Transformation, Significant Achievements in Energy Efficiency Improvement and Structural Optimization

Deeply implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization 生態文明 ideology, firmly establishing the guideline of energy conservation priority, and promoting the continuous improvement of energy utilization efficiency. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has supported an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3%, sustaining an average economic growth rate of 6.2%. The accumulated energy intensity has decreased by 26.4%, making it one of the fastest-reducing countries in the world. Energy efficiency improvements and carbon reduction transformations have been continuously promoted in key areas and industries, such as coal-fired power generation, aluminum smelting, and cement, with energy efficiency levels in key areas ranking among the world’s best. 

Significant improvements have been made in the structure of energy consumption, with the proportion of non-fossil energy in the energy consumption structure increasing significantly from 9.7% in 2012 to 17.5% in 2022, and the proportion of coal in the total energy consumption decreasing rapidly from 68.5% in 2012 to 56.2% in 2022. In recent years, China’s new energy vehicles have developed rapidly, with production and sales volumes ranking first in the world for eight consecutive years, becoming a prominent highlight of the upgrading of the energy consumption structure. As of the end of September 2023, the stock of new energy vehicles in China reached 18.21 million.

2.3   Playing a Leading Role in Innovation, Rapid Improvement in the Technological Level of Energy Equipment

Persisting in innovation as the primary driving force, fully leveraging the advantages of the new national system, and accelerating the independent development of energy science and technology. China now has a leading global advantage in clean energy technology and equipment. New energy technologies such as wind power and photovoltaics are at the forefront internationally, with photovoltaic cell conversion efficiency breaking world records multiple times. The construction capacity of million-kilowatt-level hydroelectric units is leading globally. 

China has developed independent third-generation large advanced pressurized water nuclear reactor technology, represented by the “Hualong One” and “Guohe One.” A complete clean energy equipment manufacturing industry chain has been established, covering wind power, solar power, hydro power, and nuclear power. New energy technologies, models, and formats are flourishing, and emerging industries such as “Internet +” smart energy, “photovoltaic +” industry, integrated energy systems, and comprehensive energy services continue to emerge. The energy storage industry chain and the hydrogen energy industry chain have formed characteristic advantages, and the energy industry chain is accelerating towards high-end and modernization.

2.4   Deepening Energy System and Mechanism Reform, Fully Releasing the Effectiveness of Energy Governance

Adhering to the combination of effective market and proactive government, continuously deepening market-oriented reforms in key areas and key links. The legal system for energy has been continuously improved, with energy laws and regulations in areas such as coal, electricity, and renewable energy being continuously revised. The level of energy marketization has been comprehensively improved. The construction of a multi-level unified electricity market system has steadily progressed. The oil and gas market system with multiple subjects, multi-channel supply, efficient unified pipeline transportation, and fully competitive downstream sales has been initially formed. 

The reform of the long-term contract system for coal-electricity has been continuously improved, and the national coal trading center has officially started operation. The energy price mechanism has been continuously improved, with key breakthroughs in the reform of transmission and distribution electricity prices, coal-electricity online prices, and market-oriented reforms for industrial and commercial electricity sales prices. The coal market price formation mechanism has been further innovated and improved, promoting the overall operation of domestic energy prices within a reasonable range, laying a solid foundation for stabilizing prices, stabilizing the economy, and stabilizing the people’s livelihood. Significant progress has been made in the fair and open development of the energy market. China’s ranking in the World Bank’s “Getting Electricity” indicator has risen to 12th place globally, entering the “best practices” category.  能源市场化水平全面提升,多层次统一电力市场体系建设稳步推进,上游油气资源多主体多渠道供应、中间统一管网高效集输、下游销售市场充分竞争的油气市场体系初步形成,电煤中长期合同制度不断完善,全国煤炭交易中心正式运营。能源价格机制不断完善,输配电价改革、煤电上网电价改革、工商业销售电价市场化改革迈出关键步伐,煤炭市场价格形成机制进一步创新完善,推动国内能源价格总体运行在合理区间,为稳物价、稳经济、稳民生奠定了坚实基础。能源市场公平开放取得显著进展,世界银行营商环境评价体系中的“获得电力”指标上升至世界第十二位,跻身于“全球最佳实践行列”。

2.5  Comprehensive Strengthening of International Energy Cooperation, Accelerating the Formation of an Open and Win-Win New Energy Pattern

Persisting in unwaveringly advancing high-level opening up and promoting the sustainable development of global energy. China has developed comprehensive energy cooperation relations with countries around the world, conducting extensive exchanges and cooperation in energy trade, investment, production capacity, equipment, technology, standards, and other fields. 

