2024 Think Tanker Zhang Weiwei: US Has Already Lost Trade, Tech, Financial “Battles”

It is always interesting to see yourself as others see you. Professor Zhang’s research focuses on China, ideological matters and then on China and the world. His discussion of the USA is a bit anecdotal, perhaps a Chinese USA specialists would be more measured in their judgements. Interesting for a view of one slice of PRC elite opinion.

Professor Zhang Weiwei often appears on Chinese television. Here he discusses lessons from ancient Chinese philosophers and emperors who learned the importance of ruling for the benefit of the people. The PRC has great capabilities to organize itself to promote economic and scientific development. Power is distant from the people. Chinese does better — in China the Chinese people are in power.

Some others:

Background on Zhang Weiwei

Zhang Weiwei (张维为) (December 23, 1957-)[20][21], a native of Shanghai, with ancestry from Nantong City, Jiangsu Province,  a mainland Chinese political scientist [22][23][24], an expert in international relations, an internet celebrity[25][26], anda television personality. He is currently the director of the China Research Institute ofFudan University, a special professor, a member of the National Council of High-end Think Tanks, a senior researcher of the Shanghai Spring and Autumn Institute of Development Strategy, and was honored by Guangming Daily as one of the Top Ten Chinese Think Tanks in 2016 [27]. He advocates the construction of Chinese discourse and narrative system and the deconstruction of Western academic discourse [28][29][30].


According to Zhang Weiwei, the concept of ” political party ” in the Western context does not apply to the CCP. The CCP is a “national political party”, i.e., a political party that follows the Chinese political tradition of representing the interests of a nation as a whole, [70] essentially continuing the tradition of the historically unified Confucian ruling bloc, [71] and, to quote the Confucian Mencius, a “mission-bearing party”, which “is entrusted with a great task by heaven” and “sacrifices itself for the sake of the people”. “a party with a great mission”, quoting the Confucian Mencius, “a party with a great mission”. [72][73]

Through the examples of the Nazi Party in Germany and George W. Bush Jr. in the United States , Zhang Weiwei argues that China’s ” meritocracy ” is superior to Western-style democracy, in which leaders are chosen by “selection + election”. [75][76] Zhang argues that the paradigm of “democracy” versus “dictatorship” is outdated, and that “good governance” versus “bad governance” should be discussed. “The “good governance” means substantive democracy[77] Thus, Zhang Weiwei promotes the ” Asian values ” of Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir Mohamad[78]

Zhang Weiwei argues that the world will tilt toward the East, China, and socialism, a process accelerated by the COVID pandemic[79]


Zhang Weiwei promotes the use of purchasing power par ity to assess a country’s economic strength, in which China is already the world’s largest economy. [ Zhang Weiwei has questioned neoliberal economics and its views on the Chinese economy and the world economic order. [81] He has repeatedly put forward the concept of the ” China model “. [82] According to Zhang, the “China model” is not perfect, but has shortcomings and is still in the process of being perfected, but other models cannot compete with it. [83][84] According to Zhang Weiwei, China’s socialist market economy is a ” mixed economy “, a mixture of the market and the government, the private and the state-owned economy, the ” invisible hand ” and the “visible hand”. It is a mixture of market and government, private economy and state-owned economy, “invisible hand” and “visible hand”, which goes beyond the Washington Consensus. [ HoweverChinese-American economist Chen Zhiwu, Chinese economist Watson ,Hungarian economist Kornai, and Chinese-American economist Tian Guoqiang have raised objections.

Excerpted from Chinese language Wikipedia article on Zhang Weiwei

“This is China” Episode 225: Will Trump Make a Comeback?


Published by: Wu Hanfei
Publication Date: March 25, 2024

“The genetic defect of the American political system suggests that regardless of whether Trump returns to the White House, the fate of the United States will likely continue to decline.”

“Trump himself is very aware that America is declining, and it may no longer be the world’s number one.”

“If Trump makes a comeback, what impacts will it have on our lives and economy?”

