2024: China’s Institutional Advantages Propel High-Quality Economic Development

Fully Leveraging China’s Institutional Advantages to Promote High-Quality Economic Development



Source: Chinese Social Sciences Net – Chinese Social Sciences Daily, May 13, 2024, 10:18
Author: Guo Jinxing (Associate Researcher, Center for Political Economy, Nankai University)

Institutions are crucial elements determining the long-term development performance of a country or region, a significant consensus reached in the economics field over the past thirty years. However, institutions are multifaceted and complex. The “ideal” institutional conditions described by the neoclassical economic paradigm often diverge significantly from the actual conditions in developing countries. Over the past forty years, China’s economic development has achieved remarkable success, but it must be acknowledged that China’s specific institutions do not align with the “standard theories” or “ideal paradigms.” This discrepancy has been referred to by some scholars as the “China puzzle.”

The key to unraveling this puzzle lies in understanding that the ideal paradigms of economic theory are based on the institutional backgrounds of developed countries, which differ significantly from the institutional conditions needed by developing countries. National capacity is a crucial factor among these conditions, yet it has received limited attention in the economic theories of developing countries. National capacity is a key determinant of a country’s development performance and is the fundamental reason for China’s achievements over the past few decades. A strong national capacity is an important manifestation of China’s institutional advantages, and promoting the transformation and modernization of national capacity is a necessary condition for achieving high-quality economic development in China.

National Capacity as a Key Factor in Economic Development Performance

From over two hundred years of development experience since the Industrial Revolution, whether during the economic take-off stage or the catch-up stage, and whether in first-mover or latecomer countries, strong national capacity has been a necessary condition for achieving good economic development performance. In first-mover countries, national capacity continuously strengthened, providing necessary long-term support for economic development. However, development economics focusing on the experiences of Western countries tends to emphasize state interference rather than the lack of national capacity, which contrasts with the issues faced by some developing countries.

Since the late 1970s, political economists’ studies on the East Asian model have provided important insights into the role of national capacity in economic development. These studies found that Japan, Singapore, and other countries that achieved excellent development performance after World War II did not follow the laissez-faire economic development model emphasized by the neoclassical paradigm. Instead, the state played a significant role in economic development, not only in the construction of infrastructure such as transportation and communication and the provision of basic public services like education and healthcare but also in establishing close relationships with enterprises, providing extensive policy guidance and support based on market mechanisms, which has been summarized as the “developmental state” or “market-enhancing state.” In analyzing this development model, scholars introduced the important concept of “national capacity,” generally referring to the state’s ability to achieve its goals. The differences in economic development performance between countries lie not in the awareness or extent of knowledge about policies that promote economic development, as such knowledge is known even in the most underdeveloped countries. The difference lies in whether the state has the capacity to implement some of the most basic development policies. A clear fact is that few countries outside the East Asian region have succeeded by imitating the East Asian model.

Even as Adam Smith said, transforming a country from the poorest to the most prosperous requires only peace, easy taxes, and tolerable justice administration. However, meeting these necessary development conditions still requires a certain level of national capacity. Recent theoretical and empirical research has shown that forming and maintaining national capacity is not easily achievable but requires the participation and willingness of all social strata in national economic development and sustained investment to consolidate national capacity. Many developing countries remain trapped in poverty not due to excessive state interference in the economy but precisely because of a lack of national capacity to provide the necessary support for economic development.

Strong National Capacity as China’s Institutional Advantage

The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Adhering to and Improving the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics, Promoting the Modernization of the National Governance System and Governance Capacity,《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化若干重大问题的决定》 adopted at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, summarized many significant advantages of China’s national system and governance system, such as

  • Centralized and unified leadership of the Communist Party of China,
  • Organic combination of the socialist system and market economy, and
  • Being a once independent and open.

These institutional advantages fully explain the formation, basic characteristics, and main manifestations of China’s strong national capacity. As an institutional factor, national capacity has a strong path dependency characteristic. China’s national capacity partly stems from a long historical and cultural tradition, an important institutional heritage, and partly from the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China guided by Marxism, making it an important product and prominent manifestation of combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture.

