2023 NPC Lectures #6: Archaeology and Chinese Civilization Origins Research, Political Purposes

This is the sixth in a series of seven lectures given to the 170 members of the PRC National People’s Congress Standing Committee. The Standing Committee is the standing legislative body of China; the full 3000-member NPC meets for two weeks every March.

Translations in this series:

An introduction to the current state of archaeological research in China, how Chinese archaeologists have revised their view on the origins of Chinese civilization and the political purposes behind it — building national self-confidence, promoting national unity and patriotism, as well as the Chinese Communist Party’s current view of the significance of this research in the light of Marxism and historical materialism as understand in the New Era of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

The ‘cultural gene‘ idea which is fairly popular in China and is also used by General Secretary Xi Jinping [search: 文化基因 習近平] gets mentions.

The ideology between the political and ideological spin on archaeological discoveries that you may notice in the lecture translated below is criticized in Chinese historian and Tongji University Professor  Zhu Dake 朱大可’s 2013 article “The Fragmented Ancient Chinese God System” translated in 2022: Archaeology, Civilization and Historical Materialism

See also:

Sixth Lecture on Special Topics of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress

A Comprehensive Study of the Origins and Early Development of Chinese Civilization



By Wang Wei 王巍 , member of the Academic Council of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Director of the Department of History, and composer of songs about archaeological work)

Source: China National People’s Congress 

September 01, 2023

The Chairperson, the Vice-Chairpersons, the Secretary-General and the members of the Committee:

Chinese civilization is one of the four major civilizations in the world, which has continued uninterrupted to this day and occupies a unique and important position in the history of human civilization. Chinese civilization is an important topic in the study of Chinese history and world civilization. The excellent genes of Chinese civilization have been integrated into the bloodline of the Chinese nation and have shaped the ideological qualities and values of the Chinese people. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “China has firm road confidence, theoretical confidence, and institutional confidence, the essence of which is cultural confidence based on the inheritance of more than 5,000 years of civilization.” Studying the historical lineage of the origin, formation and development of Chinese civilization, and highlighting the achievements of Chinese civilization and its great contributions to human civilization, is of great significance to enhancing the nation’s historical and cultural self-confidence.

There are several key issues in the study of the origins of Chinese civilization:

  1. When was the Chinese civilization formed? How long has it been in existence?
  2. How did the Chinese civilization originate, form and develop, and how did the trend of integration of Chinese civilization from its multiple origins to that led by the Central Plains Dynasty take shape?
  3. Why has Chinese civilization emerged from a path of unity in diversity and origin that has lasted for a long time?
  4. What are the characteristics of the path and mechanism of the origin, formation and development of Chinese civilization?
  5. What is the position of Chinese civilization in the history of world civilization?

Due to the lack of documentary records on the origin and formation of Chinese civilization, the answer to these questions can only rely on first-hand information obtained through archaeology. Over the past one hundred years, archaeologists have demonstrated to the world the great role of archaeology in the study of ancient civilization through their hard work and rich archaeological discoveries. In the 1970s and 1980s, important archaeological discoveries at Liangzhu in Zhejiang Province, Niheliang in Liaoning Province, Taoji in Shanxi Province, and Erlitou in Henan Province provided brand-new information for the study of the origin, formation and development of Chinese civilization. As a result, Mr. Xia Nai published The Origin of Chinese Civilization ,《中国文明的起源》 arguing that the formation of Chinese civilization can be traced back to prehistoric times. Mr. Su Bingqi, on the basis of archaeological discoveries in various parts of the country, put forward the theory of the origin of civilization, such as the “starry sky theory”  [ “regional systems and cultural types” (区系类型) model of Chinese Neolithic cultural development ], which promoted the study of Chinese civilization.