2024 is a presidential election year in the United States, with Trump as a candidate. There is widespread optimism about his chances. So, can Trump smoothly win the presidential election? Today, we look at Trump, both the person and the symbol, to observe American politics. In the March 18 episode of “This is China” on Oriental TV, Professor Zhang Weiwei, Dean of the China Institute at Fudan University, and Professor Huang Renwei, Executive Vice Dean of the Belt and Road & Global Governance Institute at Fudan University, discussed the early stages of the U.S. election.

[Content of Zhang Weiwei’s Speech]

This year, 2024, the United States has entered another election year. Will Donald Trump make a comeback? Over the past few months, multiple American polls have shown Trump leading Biden. He is also ahead in five out of the six “swing states.” In other words, if the election were held today, Trump would most likely win. Of course, there are still more than six months until the U.S. election, and many uncertainties remain. Trump himself is still entangled in lawsuits, but most analyses so far suggest that Trump’s chances of winning are higher than Biden’s.

Looking back over three years, in January 2021, when Biden had just taken office, we predicted the U.S. political situation on the show “This is China.” At that time, I said: Given the high level of support for Trump within the United States and the highly polarized and antagonistic political environment, we cannot rule out the possibility that Biden’s administration could merely be a transitional phase, and four years later, America might return to the “Trump era.” Today, this prospect seems to be emerging. If Trump really makes a comeback, what impact will it have on the world? Here, I share some of my views for reference.

First, we must acknowledge that Trump has indeed recognized many of the severe challenges facing the United States, from rampant crime to widespread drug abuse, from the immigration crisis to decaying infrastructure. He has repeatedly said that America is a “developing country,” not a “developed country,” which often elicited enthusiastic applause from his audience. On February 16 of this year, he again stated, “We are a declining nation, a failing nation!” However, Trump neither possesses the grand vision to drive reform nor the capability to transcend the Deep State. Consequently, he is either powerless or prescribing the wrong remedies. By the end of his first term, the United States had become even more divided and failed. Frankly, due to the genetic defects of the American political system, the fate of the United States will likely continue to decline, whether or not Trump returns to the White House.

Second, the prospect of Trump “returning to power” has already made most of America’s allies tremble. In a campaign rally on February 10, the outspoken Trump once again demanded that NATO allies “pay up,” or he would encourage Russia to attack them. In his speech, Trump recounted a conversation with a foreign president who asked him, “Mr. Trump, if I haven’t paid, but Russia attacks me, will the United States come to our defense?” Trump, in a businessman’s tone, retorted, “You mean you haven’t paid, you haven’t paid what you owe?” The president replied, “Yes.” Trump immediately responded, “If that’s the case, I would not stop Russia. Instead, I would encourage Russia to do whatever it wants, to attack countries that don’t pay.” Of course, by “paying,” Trump meant that NATO allies should raise their defense budgets to 2% of their GDP. Trump has always believed that the United States bears too much of the defense costs for other countries. He even stated that NATO is an “outdated” entity that drains American taxpayers’ money.

The White House reacted fiercely to Trump’s remarks. A White House spokesperson said, “Encouraging enemy regimes to invade our closest allies is shocking and deranged. It jeopardizes U.S. national security, global stability, and the American economy.” NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg also expressed shock, stating, “Any suggestion that allies do not defend each other would undermine all our security, including that of the United States, and would put American and European soldiers at greater risk.” A senior Polish diplomat said, “This is the statement of a serious presidential candidate, so we should take it seriously. It suggests that the logic of America’s presence in NATO might change.” Faced with such an uncertain future, how can America’s NATO allies not be fearful?

Third, the most worried about Trump’s return to power is probably the Zelensky regime in Ukraine. Trump has repeatedly stated that Biden supports the Russia-Ukraine conflict because the Biden family has significant interests in Ukraine, including the Biden son’s “Ukrainegate” scandal. Trump also claimed that if he were in power, he could end the Russia-Ukraine war in 24 hours. Recently, in an interview with former Fox News host Carlson, Russian President Putin revealed that the 2022 Russia-Ukraine negotiations had reached a draft ceasefire agreement, but former British Prime Minister Johnson intervened, stating that the West would support Ukraine to fight to the end, leading to the breakdown of the negotiations.

