2022: Shanghai Reports on its Develop the West Counterpart Support

The wealthier Chinese provinces are often paired with the less developed provinces and counties in poverty alleviation and disaster relief as was done for example after the 2008 For Sichuan earthquake. This is called counterpart assistance duìkǒu zhīyuán 对口支援. When I visited Nyingchi/Linzhi, Tibetan Autonomous Region circa 2010, I met officials from Fujian Province who had been seconded to the Linzhi City government (one was serving as a Vice Mayor) to help the local government. Fujian funded and Fujian companies were building infrastructure projects in the Nyinchi/Linzhi area. This development assistance pattern is also used in some of China’s foreign assistance programs in which Chinese provinces are paired with some countries in Africa. For example Aid Africa Medical Assistance Teams from Chinese provinces are assigned to certain African countries. For example, Medical Assistance Teams from Sichuan Province are regularly dispatched to Mozambique and Guinea Bissau. When I worked at the US Consulate General in Chengdu I heard about the intensive Portuguese language training course held at Sichuan University to prepare medical teams about to go to Mozambique and Guinea Bissau.

Shanghai Municipality, as one of China’s richest regions, provides assistance to some of the poorer counties in Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Guizhou, Hubei, Chongqing and Yunnan.

The report below to the Standing Committee of the Shanghai People’s Congress details some of Shanghai Municipality’s assistance programs.

China has been spending vast amounts of money on rural development in western China and improving the lives of people living in the countryside. Western China, an expansive term in practice since less developed areas in the center and east central parts of China also vie for assistance, includes naturally the western third of the country where minorities are the majority in many areas. Development assistance including building roads and improving the housing of the population also has a political dimension for example as new housing in Tibetan areas is often close to new roads with better access to local government rather then clustered near monasteries since one of the goals of development work is to strengthen ties of minority people to the Communist Party and the government.

To the translation below I have added italics, bolding and explanatory notes and broken some very long paragraphs into separate paragraphs to improve readability.

Report on Shanghai Municipality’s China East-West Cooperation and Counterpart Support


  published March 17, 2023

October 27, 2022 at the 45th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress

Pan Xiaogang, Director of the Cooperation and Exchange Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government

Director, Deputy Director, Secretary General and Members:

Entrusted by the municipal government, I would like to report to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress on the work of China East-West Cooperation and Counterpart Support (hereinafter referred to as counterpart support) as follows:

The 19th Party Congress made the deployment of precise poverty eradication as one of the three major battles. Counterpart support to Kashgar and Karamay in Xinjiang, Shigatse in Tibet, Goluo in Qinghai in Yunnan, Zunyi in Guizhou, Yichang Yiling in Hubei and Wanzhou in Chongqing is a historical responsibility and glorious mission given to Shanghai by the central government. [Translator’s note: assistance to Yunnan and Qinghai also mentioned below.] The current government’s counterpart assistance work has gone through two stages, and the goal of the work is to help the counterpart regions win and fight the battle against poverty, and realize the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the results of poverty eradication and rural revitalization. We resolutely implement a series of important instructions from General Secretary Xi Jinping and the central decision and deployment, and make every effort to sustain the attack and make every effort to promote the implementation of the work.

First, resolutely implement the central decision and deployment, and promote counterpart support work with high quality

Taking “Accomplish the Tasking from the Center, Consider Local Needs and Shanghai’s Capacity” the basic principle, combine  workforce, organizational security, planning and implementation, project construction, etc.,to achieve the combination of the overall promotion of counterpart support work to achieve phased results.

(A) The Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s precise poverty alleviation strategy in Shanghai has been fully implemented. The Shanghai Municipality Communist Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipality government both highly value the work of counterpart support, and take helping counterpart areas win the battle against poverty and promote rural revitalization as a concrete practice to enhance the “Four Consciousnesses“, affirm the “Four Self-Confidences” and realize the “Two Safeguards.” 


  • The Four Consciousnesses” sige yishi 四個意識  enhance political integrity, develop a better understanding of the general picture, follow the core leadership of the Central Committee, and act consistently with Chinese Communist Party Central Committee policy.
  • “The Four Self-confidences” sige zixin  四個自信“confident in our chosen path, confident in our guiding theories, confident in our political system, and confident in our culture.”
  • The Two Safeguards” liangge weihu 兩個維護 “‘Safeguard the core position of the Xi Jinping-led Party Central Committee and at the core position of the whole party’ and ‘Safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership’” End note.]