The study of the background, causes and mechanisms of the origin, formation and development of Chinese civilization also involves the environment, economy, resources, beliefs, etc., and requires a multidisciplinary joint effort based on archaeology. For this reason, in the spring of 2002, the National Science and Technology Research ProjectComprehensive Research on the Origin and Early Development of Chinese Civilization” “中华文明起源与早期发展综合研究” (hereinafter referred to as the “Source Probing Project” or the “Source Probing Study”) was launched. (hereinafter referred to as the “research on the origin”) started preparatory research, and was officially launched in the spring of 2004. As a major national scientific research project from the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” to the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”, the project involved more than 400 experts and scholars from more than 20 disciplines and dozens of organizations, and it took 20 years from the pre-study of the project to May of last year.

The research is guided by Marxism馬克思主義】  and focuses on the capital city sites in various regions that best reflect the social development and the degree of power enhancement during the period of 5,500-3,500 years from the present day, in order to obtain key information, analyze the social division and power enhancement at that time, and conduct a multidisciplinary, multi-angle, multi-level, and all-encompassing research on the origins and the formation of Chinese civilization as well as the early development of the Chinese civilization.

I. Main results of the provenance study

After more than 20 years of work, the provenance study has achieved remarkable results.

(i) Proposed a definition of civilization and a Chinese proposal for identifying the criteria for entering a civilized society.

With regard to the definition of civilization and related concepts, there are many disagreements in domestic and foreign academic circles. Research on the origins of Chinese civilization adheres to historical materialism 探源研究坚持历史唯物主义 [Translator’s note: Here link is to Google Translate of Chinese language Wiki article on historical materialism which includes a discussion of historical materialism in China]  and proposes that civilization is an advanced stage in the development of human culture and society. This stage is based on the development of productive forces, the emergence of social division of labor and social differentiation, and the formation of classes, kingship and the state.

The study on the origin of civilization believes that the origin of civilization 文明起源 and the formation of civilization 文明形成 are both related and different, and that the two are different stages in the conception and emergence of a civilized society, with the quantitative accumulation of civilizational factors followed by qualitative changes in the society.

Specifically, “the origin of civilization” 文明起源  refers to the prehistoric period, when the productive forces achieved great development, material and spiritual life became rich, and the division of labour between mental and physical work, between the rich and the poor, and between the noble and the poor, began to emerge in society, and civilization began to be nurtured.

Formation of civilization” 文明形成 refers to a stage in which significant progress has been made in material, spiritual and institutional culture. Social division intensified and classes were formed; social hierarchies were institutionalized, people’s social behaviors were standardized, and a system of rituals was formed; the king, the supreme ruler who combined military command and religious ritual power, and the state, a mandatory public authority whose main function was social management, appeared. -the state. The emergence of the state was a sign of the formation of civilization.

The study of origins has proposed criteria for determining entry into a civilized society. Based on the characteristics of ancient  Mesopotamian civilization and the ancient Egyptian civilization, international academics have outlined writing, metallurgy and cities as the criteria for a civilized society, which they call the “three fundamental elements of civilization”.[bolded in original]  If such criteria were applied, Chinese civilization would have a history of only 3,300 years.

It is clear from the study of other indigenous civilizations of the world that not all of the world’s major indigenous civilizations met these “three fundamental elements of civilization”, such as the Mayan civilization of Central America, which did not have metallurgy, the Inca civilization of South America, which did not use writing, and the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley, which did not have designs on its seals that were recognized as writing. With the progress made in archaeological discoveries and research around the world, it is generally accepted in the international academic community that there can be criteria for the formation of civilizations around the world that are consistent with the characteristics of the development of their own ancient societies.

Our academics have Marxism馬克思主義】as their guide, historical documents and ancient historical legends as their reference, and, more importantly, the extremely rich archaeological materials obtained from a century of archaeology reveal that Chinese civilization has a profound history and cultural deposits and a unique path of development, and that our academics should put forward the corresponding criteria for civilization. According to Engels’ point of view that “the state is the generalization of civilized society“, the research on the origin of the proposed criteria for entering a civilized society: 

  1. The development of production, the increase of population and the emergence of cities; 
  2. The division of labor in society, the stratification of classes and the emergence of classes; and 
  3. The emergence of kingship and the state. 