Today, Trump’s remarks are like a thunderbolt for Europe and Ukraine. Over the past few years, Europe has been closely following the U.S., ultimately sacrificing both its economy and sovereignty and dignity. The result could be a total mess. Ukraine has become a proxy for American interests, paying a tragic price of devastation and ruin. For American capital, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is essentially a business deal. Biden is betting that the U.S. will make a huge profit, while Trump believes the U.S. has suffered a big loss and wants to cut its losses immediately. This once again proves that when a country’s sovereignty is controlled by American interests, its fate is bound to plummet.

Fourth, the most delighted about Trump’s possible return is probably the Netanyahu regime in Israel. Compared to the Biden administration, Trump is much closer to Israel. One reason is the support from many Jewish financial groups behind him. Another is that a significant portion of Trump’s fan base is evangelical Christians who genuinely believe in the prophecy in the Bible: once the Jews establish a state in Israel, Jesus Christ will return, the so-called “Messiah.” Therefore, during Trump’s administration, the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, exacerbating the Israeli-Palestinian situation. The U.S. also withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and assassinated Iranian General Soleimani. Now, Netanyahu has launched a massacre in Gaza, making the Biden administration, which prides itself on “defending human rights,” feel embarrassed and in a dilemma. If Trump comes to power, it might improve Netanyahu’s diplomatic environment. He could further his actions in Gaza and other places with American support. However, such military actions would inevitably exacerbate the crisis, potentially dragging Israel and the U.S. into a quagmire similar to the Afghan war.

Finally, regarding relations with China, Trump cannot stop mentioning China. Recently, he declared that if he returns to power, he would impose at least a 60% tariff on all Chinese goods. Yet, he also said that tariffs do not count as a new trade war; he wants to “get along” with China, stating that “Sino-American friendship is great.” In fact, most American think tanks believe that the trade war has harmed U.S. interests more, as the increased tariffs are primarily paid by American companies and consumers. However, the U.S. follows a “vote-centric” political model, not China’s “people-centric” model. Trump’s election campaign is to solidify his base, particularly the votes from the “Rust Belt” and “rednecks,” making it easier for him to win. Trump also stated that he would significantly restrict Chinese investments, limiting Chinese capital from owning American energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, healthcare, and other strategic assets to protect America’s so-called “economic security.” I think these statements are both election rhetoric and potential measures he might take if he governs. Ultimately, it will certainly backfire, and this judgment is unlikely to be wrong. As for the highly polarized U.S. domestic politics, Trump vows to investigate the Biden family’s criminal activities if elected. He also called many immigrants “pests polluting American blood.” It can be expected that if Trump comes to power, discrimination and crimes against minorities, especially Chinese and Asian Americans, will significantly increase.

For China, we will calmly respond to changes in the U.S. political situation. We believe that the U.S. has already lost the “trade war,” essentially lost the “technology war,” and will ultimately lose the “financial war.” China has too many countries to invest in worldwide; why take the huge risk of investing in such an unfriendly America? I also want to say that regarding investment or entrepreneurial opportunities, quality of life, and sense of career achievement, there are many areas where China is better than the United States.

On February 4 this year, Fukuyama, the author of the “end of history” theory who once had great confidence in American democracy, wrote an article in Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun expressing concern: on the one hand, if Trump is elected, the U.S. might take the path of “authoritarianism”; on the other hand, if Biden narrowly wins, Trump’s armed and emotionally unstable

supporters might take action. Fukuyama wrote: this year’s “U.S. election is not an ordinary election,” its importance (more precisely, its risk) “may be comparable to the 1860 election that led to the Civil War.”