We take it as our duty to help solve the problems that the local people think and expect. The main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government personally get involved, every year held the standing committee of the Shanghai Municipal Communist Party Committee, the executive meeting of the municipal government, and the plenary meeting of the city’s counterpart support and cooperation and exchange work of the State Council Leading Group on this matter, timely convey and study the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important statements on poverty alleviation work, study and promote the implementation of the Party Central Committee and the State Council’s major deployments, consider and decide the important matters of the city’s counterpart support work. The municipal party committee and the main leaders of the municipal government have led teams to the counterpart support areas to do research and check-ups every year. The municipal party committee and municipal government have issued “Opinions on further deepening the work of East-West cooperation in poverty alleviation“Promoting the Success of the Three-year Poverty Alleviation Action Plan” and other documents to coordinate and promote the work of counterpart support. 

The Shanghai Municipality People’s Congress is also very concerned about the work of counterpart support, every year, the Municipality ‘s counterpart support and cooperation and exchange of special funds budget to give strong support, the main leaders led many times to the counterpart support areas to guide the work. According to the decision of the Party Central Committee, from 2021, the focus of the counterpart support work shifted from helping to fight poverty to consolidating and expanding the results of poverty eradication and rural revitalization. Based on the orderly promotion of the optimization and adjustment of the twinning relationship, the municipal Party committee and the municipal government issued the “Implementation Opinions on Helping Counterpart Areas Achieve Effective Convergence in Consolidating and Expanding the Results of Poverty Eradication and Rural Revitalization“, which opened a new stage of counterpart support work.

(B) Concentrate efforts to help counterpart areas in order to win the battle against poverty. During the fight against poverty, focus on solving the outstanding problems of “Two Guarantees and the Three Guarantees”, adhere to the help funds and projects down to poor counties, down to poor villages, bound to poor households, focusing on deep poverty areas and the front line of the fight against poverty. 

[Note: 两不愁三保障 “The ‘Two Guarantees’ refer to the guarantee of adequate food and clothing, while the ‘Three Guarantees’ encompass compulsory education, basic medical care, and housing security. In November 2011, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President of the People’s Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Hu Jintao, convened the Central Conference on Poverty Alleviation and Development in Beijing, where he outlined a ten-year plan for poverty alleviation and development. It was explicitly stated that by 2020, efforts should be made to ensure that the impoverished population no longer suffer from food and clothing shortages and that their access to compulsory education, basic medical care, and housing would be guaranteed. This objective was established by the central government. In December of the same year, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council issued the ‘Outline of Poverty Alleviation and Development in Rural Areas of China (2011-2020)’ (referred to as the ‘Poverty Alleviation and Development Outline’), which consists of the ‘Two Guarantees’ and ‘Three Guarantees’ as integral components in achieving a comprehensively well-off society by 2020.” End note. ]

Focusing on solving the outstanding problems of compulsory education, basic medical care, housing safety and drinking water safety at the grassroots level, we help more than 1,400 medical institutions and 1,800 schools at the city, county and township levels in the counterpart areas, and help Kashgar Second Hospital and Rikaze People’s Hospital to become third-class hospitals by vigorously carrying out “group-type” talent support. By the end of 2020, all 98 national poverty-stricken counties in the 7 provinces and 20 municipalities supported by the counterpart were lifted out of poverty on schedule, and more than 9.09 million poor households were lifted out of poverty. Since 2017, Shanghai has received “good overall evaluations” in the national assessment of China East-West poverty alleviation collaboration, and ranked first in the assessment of the effectiveness of counterpart support. 

The practice of 34 tertiary hospitals in Shanghai to help 34 county hospitals in Yunnan by twinning with “organizing groups to join forces” has been commended by the state, Shanghai’s group education support has been commended by the Ministry of Organization, and the “Shanghai 121 Consumption Collaboration Map” has been rated by the National Development and Reform Commission as the national consumption support for rural revitalization in 2021.