The China Civilization Origins Research study believes that in the absence of written records at the time, archaeological remains can be used to recognize that the local area had already entered a civilized society at that time. The main features are: 

  • capital city, 
  • palace or temple, 
  • large tomb, 
  • ritual objects, 
  • war and violence. 

The presence of these features indicates that kingship and the State had already emerged and that a civilized society had already been established.

Around 5,000 years ago, agriculture in various regions of China developed, the population increased, and regional centers gradually developed into large-scale capitals. Handicrafts with high technological content, such as the production of jade, turquoise ware, exquisite pottery and lacquer ware, were specialized and controlled by the powerful aristocracy. In each region, a class of people who were detached from labor and specialized in the management of social affairs emerged, and there was a serious division of society between the rich and the poor, with the formation of different classes, the emergence of the king, who held military and religious power, and the Early State, which was a system of government controlled by the king and governed by social norms and violence. 

In the capital city, there were high-class buildings such as palaces where the king lived, high-class tombs where the king and the powerful and noble classes were buried, and ceremonial objects and rituals that demonstrated the status of the powerful and noble classes. There was slavery occurred, and some people were killed to be buried with deceased nobles or used in the foundations of palaces. [一部分人为贵族殉葬或被用于宫殿奠基。]

These discoveries in Chinese archaeology are sufficient to prove that the material forms of China’s entry into civilized society had their own characteristics. The level of development of social productive forces embodied in these materialized forms can prove that the surplus labour of the time was able to feed the public authorities and enable some people to detach themselves from production to specialize in administrative and spiritual matters.

The above criteria for civilization also apply to other indigenous civilizations. Although different civilizations have their own characteristics in terms of material and spiritual civilization, they share the emergence of kingship and the State as an institutional civilization, only that the ways of manifesting kingship and the form of the State varied from place to place. In China, it was manifested in such ways as exquisite jade ritual objects, bronze ritual objects, massive earthen and wood palaces, and tombs that mimicked above-ground architecture; in the Two River Valley and ancient Egypt, it was manifested in gold, precious stones, magnificent stone temples, pyramids and large burial chambers.

II.   Clarify the origin, formation and early development of Chinese civilization, and prove that China has over 5,000 years of civilization

China civilization origins studies examine the process of the formation and development of the origins of Chinese civilization, as well as the related background and causes, have led to this understanding of the process of the growth of Chinese civilization: 

  • 10,000 years ago, the foundation was laid, 
  • 8,000 years ago, 
  • 6,000 years ago, the acceleration of the process, 
  • 5,000 years ago, the entry into a civilized society, 
  • 4,300 years ago, the transformation of Chinese civilization , 
  • 4,000 years ago, the establishment of the dynasty, 
  • 3,000 years ago, the consolidation of kingship, and 
  • 2,200 years ago the formation of a unified multi-ethnic state.

“10,000 Years since the  Foundation”: Around 11,000 years ago, global warming prompted the creation of agriculture in East and West Asia. Ten thousand years ago, corn and millet were domesticated in northern China, and rice began to be cultivated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Cultivated rice, pottery and stone tools have been unearthed at the Shangshan site in Pujiang, Zhejiang Province. The ancestors in North China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River began to grind stone tools and make pottery. The emergence of agriculture led to the emergence of small sedentary villages everywhere, laying the foundation for the emergence of civilization.

“8,000 Years Ago”: 8,000-6,000 years ago was a period of great warming on a global scale. Paleoenvironmental studies show that the climate of the Yellow River basin at that time was similar to that of the present-day Yangtze River basin, and the climate of the Yangtze River basin was similar to that of today’s South China. Because of the warm and humid climate, rice farming spread northward to the lower Huaihe River area, and corn farming was popularized in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and north and south of the Yanshan Mountains. Stone shovels and bone shovels unearthed at the site indicate that slash-and-burn agriculture had developed into plough-and-plow agriculture. 