Three years ago, on “This is China,” when discussing how to deal with Trump’s possible return to the White House, I said: “We must maintain strategic determination and patience. China does not believe in evil. Through struggle, we seek unity, and unity will prevail. Our opponents are at their least confident, declining in power the fastest, and most troubled since World War II. Time is on our side, and history is on our side.” This remains our stance today. If anything has changed, it is our increased confidence in overcoming the challenges posed by the U.S.

Okay, that’s all I have to share today. Next, let’s welcome Professor Huang Renwei, Executive Vice Dean of the Belt and Road & Global Governance Institute at Fudan University, to give his speech. Thank you, everyone!

[Content of Huang Renwei’s Speech]

Professor Zhang has clearly explained the possibility and consequences of Trump’s return to power. I will add a few more points.

First, how likely is Trump’s return to power? Last November, I had dialogues with some high-end think tanks in San Francisco. I mentioned that Trump was likely to return to power, but these were all Democratic elites who said they would do anything to stop him, including possibly killing him. In American politics, any kind of “black” tactic can be used. If Trump is taken down by some abnormal procedure, it would be an “election that could trigger a civil war in the U.S.”

Given that his chances are relatively high, what are the reasons? The main reason is that the elite politics represented by Biden is detached from the vast lower class voters. The lower class voters believe the economy is bad, but the elites say the economy is good; the lower class voters don’t want to throw money into Ukraine, but the elites insist on it, saying weapons must be sent; the lower class voters don’t want Latin American immigrants entering the U.S., but the elites say they should come in. This opposition between elites and lower class voters is everywhere.

You can hardly imagine what the elites are doing in the U.S. Theft under $95 is not a crime. If I take $95 worth of goods from a supermarket, the police cannot arrest me. These are some strange new things from the “white left,” which are strongly opposed in Republican states. If the Democrats come to power, they say our state will also become like this. We find it hard to understand in China, but there it is two extremes: the liberal elite “white left” at one end; the conservative old-fashioned right-wing politics at the other end. This confrontation is irreconcilable. So, no matter what Trump does, whether he breaks the law or talks nonsense, his supporters remain steadfast. He always maintains over 50% support among voters.

Second, there is now a lot of confusion in U.S. domestic and foreign policy, and no one can clearly state the next steps. But Trump can articulate it. He says I can do this and that, listing one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Voters think, yes, only he can solve these problems, so he easily gains support. Voters are relatively simple: whoever can explain things clearly will get their support.

What will Trump do if he comes to power? I can summarize it briefly: whatever the Democrats are doing now, he will overturn it. For example, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he will stop it immediately, saying the war cannot continue. This is terrifying for the West. All of Europe stands with the U.S. in supporting Ukraine. If the U.S. suddenly turns around and stops supporting Ukraine, these EU countries will suffer losses. Trump wants NATO countries to greatly increase their military spending. If they don’t, he won’t protect them. He might put a lot of effort into drawing Putin closer, which will have an impact on China, but Putin won’t be that foolish.

The major issue domestically in the U.S. is immigration. He will firmly shut down the Mexican border. Also, the U.S. debt is too high, the federal budget is in deficit, and there is $39 trillion in debt with only $29 trillion in GDP. The debt is nearly 140% of GDP, so Trump will certainly reduce debt, cut federal spending, and lower the federal deficit. This will mainly hit Democratic officials in the federal government, who will all be swept out. He has mentioned this many times, intending to start a “revolution.” Of course, there will be more unexpected things because his characteristic is to do what you can’t imagine.

Finally, Trump’s return to power will certainly have a significant impact on China. We have managed to stabilize relations with Biden, even though he is anti-China, but he mainly wants to prevent a crisis with China and seeks some cooperation. Stabilizing and stopping the decline is the basic point of the San Francisco talks. But if Trump comes to power, this will no longer count. We will return to pre-2020, with more intense anti-China policies. So we must be prepared. If Trump comes to power, he might play many special anti-China “cards.” But this does not mean Trump has power, nor does it mean the U.S. has power. Trump himself is very clear: the U.S. is in decline, and it may no longer be the world’s number one, so he aims to “make America great again.”