[Note: From 上海消费帮扶成绩单出炉 超130亿元创历史新高 According to incomplete statistics, Shanghai has sold more than 13 billion yuan of consumer support products in central and western regions during 2021, including 5.37 billion yuan of consumer support products in Yunnan, exceeding the annual target and reaching a record high. Shanghai’s consumer support network has built 19 “100 counties and 100 products” direct stores, 21 consumer support life halls, and more than 150 consumer support counters, and the “Shanghai Cooperation 121 Consumer Collaboration Map” was named by the National Development and Reform Commission as a national consumer support project in 2021. The “Shanghai Collaboration 121 Consumer Collaboration Map” was named by the National Development and Reform Commission as the 2021 national outstanding typical case of consumer consumption support for rural revitalization. End note.]

“Ten years of deep development work on the southern border to help consumption support” and “Guangfeng Guangnan cattle’ of southern Yunnan Province storm into the Shanghai market” were selected by the Shanghai aid cadres as typical cases of national consumption support to help rural revitalization in 2021.” It was shortlisted as a typical case of national consumption support for rural revitalization in 2021; Shanghai’s practice of leading social organizations to help each other was exchanged in relevant meetings of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau, and Shanghai’s practice of helping the Three Gorges Reservoir Area was affirmed by the leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources. At the National Commendation Conference on Combating Poverty held in February 2021, 33 individuals and 25 collectives in Shanghai were honored by the Party Central Committee and the State Council; at the Summary Commendation Conference of Shanghai on May 20 of the same year for helping to combat poverty, 70 individuals and 50 collectives were honored by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government.

(C) Promoting the sustainable development of counterparts to help the region, the steadily increasing endogenous power. Insist on cultivating the “strengthening local capacity” function as fundamental, implement the combination of poverty alleviation and wisdom and will, fully exploit the potential of the counterpart areas in agriculture, culture and tourism, and make use of the Municipality’s special capacities in science and technology, capital, information and market to vigorously carry out industrial, employment, consumption and intellectual support work, and continuously enhance counterparts.  The Municipality will continue to enhance the sustainable development capacity of the counterpart areas and promote rural revitalization to open up new innings.

 First, strengthening industrial assistance. . The office of the leading group for coordinating support and cooperation in paired-assistance work, jointly with municipal state-owned assets, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and other departments, organizes the precise assistance action of “Pairing 100 Villages with 100 Enterprises” and the action of “Ten Thousand Enterprises Assisting Ten Thousand Villages.” It guides our city’s state-owned assets and private enterprises to focus on the target of “three belts and two transformations,” and focuses on supporting the leading industries, traditional industries, and emerging industries in the paired-assistance areas, establishing bases and industrial parks. It gives key support to characteristic industries such as coffee, ethnic handicrafts, fruits and vegetables, and meat processing, actively promotes cooperation with Yunnan’s “1+16+N” industrial parks, guides companies to invest over 60 billion yuan in local areas, and establishes 39 extended production bases in the paired-assistance areas which not only promote local farmers’ sustainable income, but also enrich the food baskets of Shanghai citizens. 

Secondly, deepening employment assistance. The municipal department of human resources and social security, in conjunction with relevant policies, supports the implementation of labor skills training, job stability subsidies, intermediary service subsidies, subsidies for migrant workers, and the development of public service positions in the paired-assistance areas. This helps more than 800,000 people find employment locally and overcomes the impact of the epidemic by taking active and effective measures to stabilize employment.

Thirdly, expanding consumption assistance. Jointly with municipal state-owned assets, finance, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, commerce, and other departments, implementation plans have been issued to deepen consumption-oriented poverty alleviation actions and support the decisive battle against poverty through enhancing consumption. A comprehensive platform for consumption assistance work has been established citywide. Cooperation with the municipal commerce and other departments has led to the establishment of 40 city-level hub-type consumption assistance points, 253 counters and windows, and over 2,700 sales outlets in major supermarkets and retail stores. Jointly organized by various districts, state-owned assets, and enterprise groups, product exhibitions and sales events have been continuously held for the paired-assistance areas. Actions such as “One County, One Product” and “Dual-line Entry into Nine Places” have resulted in the sale of agricultural products worth over 30 billion yuan, helping to upgrade the production, circulation, and value chains of agricultural products in the paired-assistance areas.