Agriculture in this period contributed to population growth, the increase of villages, the development of handicrafts and social progress. The ancestors at the Jiahu Site in Maoyang, Henan Province, on the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, cultivated rice, raised domestic pigs, brewed wine, made turquoise ware, and invented the seven-hole bone flute that could play musical tunes. On tortoise shells unearthed from some tombs, there are square engraved symbols similar to oracle bone inscriptions. At the Xinglongwa site in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, a few burials unearthed exquisitely crafted jade earrings and jade pendants, indicating that people had mastered the technology of jade cutting. In Zhejiang, an eight-meter-long canoe was unearthed at the site of the Cross Lake Bridge, indicating that people at that time already had a certain ability to navigate offshore. The beautifully crafted white ceramics of the Gaomiao culture in Hunan Province have carved images of gods and god birds, reflecting the spiritual world of the people at that time.

At sites such as Jiahu and Xinglongwa, a very small number of large-scale burials with jade or turquoise objects appeared, suggesting that the society was already differentiated and the process of the origin of civilization had begun.

“Six Thousand Years of Acceleration Began”: Around 6,000 years ago, the rhythm of the origins of Chinese civilization accelerated. Millet cultivation techniques from the Yellow River basin spread to the Yangtze River basin, and rice farming techniques were spread northward to the Han River basin and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Handicrafts in various regions also made remarkable progress, with the emergence of exquisite pottery of solid texture and smooth surface. Four stone-carved silkworm pupae were unearthed at the early Yangshao culture site in Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province, more than 6,000 years ago, and the excavators believed that sericulture and reeling had already been invented at that time. People’s spiritual life is gradually enriched, Henan Puyang Xishuipo site of an early Yangshao culture tombs, the tomb owner of the east and west sides of a large number of mussel shells, respectively, stacked molded out of the dragon and tiger, which with the Warring States to the Han Dynasty’s idea of the four gods of the East Qinglong, the west of the white tiger’s orientation is consistent. The art of colored pottery became popular in the central and eastern parts of China, and great progress was made in jade cutting, lacquer painting and construction techniques.

A number of important changes took place in society during this period:

  1. Population has increased significantly. There has been a marked increase in the number of settlements, with clusters of dozens of villages appearing in regions such as the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
  2. Emergence of centralized settlements. Several large settlements of 1 million square meters in size have appeared in the Lingbao Casting Plains site group in Henan Province, which are completely different from the previous small villages of tens of thousands to more than 100,000 square meters.
  3. Warfare. Some large and medium-sized settlements were surrounded by trenches more than ten meters wide and several meters deep, apparently for military defense. In the Yellow, Yangtze and Liao River basins, some male burials were accompanied by a stone weapon, the battle-ax.
  4. Social differentiation intensified and a powerful class began to emerge. The west slope site of the Casting Plains site group has a square in the middle, surrounded by super-large house sites that are well-made and cover an area of 500 square meters. In the 5,800-year-old cemetery at the Dongshan Village site in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, numerous small tombs were buried with three or five pieces of pottery, and large tombs were buried with many jade battle-axes, jade ornaments, and dozens of fine pottery. However, this stage is still in the accelerated stage of the origin of civilization, and has not yet formed a state or entered civilization.

“Five thousand years Ago”: 5,500-5,000 years ago is a very important period in the history of Chinese civilization, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other regions have entered the civilization stage one after another.

