2023: PRC National Security Day — Beware Intelligence Agency Pitches While Abroad

April 15 is tax day in the USA but in China it is the annual National Security Education Day. That day PRC media publicizes some recent successes in PRC counter-intelligence work as examples and warnings to others.

See also:

While Abroad or on Online Be Alert to Activities that Harm China’s National Security


He had been invited to go abroad as a visiting scholar. He was pitched by a foreign intelligence agency and turned traitor, tempted by money to give confidential documents to “online friends”, under the banner of cooperation but actually engaged in secret theft. These crimes against national security are matters of concern for you and me!

  On the occasion of the eighth National Security Education Day, the national security authorities publicized several typical cases on April 14th to remind the general public to raise their national security awareness, to be vigilant against acts that endanger national security, and ti jointly build a solid barrier to maintain national security.

“State Security is Everybody’s Responsibility!”
“April 15 is Educating the People About State Security Day”
“Citizens and organizations call 12339 to make a report”

   Be wary of the traps beyond China’s “gates”

  Nowadays, it is more and more convenient for Chinese citizens to go abroad for study, work and travel, and the foreign spy intelligence organs will see the opportunity for some people to relax their guard mentality after going abroad and set traps to threaten the personal safety of our citizens and bring risks and hidden dangers to our national security and interests.

  Zhao Xuejun is a researcher in the field of aerospace. During his visit to a foreign university as a visiting scholar, his identity as an expert in the field of aerospace was focused on by overseas espionage intelligence agencies, and he was then solicited and turned against.

  How did Zhao Xuejun fall into the other party’s trap step by step? Initially, the other side only asked him to dinner outings, gifts. As the relationship gradually drew closer, the other party began to ask him some sensitive questions, and pay a large consulting fee.

  Just before Zhao Xuejun was about to return home, the other side revealed to him the identity of the spy intelligence agency personnel and turned Zhao Xuejun against him.

  After returning to China, Zhao Xuejun used the USB flash drive and website specially equipped for him to receive mission instructions and return intelligence information, and met with the country’s spy intelligence agency personnel several times in many places in China, providing a large amount of classified information to the other side.

  In June 2019, the Beijing municipal state security authorities took compulsory measures against Zhao Xuejun in accordance with the law.2022 In August 2022, the People’s Court sentenced Zhao Xuejun to seven years’ imprisonment, three years’ deprivation of political rights, and confiscation of personal property of RMB 200,000 for espionage.

  In recent years, the national security organs found that some criminals lured and used others under the banner of “beautiful dream of immigration”, but secretly committed illegal and criminal acts that endangered our national security.

  Zheng Fuxing and Wang Peiyue are key members of an offshore “immigration service company”, which operates “clients” abroad through the processing of tourist visas and other means. After the “clients” left the country, the group immediately revealed its true face, coercing and enticing the “clients” to forge “documents and papers” such as household registration books, detention certificates, and certificates of forced abortions, and to publicly claim that they were “persecuted at home”. They openly claimed that they were “persecuted in China” and and smeared our country’s image with so-called “incriminating evidence” “created out of whole cloth”.

  In October 2021, the Hebei provincial state security organs took compulsory measures against Zheng Fuxing and Wang Pei Yue in accordance with the law. in May 2022, the People’s Court sentenced Zheng Fuxing and Wang Pei Yue to 3 years and 9 months and 3 years and 6 months in prison respectively.

  Whether they are tempted by petty profits to turn against others, or have ulterior motives to lure and use others, these acts that harm national interests and jeopardize national security for personal gain ultimately cost them dearly. The national security organs remind that no matter where you are, it is the responsibility and duty of every Chinese citizen to safeguard national security.

   It’s hard to escape the net of justice! The Internet is never outside the law

  Social networks are affecting people’s real life. When we use social networks, we should be wary of people with ulterior motives using network technology to disguise their identities to “make friends”, “consult”, “work part-time”, etc., or to create rumors or even endanger national security in an eye-catching way. “The social network is affecting people’s real life.

  In December 2016, Han Xiao, a grassroots civil servant in Xinjiang, met a local “net friend” through a cell phone dating software when he was on a trip. Since then, Han Xiao often shares his life online to the other party and complains from time to time that his salary is too low.

  The other party then introduced his cousin “Chen Yi” to Han Xiao, saying that he could provide opportunities to earn extra money.

  After “Chen Yi” added Han Xiao as a WeChat friend, he asked Han Xiao to provide sensitive local information and promised to pay him. After Han Xiao agreed, “Chen Yi” further lured him with money and directed him to collect confidential documents from party and government organs.

  In order to ensure “security”, the other side even trained Han Xiao as a spy, and sent a special person to provide Han Xiao with funds and cell phones, SIM cards and other communication tools. Han Xiao, knowing that the other party was a member of an overseas spy intelligence agency, continued to collect and provide classified documents in a desperate attempt to obtain high compensation.