Fourthly, optimizing intellectual assistance. The municipal organization department, together with the municipal department of human resources and social security, the education commission, the science and technology commission, and other departments, fully utilizes the advantages of our city in talents, technology, capital, information, and management. Efforts are made to strengthen the selection and dispatch of talents, optimize intellectual assistance measures, and dispatch nearly 4,200 professionals, including teachers, doctors, and flexible voluntary service personnel in the Silver Age Action, to provide training for about 400,000 personnel, including officials, teachers, doctors, and leading figures in poverty alleviation in the paired-assistance areas. The aim is to to build a resilient talent pool for local development.

Fifthly, Dovetailing with rural revitalization. In line with the principles of “industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization, and organizational revitalization,” together with the paired-assistance areas, we have focused on creating a batch of rural revitalization demonstration sites, represented by Yadong County, Shigatse, Jinhu Yangchangshou Village in Zepu County, Kashgar, Banli Village in Lancang County, Puer, and Qiaquna Village in Gande County, Golog. We continue to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and enhance the post-poverty development momentum in these areas. Additionally, in collaboration with the municipal agricultural and rural affairs committee, we have organized grassroots cadres and leading figures in poverty alleviation from the paired-assistance areas to visit and learn from rural revitalization demonstration sites in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region. This promotes the replication and popularization of Shanghai’s experience in rural revitalization in the paired-assistance areas. In August 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally replied to ten former party secretaries from border villages in Cangyuan County, Yunnan, expressing satisfaction with the profound changes brought about by the poverty alleviation efforts and encouraging them to continue promoting rural revitalization, border development, building beautiful hometowns, safeguarding ethnic unity, and protecting the sacred land of our nation.

(D) Promote deep and solid progress in ethnic unity. Adhering to the main line of strengthening the sense of community for the Chinese nation, continuously promote extensive interaction, comprehensive communication, and deep integration among various ethnic groups.

Firstly, multi-level personnel exchange. By utilizing forms such as training programs in Shanghai, providing on-site education, undertaking temporary positions for learning, and organizing local training classes, we have established talent development mechanisms such as “teams leading teams,” “experts mentoring key personnel,” and “masters mentoring apprentices.” These initiatives have trained over 210,000 individuals, including party members, professionals, and rural leaders, from the targeted areas. We vigorously promote activities like “bringing visitors to Kashgar,” “bringing visitors to Tibet,” and “bringing visitors to enjoy fruits,” opening up charter flights and special tourist trains, guiding millions of Shanghai residents to visit and experience the targeted areas for tourism and sightseeing.

Secondly, diversifying cultural exchange. We organize Shanghai-branded programs such as “We Are Taking Action,” “Extreme Challenge,” “Children’s World,” and “Mamma Mia” to be recorded in the targeted areas. Collaborating with the targeted areas, we create cultural works such as documentaries like “The Legend of Kashi” and “Ye’erqiang River” and theme concerts like “From the Yellow River to the Yangtze River” to comprehensively promote the excellent cultural history and tourism resources of the targeted areas. We have hosted over 200 cultural exchange performances between Shanghai and the targeted areas, invited professional performance troupes such as Shanghai Conservatory of Music, acrobatic troupes, ballet troupes, Peking Opera troupes, and Kunqu Opera troupes to perform in the targeted areas. We have also invited performers from the Twelve Mukams of Kashi, Rikaze Jiongba Tibetan Opera, Lazi Duixie, Guoluo Banma Guozhuang Dance, and Gesar culture to tour and perform in Shanghai, facilitating the comprehensive exchange and mutual learning of Chinese traditional culture and outstanding cultures of various ethnic groups.

Thirdly, we achieve full coverage in paired assistance. We strengthen multidimensional exchanges and interactions with the targeted areas and extensively implement the “village-enterprise pairing action” at both the municipal and district levels. Emphasizing the connotation of “three supports and two transformations” (supporting people, supporting resources, supporting industries, transforming mindsets, and transforming village appearances), we mobilize various types of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign enterprises in Shanghai to actively participate in activities like striving for a better life. We have organized more than 8,000 pairs of villages, pairs of village-enterprises, and pairs of schools and hospitals, further consolidating the assistance relationships.