In the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, around 5300 years ago, plowing and large-scale rice paddies emerged. The embankments and irrigation channels were well-organized, and rice farming techniques had become quite mature. The large-scale hydraulic systems around the Liangzhu ancient city, along with the discovery of 200,000 kilograms of rice deposits on the south side of the core Mojiang Mountain, indicate that the development of agriculture and mastery of granaries were major concerns for Liangzhu. In recent years, discoveries at sites such as Shi’ao in Yuyao, Zhejiang, and Maoshan in Linping have revealed extensive fields from the Liangzhu period, with wide embankments constructed using tree branches, bamboo strips, and abandoned dugout canoes, intricately arranged in a crisscross pattern. The river channels, irrigation holes, and drainage ditches were well-planned. The rice fields in Shi’ao have been confirmed to cover 80,000 square meters. The preliminary restoration of these ancient rice fields suggests they may date back even further to around 7000 years ago, during the Hemudu culture period. Prehistoric rice fields and farming systems, distant from the national capital of Liangzhu, reveal an unimaginable scale of rice agriculture and the economic power associated with it during the early stages of the Liangzhu state. Such discoveries indicate that the early Liangzhu state was built upon comprehensive development in religion, politics, economy, and military affairs.

Highly technical handicrafts, such as fine jade, pottery, lacquerware and turquoise decorations, appeared everywhere during this period. The jade square tube (cong) of the Liangzhu culture has a fine animal face pattern engraved on its surface, with five to six engraved lines within a millimeter’s width. The lower reaches of the Yellow River can produce “eggshell pottery” with a wall thickness of less than one millimeter. These products are technically complex, something no ordinary craftsmen can master, indicating that there was already a family of craftsmen with specialized skills. The specialization of high-tech handicrafts is an important manifestation of the social division of labour.

Another sign of social development in this period was the appearance of ritual objects and the initial formation of the ritual system. Jade ware, lacquer ware, and exquisite pottery wine vessels all came from top-class tombs around the world. 

At the Huangshan site in Nanyang, Henan Province, selected as one of the nation’s top 10 archaeological discoveries in 2021, there are several large tombs of the early Qujialing culture dating back to around 5,300 years ago, and most of the male tomb owners were richly entombed. One tomb was buried with a long bow with an ivory handle, two bags of stone arrowheads, two jade battle-axes, and more than 400 pieces of pig mandibles piled up at the feet of the tomb owner. 

Jade men, jade dragons, jade owls, and jade turtles were buried in the large tombs of Niuheliang in Jianping, Liaoning, and Lingjiatan in Hanshan, Anhui, and the Lingjiatan Tomb had more than 300 pieces of burial goods. 

The Liangzhu Culture tombs also both have hundreds of high-grade burial objects, including jade cong and jade jade jade pith. Also in Shandong Tengzhou Gangshang site selected as one of the top ten archaeological discoveries of 2021, the Da Wenkou culture in the middle of the large tombs in the Zhu Zhu bone plate, antler hoe, antler forked staff, crocodile bone plate ware, ceramic drums, tortoise shell ware and other unique Haidai region characteristics of the “ceremonial ware”. The scepter is a simplified version of the ivory scepter of Liangzhu culture. The large tomb of four people buried together in this cemetery is also very special, and the tomb is densely arranged with pottery, including 300 pieces of exquisite pottery wine vessels. The above discoveries show that the powerful and noble classes in various places mastered the production and distribution of valuables, and formed a hierarchical system, the ritual system, in which certain highly technical and precious objects were used as ceremonial vessels, while the size of the tomb reflected the status of the owner.

Around 5300 years ago, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Xiliao River basin, central cities and primitive religious shrines with an area of more than 1 million square meters appeared. Liangzhu Ancient City, a super-large capital city in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, with an inner city of 3 million square meters and an outer city of 6.3 million square meters (equivalent to the area of four and eight Forbidden City in Beijing, respectively), was the largest capital city in the world at that time. In order to prevent flash floods, a high dam and a low dam more than 10 kilometers long were built north of the ancient city, which was the largest water regulation system in the world at the same time. The construction of the ancient city and the giant dam took decades, assuming that 10,000 people were mobilized, reflecting the ability of the Liangzhu kingship to organize and carry out large-scale public construction.