Illegal equipment for stealing information (photo courtesy national security services)

  After the case, the People’s Court heard and found that Han Xiao had provided 19 classified documents and information to the other party, including 5 identified as intelligence, and received a total of more than 120,000 yuan in spy funds. in March 2019, Han Xiao was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison, deprived of political rights for 4 years, and confiscated personal property of RMB 50,000 for the crime of espionage.

  In the age of the Internet, some people, in order to attract traffic and attention, do not hesitate to break the law and to fabricating lies to smear the country and government, doing harm.

  Jiangsu Province state security authorities found that, since June 2020, Zhang posing as eight different Burmese nationals, opened several accounts in foreign social media sites to introduce daily life in China to people abroad, attracting tens of thousands of followers attention.

  In order to gain attention, Zhang frequently published posts smearing our national image and attacking the Party and government by means of rumors and slander, and even incited and abetted others to overthrow our state by violent means. This caused serious harm.

  After fully grasping the evidence of Zhang’s illegal crimes, in February 2022, the state security organs took compulsory measures against Zhang in accordance with the law.

  The Internet is not outside the law. No amount of “elaborate” planning and camouflage can conceal the nature of illegal and criminal acts against national security. National security organs remind us that any use of the network to steal state secrets, manufacturing and disseminate rumors, or other behavior endangering national security, will be severely punished by law. A clean cyberspace needs to be governed by law and requires the joint efforts of each and every one of us.

   Cooperation or theft? Careful screening is required

  Nowadays, the acts of spy and intelligence agencies based outside of Mainland China and anti-China hostile forces against our national security are no longer limited to the traditional security field. Some organizations and personnel, under the banner of foreign NGOs, investigation and consulting companies, and high-tech companies, are trying to do harm to our national security by starting from the economic, biological, and technological fields, and trying to “do something” in areas such as China’s human rights, industrial chain, supply chain.

  Li runs a consulting company in Shenzhen, Guangdong that provides supply chain risk audit services mainly for offshore companies. A few years ago, Li’s company cooperated with an offshore NGO.

  As the cooperation progressed, Li found that the NGO’s vetting standards for Chinese companies were getting more and more detailed, especially for the border-related content with new vetting requirements.

  Although Li had discovered that the foreign NGO was actively collecting information on the so-called “human rights issues” in Xinjiang, they still undertook to carry out the relevant investigation projects in pursuit of financial interests. Ultimately, Li was punished by the Guangdong Province state security authorities and his company was ordered to implement rectification.

  There are also some foreign organizations and people who approach our citizens with a “friendly face” and commit acts against national security in an undetectable disguise, which requires our constant vigilance.

  In 2019, Mr. Zhang’s sea cucumber farm in Dalian, Liaoning Province, welcomed several “unwanted guests”. Huang led several foreigners to install marine hydrographic monitoring equipment and sea and air surveillance recording equipment at Mr. Zhang’s sea cucumber farm under the pretext of “free installation of seawater quality monitoring equipment”.

  After that, Mr. Zhang gradually found that the data from the hydrological monitoring equipment was continuously transmitted outside the country, and many of the data were not related to sea cucumber farming, and those sea and air monitoring and recording equipment were meaningless to sea cucumber farming.

Illegal monitoring equipment installed by foreigners in sea cucumber breeding pens (Photo courtesy state security organs)

  Feeling suspicious about this, Mr. Zhang then called 12339 to report to the state security organs. It was identified that foreign personnel had illegally installed monitoring equipment in our waters, posing a serious threat to our maritime rights and military security. The national security organs of Liaoning Province took compulsory measures against Huang and several foreigners in accordance with the law and seized the monitoring equipment. Huang and others truthfully explained the illegal and criminal facts of illegally stealing China’s marine hydorographic data and naval and air military images.

  At present, traditional security and non-traditional security threats overlap and intertwine, and some illegal and criminal acts that endanger national security are more hidden, and enterprises and individuals will be used if they are not careful. This requires the general public to effectively enhance national security awareness, be alert to acts that endanger national security. Once you discover suspicious situations that may endanger national security, promptly call the national security organs to report — the number to call is 12339. National security is everyone’s responsibility. Only if everyone works together can we build an impenetrable national security people’s defense.

Alarm bells are ringing! Chinese space experts were turned by a certain country and sold a lot of confidential information

Just this past April 15 was the 8th National Education Safety Day.

Since ancient times, it has been the nation that has made it possible for us to have families.

However, there are some vermin who have no regard for the conduct of the state and the national righteousness, and for the sake of their own selfish desires, they will sell all the state secrets to the enemy military without mercy

For example, there was the big case of our scientific expert Zhao being turned by other countries with ill intentions back in the early days.

Experts targeted by the enemy

Zhao Xuejun is a researcher at a scientific research institute in the field of aerospace in China, which would have had access to our country’s more core private scientific research information, but also very natural to be targeted by people with ulterior motives.