For over a century, the Communist Party of China has adhered to Marxism, utilizing the organizational capacities and valuable experiences developed and accumulated over different periods to rebuild strong national capacity during the socialist revolution and construction periods. This maintained national independence, completed socialist transformation, promoted education and healthcare systems in urban and rural areas, achieved initial industrialization, and accumulated certain technical capabilities for rapid economic growth. Leveraging this strong national capacity, the Chinese government has continuously advanced institutional changes since the reform and opening-up, providing broader public goods and services, maintaining macroeconomic stability, promoting economic and industrial structural optimization, and driving China’s economic take-off and catch-up over the past forty years. This has narrowed the income and technological gaps with developed countries, steadily advancing toward becoming a high-income economy.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the comprehensive process of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, national capacity has been further enhanced. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly, “Only by accelerating the establishment of a new development pattern can we solidify the foundation of our economic development and enhance the security and stability of development,” “ensuring that the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not delayed or interrupted and that the goal of building a socialist modern power in all respects is achieved victoriously.”

The widespread application of digital technology has improved the efficiency of economic and social operations, promoting continuous adjustments in economic structure and upgrading industrial structures. China’s economy has achieved a leap from rapid growth to high-quality development高质量发展】. The implementation of a comprehensive poverty alleviation strategy has eliminated absolute poverty, lifting nearly 100 million rural poor people out of poverty and achieving the grand goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, laying a solid material and institutional foundation for advancing Chinese-style modernization. Especially in the face of more complex and severe external shocks and challenges, China has relied on its strong national capacity to achieve economic and social stability, creating favorable conditions for successfully responding to the unprecedented changes in a century.

Promoting High-Quality Economic Development through the Transformation of National Capacity

National capacity has different dimensions and types. For example, basic capacity refers to the state’s ability to achieve its goals through consultation, negotiation, and persuasion, while coercive capacity refers to the state’s ability to achieve its goals without consultation. Different dimensions or types of national capacity play different roles at different stages of economic development. This implies that with changes in the development model, the main characteristics and application methods of national capacity also need to be constantly transformed to adapt to the new development model. With the improvement of income levels and changes in the stage of economic development in China, the driving force of economic growth has gradually shifted from factor accumulation, resource reallocation, and technology imitation to independent innovation, transitioning from rapid growth to high-quality development. This provides inherent motivation for the transformation of national capacity. The emphasis on promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity in the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China responds to this significant practical issue.

In the economic take-off stage, low-income, or lower-middle-income stages, a country’s latecomer advantage is more pronounced, mainly reflected in the significant technological gap between latecomer countries and developed countries, allowing for the promotion and application of mature technologies and products to achieve rapid economic growth and industrial structure upgrades. Early national capacity can directly affect economic growth through material capital accumulation, human capital enhancement, and resource reallocation. However, in the stage of transitioning from upper-middle-income to high-income levels, as technological levels approach the global frontier, independent innovation needs to play an increasingly important role in economic growth, aligning with the current goal of “accelerating the development of new productive forces and solidly promoting high-quality development.”加快发展新质生产力,扎实推进高质量发展”

High-quality economic development requires a high-quality institutional environment. This necessitates leveraging strong national capacity to cultivate, maintain, and develop a vibrant market economy, ensuring the effective operation of market mechanisms and providing necessary infrastructure, basic public services, and social security systems to promote various innovation activities characterized by “creative destruction.” After all, technological progress and industrial structure upgrading are the intrinsic drivers of high-quality economic development.

In the digital economy era, as the interconnections among different markets, industries, sectors, and enterprises become more complex, the government needs to collect and process more complex information when formulating and implementing economic policies and understand the interests of different groups. These factors impose higher demands on national capacity. Moreover, high-quality economic development requires continuously improving the level of legal governance, clarifying the boundaries between the government and the market, establishing a credible institutional framework for the application of national capacity, and providing clear policy expectations for market entities. Marketization and bringing it within the framework of the law are inevitable requirements for high-quality economic development, and the modernization transformation of national capacity and the construction of a law-based China will provide a solid institutional guarantee for high-quality economic development.

(This article is a product of one stage of the general project of the National Social Science Fund “Formalized Facts, Theoretical Logic, and Chinese Experience of National Capacity Promoting Economic Catch-up” [23BJL082])

[Editor: Xu Qianyang]


来源:中国社会科学网-中国社会科学报2024-05-13 10:18

















About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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