The emergence of high-grade early cities was accompanied by accelerated class differentiation. Large high-class buildings measuring hundreds or even thousands of square meters, and large tombs of the powerful and wealthy buried with hundreds or even hundreds of exquisite objects, differed greatly from the small houses and small tombs of the general members of society, indicating that the powerful and wealthy held a great deal of social wealth.2021 In Hunan, a large building from the Qujialing period, with a total surface area of 630 square meters, was discovered at the site of the Jixiaoling City in Li County, Hunan Province. Due to the humid burial environment, the wooden foundation of the building was well preserved, and the spectacular scale and chiseled and mottled rough timber made those who were present at the site feel as if they were seeing a towering temple, and they were all shocked by it.

Large tombs in almost all regions began to be buried with delicate weapons, jade battle-axes. The large tombs at Anti-san and Yao-san in the Liangzhu site were buried with jade battle-axes with wooden handles, apparently a scepter symbolizing military power. In the newly discovered tombs at the Gangshang site, it is common for the highest-ranking male nobles to be buried with two jade battle-axes, one large and one small. The tomb owners of these buried jade battle-axes should be the kings with military commanding power, and the powerful class of nobles continued to enhance their authority due to military power, and changed from the chiefs of clans and tribes to the kings with the power of life and death.

War and violence increased during this period, and human skeletons were being thrown in garbage pits, buried in the foundations of large buildings to serve as foundations, or in large tombs to serve as martyrs, and one part of the population had begun to enslave the other part of the population.

4,300 years ago: transition“: around 4,300 years ago, there was a transition in the civilization process across China, which was significantly characterized by the rise of the Middle Kingdom.

Between 4300 and 4100 years ago, the climate changed considerably, with abnormal temperatures, uneven rainfall, frequent floods, and the progress of civilization in all regions was greatly affected.

During this period, the civilization of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River declined and the civilization process in the middle reaches of the Yellow River accelerated. About 4,300 years ago, the power group in the middle reaches of the Yellow River gradually gained the upper hand in the power comparison with other groups in the surrounding area, and two giant capitals, the Tao Temple in Shanxi and the Stone Mount in Shaanxi, appeared one after another.

The Taosi city site dates from about 4,300-4,000 years ago. The site is 1,800 meters long and 1,500 meters wide, with an area of 2.8 million square meters. There are 8,000 square meters of rammed earth platforms in the high-grade building area of the city, and the buildings use ceramic tiles, and the walls are painted and decorated with engravings. The earliest palace city in the middle reaches of the Yellow River appeared in Taosi. Nearly 100 burial objects were unearthed from the large tomb, including alligator drums, stone chimes, jade battle-axes, and large ceramic plates with painted dragon motifs. A semi-circular altar-shaped remains were found at the Taosi site, which astronomers believe was an observatory for observing celestial phenomena and determining agricultural seasons such as the spring equinox, autumn equinox, summer solstice, and winter solstice, which is in line with the record of Yao “observing and granting time” in the book of “Book of Documents – Chapter One: Yao Dian”. Taosi city site also unearthed China’s earliest copper bell and copper container fragments. Two characters were found on a ceramic pot, which may have been written at that time. The age, location, scale and grade of the Tao Temple City site are all more consistent with the documented Yao capital Pingyang.