These in foreign countries responsible for the investigating our secret intelligence and military information have long been interested in Zhao Xuejun’s research institute, after all, his research institute is responsible for important parts inside our missile systems, such as test launch control systems, platform inertial devices and control systems, and other special electronic equipment

This research institute is of great importance to our missile research.

A Chinese visiting scholar turned traitor: he sold our country’s critical aerospace secrets. He received 100,000 RMB for spying; he was sentenced to seven years in prison. Caption below: Zhao Xuejun is a research worker in the aerospace industry with access to important classified information. In 2009, was approached by the intelligence service of a certain western country and asked to provide secret information.

However, because of very high degree security in this Academy, the enemy could only start with people like Zhao Xuejun who could be easily bribed with small favors.

In 2009, Zhao Xuejun’s departure to study abroad was an obvious opportunity for the enemy.

After the enemy’s spy organization got hold of Zhao Xuejun’s plans, it sent a person specifically to consciously approach him when he had just arrived in a new country and was still unfamiliar with it.

Label on equipment at right “national security”. Document at left labelled “secret document”

This person sent out by the spy organization is also clearly a human being, not only can he come to know himself and Zhao Xuejun well but also gained his trust and emotional dependence.

After Zhao Xuejun complained that he was not valued at work in China, the spy also stood on a united front with him and fought for him, and the usual rainbow farts to Zhao Xuejun blew him away, mistaking him for a “real soulmate”.

But Zhao Xuejun did not know that this is a spy organization in order to invite the king into the trap set up, but only a happy to drill into it.

Defeated by love-bombing

The spy’s cover included a pretext for being interested in the direction of Zhao Xuejun’s career. The spy did possess some relevant knowledge, so that Zhao Xuejun felt comfortable and he is very talkative, but also quickly put down his guard.

They became close friends. They talked about almost everything.

In order to play his role to the fullest, the spy also invited Zhao Xuejun’s family to come along on a trip abroad and paid the cost of Zhao Xuejun’s family travel on his own.

Also personally as a guide to accompany Zhao Xuejun’s family around the tour, so Zhao Xuejun wrongly thought his “friend” people was good to him have any questions to consult him, he have to answer with care.

The spy, in order not to alarm the snake, started with trivial questions but also was concerned not to waste Zhao Xuejun’s time for paying himn “consulting fee” was paid to Zhao Xuejun. The spy said that it was tuition paid Zhao Xuejun. Zhao Xuejun also could not resist the temptation of the “consulting fee”, and at first was politely turned it down but finally accepted all of them, and answered the questions without fail.

The spy see the time is ripe, also began to slowly try to ask some sensitive questions, but Zhao Xuejun do not know whether he was in bad company but he wanted to keep “earning extra money” opportunity, or really did not notice, the spy still have to respond to requests, patient and meticulous answers.

The spy saw the situation and no longer concealed, straightforwardly told Zhao Xuejun his true identity, said clearly that they are a certain national intelligence bureau staff.

He also offered to give him $1000 per month asking Zhao Xuejun if he was willing to work with him?

Zhao Xuejun was also shocked and dismayed at first. He had not expected that his friend who had been with him for so long really had an ulterior motive. If he had, he might have hesitated to betray his country and sell intelligence to make money.

After all, the education he received as a child was definitely not intended to train him to be a traitor either.

But he finally chose to be on the same side as the spies for money, providing them with our top secret documents in the field of space.

After Zhao Xuejun returned to China, for this money, he worked as usual in graduate school on the surface, and in private, he tried every means to secretly collect all the information needed for spies. During this time sold a number of our confidential documents in the field of space to spy organizations.

Because Zhao Xuejun was using communication equipment provided to him by spies, he was also unnoticed by the state for a time, and he made hundreds of thousands of RMB in illegal profits as a result.

Finally sanctioned

But our Ministry of State Security is no slouch either.

Despite the fact that Zhao Xuejun and the spies were more careful and the spy organization settled the money for him in cash and he never dared to deposit it in the bank, the Ministry of State Security discovered Zhao Xuejun’s problem based on some anomalies and took coercive measures to block his contact with foreign countries.

This also made him pay a heavy legal price for his former wrongdoing. Zhao Xuejun was confiscated more than 200,000 yuan of personal property and sentenced to more than seven years in prison.


After the incident, Zhao Xuejun also expressed remorse, saying that he should have seen that the spy was not well-intentioned and should not have betrayed the country and betrayed the secrets.

But everything is too late, when Zhao Xuejun finished serving his sentence, he will never be able to do back to his previous position and industry. His twenty years of savings all went down the drain. In the end he will face being disdained and being an object of contempt.

Figure in black labelled “secrets”


字体: 小 中 大












































2023-04-19 16:25:53 来源: 夜雨冻风中江苏  举报











































About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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