Fourthly, we actively mobilize social participation. We mobilize and guide various social organizations, such as the Shanghai Charity Foundation, China Welfare Lottery Charity Fund, and True Love Dream Public Welfare Fund, to participate in the paired assistance work. We have created brand public welfare projects like “Little Poplar Tree,” “Love for Gesang Flowers,” “Xueyuqing • Guangmingxing,” “Dream House on the Roof of the World,” and “Longhu Xinya Project.” These initiatives have donated various materials and raised over 300 million yuan in social funds for the targeted areas, conveying the warmth of Shanghai and creating a strong atmosphere of ethnic unity and integration. At the same time, we actively guide and rally the participation of various sectors of society in the paired assistance, leveraging over 280 million yuan in social investment. The project covers multiple fields such as medical aid, educational support, assistance to the disabled and impoverished, livelihood security, and safe drinking water. This approach not only maximizes the benefits of limited resources but also harnesses a powerful collaborative force of mutual assistance and solidarity. In recent years, we have also intensified media coverage and theoretical discussions to tell the story of Shanghai’s poverty alleviation efforts, sharing the “Shanghai chapter” and the “Shanghai experience” in poverty alleviation in China. We have implemented a series of thematic campaigns such as “Achieving Comprehensive Well-off, Fighting Poverty Alleviation,” “Comprehensive Well-off, Happiness Together,” and “New Era, New Love for the Village, Connected Hearts,” creating a strong atmosphere of collective participation in paired assistance work throughout society.

(E) Use the Municipality leadership system to coordinate and promote the continuing consolidation of the mechanisms of joint management. Adhere to the party’s leadership of the counterpart support work, and constantly improve the Municipality’s counterpart support and cooperation and exchange work leading group work system. 

  • First, we are establishing a unified and coordinated approach throughout the city. Relevant policies have been introduced to promote the unity of the whole city. All 16 districts and major functional departments have actively formulated supporting policies, conducted on-site visits and research for coordination, and ensured that all 42 municipal state-owned enterprise groups participate in paired assistance to achieve full coverage.
  • Second, we consistently adhere to planning guidance. Based on task transitions and actual needs, we have completed the mid-term evaluation and project adjustment of the “13th Five-Year Plan” for Shanghai’s paired support to Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Yunnan, and other regions. We have taken the lead in formulating the “14th Five-Year Plan” for Shanghai’s paired support to Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Yunnan, and other regions. We have also developed three-year action plans for specific regions, and jointly formulated annual plan proposals and special cooperation agreements with the recipient regions and front line work institutions to ensure that paired assistance work follows rules and procedures.
  • Third, we standardize fund and project management. We improve the norms for planning guidance, fund supervision, project management, performance evaluation, and oversight audits, with particular emphasis on fund and project management as a top priority in paired assistance work. Based on the actual situation of the recipient regions, we jointly develop project management methods with the local governments, clarifying the procedures for planning and project application. We also work with relevant local departments to establish measures for surplus funds, project reserves, fund disbursement, and third-party management, promoting governance through institutional mechanisms and ensuring accountability through institutional measures. We strengthen the financial management of aid funds, implement the “dual countersignature” system for fund disbursement, and establish a closed-loop management for fund management, striving to fulfill responsibilities along with fund disbursement. We established and improved monthly progress reporting mechanisms, as well as forward-backward linkage analysis and tracking mechanisms, to ensure weekly progress, monthly targets, quarterly milestones, and annual goals.

Since the beginning of this year, Shanghai and the recipient regions have been affected by the epidemic to varying degrees. All parties in the city and the recipient regions have innovated methods and strengthened remote coordination to ensure the coordinated progress of epidemic response and assistance.