Lastly, we find it interesting why the U.S. has had only these two old men as presidents in recent years. Why is there no new or younger generation of politicians emerging? If a country has no good leaders, what does it indicate? It indicates it is declining from within.

[Roundtable Discussion]

Host: Just now, both speakers mentioned that Trump has a strong base among American voters. The grassroots believe Trump can solve their problems. So, could you analyze the U.S. economy for us? Are the elite’s statistics accurate, or are the grassroots’ feelings accurate?

Zhang Weiwei: In fact, from reliable data or polls, and from personal experience in the U.S., it is easy to make a judgment. For example, the so-called “job creation.” The U.S. government admits that most created jobs are low-income, often temporary jobs now counted in the statistics. For example, a young person in their twenties in a family working three part-time jobs at McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, and a gas station, each giving them a salary, even if it’s one hour a day, counts as three jobs. This is “income-based” data. If you switch to “household-based” data, these part-time jobs create only one job.

We now see that, whether it’s CNN, which is pro-Biden, or Ipsos polls, 70% or more Americans are dissatisfied with the current situation. Anyone who understands a little English can watch American videos, especially young people complaining. Recently, I watched a young person in California complaining that his rent four years ago was $1,200 a month, now it’s $2,100 a month. His car insurance used to be $50 a month, now it’s $150 a month. Undoubtedly, the long-term effects of inflation are now felt, and this year’s inflation rate is still around 8%, which is very high.

Last time I joked about American GDP, many people worried that the gap with China had widened again. American GDP is “as bold as you dare to be,” following their statistical methods. In ten or twenty years, it will continue to lead, which is a political goal: to ensure China does not become the world’s largest economy. So everything can be included. A more reliable method is our Chinese method: looking at whether power generation has increased, whether tourists have increased, how food prices are, and whether there are new economic growth points.

China has new growth points in semiconductors, new energy vehicles, and the Belt and Road Initiative. You don’t see these in the U.S. The main growth in U.S. GDP comes from temporary employment and a large number of financial derivatives. Many people in China discuss China’s debt, pointing out this or that crisis. Our debt is backed by assets, while the U.S. has much larger debt with bubbles behind it. Once these issues are understood, you will remain very calm.

Host: I would like to ask Professor Huang, from the time Trump left the presidency until now when he is running again, have the structural economic problems and pressures on grassroots communities not only not improved but worsened?

Huang Renwei: Yes, a big issue is inflation. Since the 2010 financial crisis, they have been flooding the market with money through quantitative easing. In the three years of the pandemic, they engaged in unlimited borrowing and massive subsidies. By 2022, this could no longer be sustained, with inflation reaching 8% and rising every month. To bring inflation below 5%, interest rates must be raised. Higher interest rates attract global capital to the U.S. People think, if I deposit for five years at 8% or 7% interest, won’t I make money? This creates an illusion of capital returning to the U.S., strengthening the dollar. A strong dollar combined with high interest rates makes the GDP look high when converted. But this has no real impact on actual wealth.

So, one factor is inflation, and another is a strong dollar, creating a false sense of prosperity. Ordinary people don’t care about exchange rates unless they travel abroad. They use dollars at home, and things are becoming unaffordable, with prices rising every week.

Host: Prices are going up, making things unaffordable.

Huang Renwei: Prices rise every week. My American friends say they fear going to the supermarket because prices keep increasing. This

is the main reason for the grassroots complaints.

Host: You also mentioned that Trump’s campaign ads are filled with sorrow and pity, pointing out many issues in America, appealing to the grassroots who feel he has a point. As the campaign progresses, such tactics will likely increase to capture attention.

Zhang Weiwei: Chinese people enjoy watching Trump’s various performances because they find them amusing. During his campaign, Trump said Biden is senile and physically weak, implying that a gust of wind would knock him down. Trump even made a blowing gesture, suggesting Biden would fall. This kind of ridicule is typically against “political correctness,” which restricts free speech in America, but Trump dares to say anything, including inappropriate comments, attracting a lot of attention.