Major technological equipment exports, such as nuclear power, ultra-high voltage transmission, and new energy, have achieved significant results. The strategic channels for oil and gas imports and cooperation zones have been further consolidated and improved, and energy imports have become more diversified. The high-quality construction of the “Belt and Road” has been solidly promoted, and a number of major energy infrastructure interconnection projects have been completed and put into operation, achieving optimal allocation of global energy resources on a larger scale. 

Actively participating in global energy governance, China has established government-to-government energy cooperation mechanisms with more than 90 countries and regions and established cooperative relations with more than 30 international organizations and multilateral mechanisms in the energy field, contributing China’s wisdom and strength to promote global energy development.

III. The Situation and Challenges Facing China’s High-Quality Energy Development

In today’s world, the great changes that occur once in a century are accelerating, and a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening. Global energy development is showing new trends and patterns, with green and low-carbon becoming the main theme. A new journey to address climate change has been initiated globally, with over 130 countries and regions proposing carbon neutrality goals. 

Accelerating China’s low-carbon transformation has become a consensus among countries worldwide. New opportunities for the development of clean and low-carbon energy are emerging. The global energy system is undergoing a rapid transformation, with new energy and information technologies closely integrated, and production and lifestyle are accelerating towards low-carbon and intelligent transformation. 

The energy development model is entering a new stage dominated by non-fossil energy. The global energy supply and demand pattern is undergoing a deep adjustment, with the focus of energy consumption shifting eastward, and the production center moving westward, highlighting the further polarization of the global energy supply pattern. At the same time, China’s energy revolution is deepening, and the energy structure is continuously optimizing. The world-leading clean energy industry system has laid the foundation and advantages for accelerating energy transformation and development. However, China still faces challenges and difficulties, such as a more complex external environment and prominent imbalances and inadequacies in domestic energy development. These challenges mainly focus on the following five aspects:

3.1  Increasing Instability and Uncertainty in the Global Energy Market

As the response to climate change accelerates the adjustment of the global energy pattern, the supply of traditional energy is decreasing, and new energy development is rapid but volatile. This has led to a significant increase in the instability of the global energy supply system. Frequently conflicts of interest arise and various kinds of games are being played between energy-producing and energy-consuming countries are frequent, and the resilience of the international energy market to shocks has significantly decreased. Unpredictable factors such as geopolitical conflicts and extreme weather events are increasing, causing intensified fluctuations in the global energy market and affecting the low-carbon transformation and stable operation of global energy.

3.2  Intensified Technological Competition in Emerging Energy Fields

The new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is reconstructing the global innovation landscape and reshaping the global economic structure. Green and low-carbon development has become a high ground for global strategic competition, and emerging energy technologies such as new energy, advanced nuclear energy, new energy storage, and hydrogen energy are accelerating iterations of advances. The competition among modern energy technologies are intensifying, profoundly affecting national development and international competition.

3.3  Our country still faces significant pressure in its energy transition. The situation of a heavy industrial structure, a coal-dominated energy structure, and low energy efficiency persists. The proportion of traditional industries in our country remains high, with the secondary industry accounting for about 70% of the total national energy consumption. The task of advancing industrial energy conservation and consumption reduction remains arduous, and there is still considerable room for improvement in energy efficiency. China’s energy structure is characterized by ‘rich in coal, poor in oil, and lacking in gas,’ with coal as the main component, making the transition task challenging.

3.4  Domestic energy security risks and challenges are further highlighted. In the coming period, China’s energy demand will continue to grow, and the difficulty and complexity of ensuring energy security remain prominent. There is a spatial mismatch between the energy supply zone and the consumption zone in the country, and there is a reverse distribution of energy resources and load centers. Peak periods of scarcity in supply may occur in areas that are both resource-deprived and have high loads. The large-scale development of new energy still faces various constraints, such as insufficient land and storage and a shortage of resources for adjustment.

3.5  Further deepening reform of the institutional mechanisms in the energy sector is needed. Under the overall planning of the Party Central Committee, the main framework of China’s energy reform, the ‘Four Beams and Eight Pillars,’ 四梁八柱 sì liángbāzhù has been basically established. The mechanism where the market determines energy prices is continuously improving, and the governance capacity of the energy sector has been effectively enhanced. However, there is still a certain gap to fully adapt to China’s clean and low-carbon energy transition. The construction of a unified national energy market system needs to be accelerated, and the role of the market in allocating energy resources needs to be further strengthened. Regulatory optimization and improvement are still needed in the energy sector, and the efficiency of governance needs further enhancement.