II.  Considerations for the Next Stage of Work

We will resolutely implement the central decision-making and deployment, deepen the cooperation and support between the eastern and western regions, highlight the key areas of assistance, innovate assistance methods, and improve the effectiveness of assistance to ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty and to assist the supported regions in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

(1) Adhere to the “Four No Reduction in Responsibilities” [See note below] and assist the supported regions in consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation. Implement the central requirements of “four no removals” (no removal of responsibility after poverty alleviation, no removal of policies, no removal of assistance, no removal of supervision), promote a more solid poverty alleviation foundation and sustainable outcomes in the supported regions. First, maintain the same level of attention. Continue to play the coordinating role of the city’s leading group, with districts as the main body, municipal departments as important support, front-line agencies as key forces, and liaison offices as bridges, strengthen the city-wide coordination mechanism. Second, maintain the same level of investment. In accordance with the requirements of “maintaining two aspects,” focus on newly paired regions, key poverty alleviation counties for national rural revitalization, and key areas of work to ensure the quality and quantity of achieving the targets of assistance. Third, maintain the same level of target requirements. Based on the work approach of “strengthening industrial cooperation, strengthening consumption cooperation, and strengthening labor cooperation,” prioritize the consolidation and expansion of achievements in poverty alleviation, assist the supported regions in dynamic management and immediate assistance to vulnerable groups prone to returning to poverty, and firmly prevent large-scale returns to poverty. Fourth, maintain the same level of effectiveness in assistance. Adhere to the principle of “fulfilling commitments,” actively explore and innovate the monitoring mechanism for assistance projects, strengthen and optimize the responsibility system for assessment and evaluation, and continue to maximize comprehensive benefits.

(2) Fully implement the “Three Shifts [see note below] and support the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization in the supported regions. In accordance with the central requirements of the “three shifts” in rural work (shifting the focus to all farmers, shifting the tasks to promote the “Five Major Revitalizations” in rural areas, and shifting the measures to promote development), better support the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization in the supported regions. First, prioritize industrial revitalization. Improve the mechanism for corporate participation in assistance work with a market-oriented approach, support local efforts in scaling up operations, standardizing production, and building brands based on the development conditions and resource endowments of the supported regions. Deepen cooperation in industries, labor, consumption, and other areas to continuously increase local residents’ income. Second, strengthen key projects and demonstrations for rural development. Focus on the construction of beautiful villages, exemplary villages, and border areas reaching a moderately prosperous level. Tailor measures according to local conditions to comprehensively improve rural transportation, water supply, logistics systems, and living environments. Continuously create brands for rural revitalization and promote continuous progress in rural governance and cultural development in the supported regions. Third, deepen efforts to promote ethnic unity and common progress. Promote cultural integration through cultural immersion projects, engage in exchanges and interactions, and carry out initiatives such as “Joining Hands for Rural Prosperity.” Encourage partnerships between streets, towns, enterprises, hospitals, schools, and others, strengthen the “Five Identifications,” and continuously strengthen the sense of a community for the Chinese nation.

We should resolutely implement the central decision and deployment, deeply promote east-west collaboration and counterpart support, highlight the focus of help, innovate ways to help, enhance the benefits of help, ensure that there is no return to poverty in a large area, and help counterpart areas to comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

(3) Serve the Construction of a New Development Pattern, Collaboratively Creating a New Situation in Targeted Assistance Work. Actively adapting to new situations and tasks, and focusing on promoting regional coordinated development and serving the new development pattern, we will continuously improve the level of targeted assistance work.

  • Firstly, we will facilitate economic circulation. Adhering to the decisive role of market allocation of resources, we will fully respect the laws of factor mobility and industrial development. Through exploring cooperative models such as “Shanghai Enterprises + Resources in Targeted Assistance Areas,” “Shanghai Research and Development + Manufacturing in Targeted Assistance Areas,” “Shanghai Market + Products from Targeted Assistance Areas,” and “Shanghai Headquarters + Bases in Targeted Assistance Areas,” we will achieve a high-level dynamic balance between supply and demand by creating supply to meet demand and demand to drive supply.
  • Secondly, we will achieve two-way empowerment. We will closely integrate the advantages of distinctive agricultural products and resources in targeted assistance areas with Shanghai’s advantages in talents, capital, technology, market, and platforms. We will strengthen the links between factors, production capacity, markets, and rules with the targeted assistance areas. By supporting the active role of market entities, we will promote the orderly transfer of industrial projects and foster mutual benefits and common development between Shanghai and the targeted assistance areas.
  • Thirdly, we will enhance open collaboration. Seizing the opportunities of jointly participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, building Yunnan into a center that radiates outwards towards South Asia and Southeast Asia. We will closely integrate the border opening advantages and inland opening advantages of targeted assistance areas with Shanghai’s global resource allocation capabilities and functions as an open hub. Facing emerging markets such as South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia, we will jointly play the roles of hub, platform, and channel, and achieve greater development in serving the overall national development.