The Stone Mountain City is a mountain city made of stone blocks discovered 10 years ago, 4,100-3,900 years ago, covering an area of 4 million square meters. The stone mount city consists of an outer city, an inner city and an imperial city with a variety of defense facilities. The Imperial City Terrace at the core of the city was built in several layers, with a total height of tens of meters, with a large palace building covering thousands of square meters on top of the terrace, and a wide plaza, a gatehouse and a road leading into the city underneath the terrace. On the foundation of the palace, there are stone bars and stone pillars carved with animal faces and various animal images, and many pieces of ceramic eagles with a height of more than 50 centimeters to 1 meter were found on the Royal City Terrace, which should be related to some kind of beliefs and worship. Stone mount city has a strong military defense color, in the city also found a number of buried young women’s skulls of the sacrificial pits, which shows that on the eve of the establishment of the Xia dynasty, the class division in northern Shaanxi has been quite serious, the emergence of a strong military power of the king’s state.

4,000 Years of Founding the First Dynasties“: About 4,000 years ago, the Xia Dynasty was established. In the area centered on the southeastern foothills of Songshan Mountain, more than 10 large city sites appeared. 

Among them, a magnificent inner and outer city of matching sizes was discovered at Wangchenggang in Dengfeng, which has been known as “Yangcheng” since the Warring States period. 

At the Wadian site in Yuzhou during the same period, large rammed-earth platforms were covered with human sacrifices, martyrdom and other ritual remains. These discoveries indicate that Chinese civilization entered a new stage centered on the Central Plains. 

The “nine states” in the Shangshu-Yugong basically covered northern, central and eastern China, indicating that at the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, the power groups in the middle reaches of the Yellow River had already expanded their horizons to include the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, and had formed a wide-ranging view of the world. After about 200 years of development, in the late Xia Dynasty, the strength of the Xia Dynasty continued to grow, and the leading position of the Central Plains was gradually formed, with an unprecedentedly wide range of influence. These can be reflected from the Erlitou site in Yanshi, Henan Province.

Covering an area of more than 3 million square meters and dating from 3,800 to 3,500 years ago, the Erlitou site is the largest metropolitan site of its kind in China. In the central part of the site there is a 100,000-square-meter palace city, which is the earliest selective neutral palace in Chinese history. To the south of the palace city was a workshop area controlled by the royal authority for the production of high-grade products such as bronze and turquoise wares, and the earliest bronze ceremonial vessels such as jars, jia, fiancées and tripods were unearthed. In one of the tombs, a 64-centimeter-long dragon decoration inlaid with more than 2,000 pieces of turquoise was unearthed.

The Erlitou site is located in the Yiluo River basin, which was the center of the Xia Dynasty as documented in the literature, and the heyday of the Erlitou culture was from the late Xia Dynasty to the eve of the establishment of the Shang Dynasty. The Erlitou site is the largest site of the same period. The ritual tools and ceremonial system created by the Erlitou culture, represented by jade tooth-shaped ornaments 玉牙璋 , radiated to the surrounding areas, with an unprecedented scope of influence. The entire set of bronze and jade ritual objects of the Erlitou culture was fully inherited by the later Shang dynasty.

On the eve of the establishment of the Shang dynasty, in the Songshan area where the Erlitou culture was distributed, the Xia dynasty was the only powerful political entity, and no other power group with such influence existed. Therefore, there is every reason to think that Erlitou is very likely to be the capital of the Xia Dynasty in the late period. The existence of the Xia Dynasty is not only richly documented in the literature since the pre-Qin Dynasty, but also proved by archaeology.

The Shang dynasty inherited the ritual system pioneered by the Xia dynasty, and further developed politically, economically, culturally, and socially, resulting in a mature writing system represented by the oracle bone inscriptions, metallurgy, and a ritual system that had an impact on a much wider region. Records on oracle bones show that the Shang king was the supreme ruler of the country, and that there was a relatively well-developed administrative structure under the Shang king, with a direct control area centered on the king’s gi and indirectly controlled square states. The political power and cultural influence of the Shang dynasty reached the sea in the east, the Longshan Mountains in the west, across the Jianghan River in the south, and to the Yanshan Mountains in the north. Bronze ritual objects of the Shang system were unearthed in a wide area, indicating that the Shang dynasty played a stronger leading role in the evolution of Chinese civilization and promoted the development of culture and society everywhere.