[Note from Baidu online encyclopedia: “The “Four Beams and Eight Pillars四梁八柱 sì liángbāzhù is a figurative metaphor, emphasizing the need for a basic framework for the main body of our reform. Since the 18th National Congress, the CPC Central Committee to the style of construction as an entry point from the strict governance of the party, focusing on solving the existence of the party ‘s formalism,bureaucracy,hedonism and extravagance, the style of the evils of the behavior of the dirt to a major investigation, overhaul, sweeping, the achievements are huge. But this is not enough, the Communist Party of China is in a country of 1.3 billion people ruling the party, itself has more than 88 million members, more than 4.4 million party organizations. The CPC is a party with more than 88 million members and more than 4.4 million organizations. It is a party of rules and principles. Comprehensive strict governance of the party’s work is multi-faceted, each aspect of which needs to be regulated and safeguarded by the system.” End note]

In response to the above difficulties and challenges, it is necessary to comprehensively implement the important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on energy work, be enterprising, overcome difficulties, thoroughly promote energy revolution, transform and reshape the existing energy system, accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, provide strong support for achieving the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and provide strong support for promoting the Chinese-style modernization.

IV. Key Tasks for Accelerating the Planning and Construction of a New Energy System

The planning and construction of a new energy system is a long-term systematic project that must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, be based on China’s energy resource endowment, coordinate planning, cooperate, advance step by step, and continuously strengthen the construction of the energy production, supply, storage, and sales system. On the premise of ensuring energy security, accelerate the promotion of energy green and low-carbon transformation. Clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient are the essential characteristics of the new energy system, as well as the overall requirements for energy development. Based on the current situation and looking to the future, the planning and construction of a new energy system needs to focus on seven key tasks.

4.1  Put strong efforts into developing clean energy

First, accelerate the development of wind power and solar power generation. Considering factors such as resource endowment, consumption capacity, and construction conditions, optimize the regional layout of new energy development, adhere to the simultaneous development of centralized and distributed power generation, and vigorously develop wind power and solar power generation. Accelerate the construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases, focusing on desert, semi-desert, and barren areas, and gradually promote the construction of offshore wind power bases. In industrial parks, economic development zones, oil and gas fields, and surrounding areas, promote the distributed development of wind power. Actively promote the ‘photovoltaic’ comprehensive utilization action and vigorously promote the integrated development of distributed photovoltaic power generation.

Second, coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection. Adhere to ecological priority, coordinate consideration, moderately develop large hydropower bases, actively promote the optimization and upgrading of large hydropower stations, and steadily promote the capacity expansion and transformation of hydropower units already built and under construction. Rely on the hydropower bases in the southwest to coordinate the development of water, wind, and solar energy bases, and promote the coordinated and complementary operation of water, wind, and solar power generation.

Third, actively and safely develop nuclear power. On the premise of ensuring safety, actively and orderly promote the construction of coastal nuclear power projects, maintain a stable construction pace, and reasonably arrange the addition of coastal nuclear power projects. Actively promote advanced nuclear power technology demonstrations, and carry out comprehensive utilization demonstrations of nuclear energy in clean heating, industrial heating, and seawater desalination according to local conditions. Effectively protect the resources for nuclear power plant sites.

Fourth, scientifically and orderly develop new energy such as hydrogen. Choose hydrogen production technology routes according to local conditions, focus on the development of renewable energy hydrogen production, strictly control fossil energy hydrogen production, efficiently use industrial by-product hydrogen near the source, gradually promote the construction of a clean, low-carbon, and low-cost diversified hydrogen production system, and continuously expand the application scenarios of hydrogen energy in industry, construction, transportation, and energy storage and generation. Promote the development of new energy such as biomass energy, geothermal energy, and ocean energy according to local conditions.

4.2  Focus on ensuring energy security

First, strengthen the coal safety bottom-line guarantee. Give full play to the role of coal as a ‘ballast stone,’ build five major coal supply guarantee bases in Shanxi, western Inner Mongolia, eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi, and Xinjiang to high standards, improve coal cross-regional transportation channels and transportation systems, and enhance the cross-regional supply guarantee capability of coal. On the basis of ensuring safe supply, continuously optimize the coal production capacity structure, layout large modern coal mines with good resource conditions, strong competitiveness, and high safety guarantee levels, strengthen the construction of intelligent and safe and efficient mines, and vigorously promote the safe and green mining of coal. Promote the coordinated development of coal with coal-fired power generation and new energy.