In the current and future periods, targeted assistance work faces new situations, tasks, and requirements. We will continue to deeply implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and arrangements of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. Focusing on preventing a return to poverty, sustainability, and a new starting point, we will take multiple measures to promote targeted assistance work and make new contributions to achieving higher-level regional coordinated development and actively serving the national development and building a new development pattern.

The above report is submitted for your deliberation.

[Note on the Four No Reduction in Responsibilities:

The contents of “Four No Reduction in Responsibilities” in poverty alleviation Legal Knowledge 脱贫四个不摘四个不减的内容 -法律知识
Legal Analysis:
The top officials in poverty-stricken counties should maintain stability and ensure that their responsibilities are not removed when the poverty alleviation goals are achieved. The main policies for poverty alleviation should continue to be implemented without any removal when the poverty alleviation goals are achieved. The poverty alleviation work teams should not be withdrawn, and assistance should continue without any removal when the poverty alleviation goals are achieved. Prevention of falling back into poverty should be given importance, and supervision should continue without any removal when the poverty alleviation goals are achieved. “Four No Removals” refers to not removing the responsibility, policies, assistance, and supervision when poverty alleviation goals are achieved.
Legal Basis:
Article 1 of the “Work Plan for Establishing a Filing System for Poverty Alleviation and Development” states that the work objective is to establish a filing system for poverty alleviation and development that includes impoverished households, impoverished villages, poverty-stricken counties, and contiguous areas with severe poverty. Through the filing system, accurate identification of impoverished households and impoverished villages is conducted to understand their poverty conditions, analyze the causes of poverty, identify their assistance needs, determine the main actors in providing assistance, implement assistance measures, conduct assessments and evaluations, and establish dynamic management. Monitoring and evaluation are carried out for poverty-stricken counties and contiguous areas with severe poverty to analyze and grasp the progress of poverty alleviation and development work, providing a basis for decision-making and assessment of poverty alleviation and development. An electronic information archive for impoverished households, impoverished villages, poverty-stricken counties, and contiguous areas with severe poverty is established nationwide, and a “Poverty Alleviation Handbook” is distributed to impoverished households. Based on this, a national poverty alleviation information network system is constructed to lay the foundation for targeted poverty alleviation work.

End note.]

[Note on The Three Shifts:

【Top-level Design】 To engage private enterprises in the “Prosperous Villages through Thriving Enterprises” initiative, there needs to be a further shift in mindset:

First, the goal and task should shift from addressing the “Two Guarantees and Three Supports” to promoting comprehensive rural revitalization.

Second, the working approach should shift from focusing on individual households to driving regional development.

Third, the assistance measures should shift from primarily relying on government investment to achieving an organic combination of government and market forces.

【Guizhou】【Hubei】Continuing to do well in “agriculture, rural areas, and farmers” work and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is crucial. The key points are:

First, the focus of work should shift to encompass all farmers.

Second, the task at hand should shift towards advancing the “Five Major Revitalizations” of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations.

Third, the measures taken should shift towards promoting development.

【Sichuan】Accurately grasping the “Three Major Changes” in the situation and tasks:

First, the target of work should shift from assisting poverty-stricken populations to encompassing all farmers.

Second, the task at hand should shift from addressing the “Two Guarantees and Three Supports” to promoting comprehensive rural revitalization.

Third, the measures taken should shift from supporting poverty-stricken counties in poverty alleviation and hat removal to promoting development.

【Tibet】The shift in “position” and the transformation of the “battlefield” require changes in work approach, content, and direction:

First, the focus of work should shift to encompass all farmers and herdsmen.

Second, the task at hand should shift towards the “Five Revitalizations.”

Third, the measures taken should shift towards promoting rural development.

The 20-character guideline for rural revitalization is “Thriving Industries, Pleasant Ecology, Civilized Rural Life, Effective Governance, and Prosperous Livelihoods.” [End Note]


2023/3/17 13:27:18




















About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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