Host: People view Trump as a topic of interest, but if he really returns to the presidency, will it bring more certainty or more uncertainty?

Huang Renwei: It will definitely bring more uncertainty. Trump operates unpredictably, winning by unconventional methods. He will take actions that no one expects, causing chaos, breaking rules, and creating instability. We need to be prepared for this, as he will not only target China but also allies, with his primary direction being to draw closer to Russia.

Host: Carlson is a core opinion leader of the MAGA (“Make America Great Again”) movement, highly respected within the group, comparable to Trump. His interview with Putin comes at a time when accusations of Russian interference in U.S. elections are rampant. How should we view such interactions?

Zhang Weiwei: Carlson asked Putin if he preferred Biden or Trump, and Putin said he preferred Biden because Biden is more predictable. But this is just a polite response. Russia clearly supports anti-Biden forces, both within the U.S. and in other countries like France, Germany, and Italy. Russia sees “liberal globalists” like Biden as a “cancer” in the world, supporting any opposition to them.

Huang Renwei: I watched Carlson’s interview several times. He deeply criticized the falsehoods of the liberal Democrats and revealed the true nature of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, opposing European allies. He argued that the money the U.S. spends on Ukraine is wasted and will never be recovered if Russia defeats Ukraine, which resonates with Americans. The federal debt is enormous, and they are throwing billions at Ukraine, supporting Trump’s call to stop the conflict.

Zhang Weiwei: It’s clear who benefits from this interview. Putin said he does not interfere, but by welcoming a pro-Trump influencer like Carlson, Putin knows it will have a huge impact.

[Q&A Session]

Audience: Hello, host and professors. My question is: In January this year, the Democratic Progressive Party won the leadership election in Taiwan again. In this context, if Trump is elected as the U.S. president, will it further worsen the situation in Taiwan? Thank you.

Zhang Weiwei: Regarding cross-strait relations, it’s clear that whether the Democratic Progressive Party or another party is in power, the basic division is “explicit independence” versus “implicit independence.” So, I have always said that facing the challenge of “explicit independence” is better than being deceived by “implicit independence.”

The U.S. factor is one consideration, but the U.S.’s ability to intervene in the Taiwan Strait today is limited. It can cause trouble, but we have ways to deal with it. Recently, our two fishermen were killed in a collision with a Taiwanese coast guard vessel, and now our coast guard has started regular patrols, which is very good for shaping a perception of Chinese sovereignty. This incident was also highly covered by Taiwanese media. Our coast guard boarded a Taiwanese yacht and checked the captain’s documents, demonstrating our exercise of Chinese sovereignty and administrative jurisdiction. These actions should continue and expand. If Taiwan continues to engage with the U.S. in “Taiwan independence,” we can immediately take various punitive measures.

Huang Renwei: Trump might make moves to provoke us, like sending congratulatory messages to Lai Ching-te or attending the inauguration ceremony. But he is clear that he will not fight for Taiwan independence. He has stated several times that if Taiwan wants independence, that’s their business. If the mainland attacks, he will not get involved. He both stimulates and withholds support, unlike Biden, who secretly supports “Taiwan independence” while avoiding open provocation. So, on the Taiwan issue, Trump is openly against the one-China principle, while Biden secretly supports Taiwan.

Audience: Hello, professors and host. I observe that among U.S. presidents, Trump has a unique “fan” appeal. Despite ridicule, he has strong, unwavering support. Why does he have this effect? Thank you.

Zhang Weiwei: Trump “breaks boundaries,” with a fan base of about 80 million, according to his previous Twitter following, which has only grown. The basic logic is that ordinary Americans have many grievances, and the elites are out of touch. Trump appears grounded and offers straightforward solutions, even if they are unrealistic.

In his first campaign, Trump said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still get elected. His base hates the “white left” elites, believing they are ruining America and worsening middle-class lives. Trump’s supporters see him as someone who speaks plainly and might help, even if he accomplishes little.

Huang Renwei: Trump is a politician for the network age, rising through platforms like Facebook. He engages directly with netizens, constantly using new media, creating a style that resonates with people tired of elite politics.