Second, increase the exploration and development of oil and gas resources and increase reserves and production. Adhere to the simultaneous development of conventional and unconventional resources, onshore and offshore resources, strengthen domestic oil and gas exploration and development, strengthen basic geological investigations and exploration of key basins and offshore oil and gas areas, solidify the foundation for resource continuity, and promote stable and increasing oil production and rapid growth in natural gas production. Promote stable production of old oil and gas fields, increase new area production capacity construction efforts, and maintain continuous production growth. Actively expand unconventional resource exploration and development, increase efforts to develop shale oil, shale gas, and coalbed methane.

Third, make coal-fired power play the supporting and regulating role. Coordinate power supply and pollution reduction, and reasonably build clean, efficient, and advanced energy-saving coal-fired power plants according to development needs to maintain the necessary reserves for the safe and stable operation of the power system. Continuously promote the flexible transformation of existing coal-fired power units. Accelerate the transformation of coal-fired power from the main power source to the basic guarantee and system regulation power source that provides reliable capacity, peak load regulation, and frequency regulation.

Fourth, coordinate and promote the construction of underground gas storage facilities, liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving stations, and other gas storage facilities. Establish a multi-level natural gas storage peak-load shaving and emergency system with local governments, gas supply enterprises, pipeline transportation enterprises, and urban gas enterprises each shouldering their responsibilities. Improve the coal reserve system that organically combines product reserves with capacity reserves. Enhance the rotation and utilization mechanisms for reserves and ensure standardized operations.

Fifth, establish and improve an energy control system safety monitoring and warning system. Ensure comprehensive balance between energy supply and demand and coordinate overall guarantees, strengthening the level of cross-regional energy interconnection and mutual assistance. Improve systems such as long-term contracts for electricity, coal, and natural gas, promote market-oriented agreements, and strengthen performance supervision. Perfect energy emergency support mechanisms and formulate graded and categorized contingency plans. Strengthen supervision and management of energy security production, ensuring the safety protection of crucial energy facilities and maintaining the security of energy infrastructure.

4.3  Accelerating the Construction of a New Energy System

First, build a new energy supply and consumption system suitable for China’s national conditions. Implementing classified policies based on practical considerations, addressing the relationship between high proportions of new energy supply, such as photovoltaics and wind power, and the stable operation of the power system, as well as the development of new formats and technologies.

Second, optimize the structure and operation mode of power grids. Grid enterprises will give full play to their platform role, conduct in-depth research on innovative grid structure and operation mode, and accelerate the construction of a strong and reliable smart grid. It will improve the construction and operation mechanism of microgrids and distribution grids, increase the construction and renovation of distribution grids, study smart distribution grid technologies, and enhance the ability of distribution grids to access a high proportion of distributed power sources. Promote the synergistic development of power grids at all levels.

Third, improve the demand-side management of electricity. It has established and improved the normalized operation mechanism of demand response in a market-oriented manner, and promoted the participation of demand-side resources in power market transactions. Promote the transformation of user-side regulation from government-guided to market-driven, gradually promote the incorporation of demand-side resources such as new types of energy storage, electric vehicles, virtual power plants and interruptible loads into the balance of power, and encourage power-selling companies to build an integrated energy service system based on user demand.

Fourth, promote the accelerated development of energy storage and other new industries. Give full play to the system regulation role of energy storage, promote the construction and commissioning of pumped storage power stations in a scientific and orderly manner, and strengthen the coordination of new energy storage projects with power sources, power grids and loads. Establish and improve the market mechanism to promote the development of energy storage, promote the development of new energy storage and other new technologies, and promote the large-capacity, long-time energy storage technology scale application. Clarify the functional positioning of energy storage as a power system regulating resource, and orderly promote the gradual participation of new energy storage in various types of power market transactions.

4.  Accelerating the Formation of a Green Low-Carbon Consumption Model

4.1 Fossil energy consumption should be strictly controlled. Promote the “dual control” of energy consumption and gradually shift to the “dual control” of the total amount and intensity of carbon emissions. Vigorously promote the clean and efficient utilization of coal, and on the premise of ensuring energy security, promote the substitution of coal consumption in a steady and orderly manner. Promote the development of green and clean alternative fuels. Guiding natural gas consumption in an orderly manner, and prioritizing the protection of people’s livelihood. Promote clean heating in northern regions in a steady and orderly manner, taking into account local conditions.

4.2  Actively promote green energy consumption. Improve the renewable energy power consumption system, achieve full coverage of green certificates for renewable energy power, and establish a coordinated mechanism for green certificates, green power, and carbon markets. Expand the scale of non-electric direct use of renewable energy. Advocate for a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, increasing the proportion of green energy in terminal energy use.

4.3 Actively promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas. It will improve the industrial energy-saving and green standard system, deeply implement the green manufacturing project, and carry out energy-saving technological transformation in key industrial sectors. Continuously improve the energy-saving standards for new buildings, actively promote the use of green building materials, and promote the large-scale development of ultra-low-energy, near-zero-energy and low-carbon buildings. It will promote the green and low-carbon transformation of transportation, accelerate the promotion of new energy vehicles, and build a charging and switching infrastructure network.

V.  Vigorously Promoting Energy Technological Innovation

5.1  Improve the energy science and technology innovation system. To improve the new national system of key core technologies in the field of energy, build and utilize national laboratories in the field of energy, and accelerate the breakthrough of a number of key energy technologies. Support industry leading enterprises to join colleges and universities, research institutes and industry upstream and downstream enterprises to build a national R&D and innovation platform in the field of energy, to carry out joint research around key technologies, and to implement major scientific and technological collaborative innovation research in energy.

5.2  Promote the application of advanced energy technologies and industrial upgrading. Relying on major energy projects to promote upstream and downstream enterprises to collaborate in the research and development, manufacturing and application of advanced technology and equipment, and to form advanced technology and industrialization capacity through engineering and integrated application. Improve the support policy system for the transfer and transformation of major scientific and technological innovations in energy, such as the first (set) and fault-tolerance mechanism, and promote the popularization and application of major technologies and equipment in the field of energy. Promote the deep integration of energy technology with modern information technology, new materials and advanced manufacturing technology, promote the digitalization and intelligent upgrading of the energy industry, and cultivate high-end energy equipment manufacturing clusters.

6. Continuously Deepening Energy System and Mechanism Reform

6.1  Promote energy governance in accordance with the law. We will improve the system of energy laws and regulations, accelerate the formulation and revision of the Energy Law, Renewable Energy Law, Electricity Law, Coal Law, etc., strengthen the construction of the energy standards system, and improve the relevant standards and technical specifications leading to the clean and low-carbon development of energy. Further optimize the business environment in the field of energy, and enhance the innovation vitality of market players. Improve the energy price formation mechanism. Steadily push forward the reform of the independence of natural monopoly links and the marketization of competitive links in related industries in the energy sector.

6.2  Improve the energy market system. It will establish a unified national power market system, improve the mechanism for connecting medium- and long-term power, spot and auxiliary service transactions, explore the capacity market trading mechanism, deepen reforms in key areas such as power transmission and distribution, and further improve the power market trading mechanism to better reflect the environmental value of new energy sources. Actively and steadily push forward the reform of the institutional mechanism of the oil and gas industry in the upstream, midstream and downstream, and encourage various types of social capital to participate in the investment and construction and operation of gas storage and peaking facilities. Better play the role of the coal market and effectively guide the market to balance supply and demand.

7. Strengthening International Cooperation on Energy on All Fronts

7.1  We will expand the new situation of diversified energy cooperation. 

  • We will strengthen cooperation on global energy and climate change governance and promote sustainable development. 
  • We will strengthen international cooperation in green and low-carbon energy technology and standard-setting, and promote international mutual recognition of renewable energy green power certificates. 
  • We will further promote mutually beneficial cooperation with key energy resource countries and strengthen the docking of strategies, policies and standards.

7.2   We are deeply involved in global energy transformation and change. 

  • We will actively participate in global energy governance. 
  • We will deepen green production capacity cooperation with developing countries, and actively promote cooperation in the fields of wind power, solar power, energy storage and smart grid. 
  • We will accelerate the “Belt and Road” green energy cooperation and promote more green energy cooperation projects. 
  • We will actively explore effective ways to carry out tripartite and multi-party cooperation with developed countries, host countries and transnational corporations.

Chairman, Vice Chairmen, Secretary-General, and Members, the National People’s Congress has long attached great importance to the development and reform work, including energy. Currently, the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress has included the Energy Law and the amendment of the Renewable Energy Law in the first category of legislative plans, providing strong legal guarantees for the high-quality development of energy. Next, we will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, unwaveringly deepen the energy revolution, accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, and make new contributions to building a socialist modernization country comprehensively and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.



更新日期: 2023-11-03




来源: 中国人大网  浏览字号:






































































About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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