Host: Two incompatible linguistic systems.

Huang Renwei: Yes, Trump’s governance and interactions are entirely new, appealing to ordinary people. He uses unconventional methods, creating a unique political style.

Audience: Hello, professors and host. If Trump makes a comeback, how will it affect our lives and economy? Thank you.

Zhang Weiwei: The U.S. has long been undermining China’s economy through “financial warfare,” aiming to attract Chinese capital to the U.S. Our party’s leadership has prevented major financial issues.

Huang Renwei: Exchange rates are a key aspect of financial warfare, with the U.S. using them to depress China’s economic output and suggest a decline. Higher U.S. interest rates attract global capital, affecting China’s stock market and causing capital outflows. This is financial warfare, including punishing specific companies and confiscating funds, ultimately targeting the renminbi to maintain the dollar’s global dominance. If the dollar’s share decreases and the renminbi’s share increases, it signifies a real power shift. The key is whether the renminbi can withstand the pressure.

Zhang Weiwei: Proactively engaging in financial warfare is essential. For example, we can demand payments in renminbi for certain products only China can produce. We should maintain a clear stance against financialization, using finance to serve the real economy.

Host: So, we are preparing for financial warfare, which involves restructuring our financial system and market.

Zhang Weiwei: Our stance as a high-end think tank is clear: the economy must serve the real economy, not financialization. This principle must not change.


发布人: 邬含菲 发布时间:2024-03-25








首先,我们要承认特朗普确实认识到了美国面临的许多严峻挑战,从犯罪猖獗到吸毒泛滥,从移民危机到基础设施衰败等等,他多次讲美国是一个“发展中国家”,不是“发达国家”,下面他的听众热烈鼓掌。今年2月16日,他再次发文称“我们是一个衰落的国家,一个失败的国家!” 然而,特朗普既没有推动改革的雄才大略,更没有超越美国Deep State(深层国家)的能力,所以他要么是无能为力,要么是开错药方。他第一个任期结束后的美国是一个更加分裂的美国、更加失败的美国。坦率地讲,美国政治制度基因缺陷使然,无论特朗普是否重返白宫,美国国运恐怕将继续下滑。

第二,特朗普“重新上台”的前景,已经使美国的多数盟友不寒而栗。在2月10日的一次竞选集会上,口无遮拦的特朗普再次要求北约盟友“付费”,否则他会鼓励俄罗斯对他们发动攻击。特朗普在演讲中转述了一位外国总统和他的对话,这位总统问特朗普说:“特朗普先生,假如我没有付钱,但是俄罗斯攻击我,美国会站出来保卫我们吗?” 特朗普以商人的口吻反问他:“你是说没付钱,没缴该缴的钱?”对方说:“是的。”特朗普立即表示:“如果是这种情况的话,我不会阻止俄罗斯,相反我要鼓励俄罗斯做它想做的任何事情,攻击不缴费的国家。”当然,特朗普这里的“缴费”指的是要北约盟国把自己的国防预算都提高到自己GDP的2%。特朗普一直认为美国过度承担了其它国家的国防开支,他甚至表示过北约是“落伍于这个时代”的产物,吸干了美国纳税人的钱。





































黄仁伟:出怪牌,出不能出的牌。所以我可以想象他上台后,无论是盟国,还是像我们这样的“对手”,他都会出很多很多不按常理出的牌。世界会非常乱,因为美国带头破坏规矩。所以美国讲的“以规则为基础的秩序”(The order based on the rule),这句话完全成了一句废话。我们确实要有这个准备,他当然是打击中国,同时也打击盟国,可能唯一的就是拉拢俄罗斯,基本上主要是这些方向。












观众:两位教授,主持人好。我观察到在美国的历届总统中,特朗普尤其具有一种 “吸粉”能力,我们在媒体上会经常看到有很多嘲讽他的,但是我们又能看到他有很强大无条件支持他的粉丝,为什么在他身上会有这种效应?谢谢。


















About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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