Three thousand years ago: consolidation“: In the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the king of the Zhou Dynasty established vassal states in various regions through the feudalization of states by appointing his closest relatives and meritorious ministers, thus realizing the firm rule of the Central Plains Dynasty over the vast areas beyond the king’s boundaries that the Shang Dynasty had failed to achieve. Inheriting the ritual system of Xia and Shang, the Zhou Dynasty perfected the ritual system and formed a ritual system of utensils composed of differences in the types and quantities of bronzes, so as to clarify the hierarchy. This kind of difference in the hierarchy of tools was continuously strengthened during the Western Zhou period, and gradually extended to all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation, so much so that there were systematic differences in the color of clothes, style of clothing, wearing jade, driving carriages, and the type and number of bells and musical instruments, and even in the funerary activities, the number of layers of wooden coffins and the size of the tombs were developed into a relatively complete and rigorous system and a complete concept. 

The Western Zhou was a very crucial period in the process of Chinese civilization. The civilization form characterized by the feudal system, patriarchal system, and ritual and music system, and the state structure of the world’s co-owner with the Son of Zhou as the core, further strengthened the centralized system of power since the Xia and Shang dynasties, and laid a solid foundation for the formation of the unified multi-ethnic states of Qin and Han.

“Two thousand two hundred years of great unification”: refers to the unification of China by Emperor Qin Shi Huang in 221 B.C., when “all within the seas were divided into counties and decrees were uniform throughout” “海内为郡县,法令由一统” . Chinese civilization entered the stage of civilization from a kingdom civilization to a great unitary state, opening up a new stage in the formation and development of a unified multi-ethnic state.

III.  Showing the formation and development of the pattern of the unity of Chinese civilization in all its diversity.

One of the distinctive features of Chinese civilization is its unity in diversity. At its origin, Chinese civilization revealed a number of common cultural elements, showing a trend towards integration.

1. The birth of the early Chinese cultural sphere

The different environments of the geographic units within the Chinese land have led to the formation of different economic forms and cultural landscapes, and the civilization process in each region has its own distinctive characteristics, thus presenting a diversified and colorful pattern of Chinese civilization. Archaeological discoveries have confirmed that the prehistoric cultures of various regions were in close contact, exchanged with each other, and gradually merged, forming common cultural genes, which constituted the “Early Chinese Cultural Circle”. These common genes manifested themselves differently at different times.

Around 8,000 years ago, the concept of jade as beauty was formed in various places one after another. At the Xiaonanshan site in Raohe, Heilongjiang, the earliest known jade artifacts – jade penannular jade ring, jade pendant and jade beads – were unearthed. Similar jade artifacts were also unearthed at the Xinglongwa site in Inner Mongolia, the Cross Lake Bridge site in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province, and the Hemudu site in Yuyao. Jade became one of the most important cultural factors in prehistoric eastern China. Thereafter, jade artifacts such as penannular jade pieces appeared widely in the prehistoric cultures of the Yellow River and Yangtze River Basin, and were used until the Xia, Shang and Zhou periods.

Around 6000 years ago, images of dragons appeared in different areas. In the Yangshao Culture tombs at the Xishuipo site, images of dragons and tigers were piled up with mussel shells on the east and west sides of the bones of the male tomb owner. Liaoning Kazuo Niheliang Hongshan culture tomb of 5500-5300 years ago and Anhui Hanshan Lingjiatan tomb, were buried with C-shaped jade dragon. It can be seen that the “dragon” became popular in the region from the western part of the Northeast to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and later developed into a spiritual symbol that united the Chinese nation as a community.

From 5,500 years ago onwards, the commonality of cultural and social development in the Chinese lands has increased.

The concept of jade as precious was gradually established. As class differentiation became more and more obvious everywhere, jade began to change from a decorative object to a ceremonial object. The jade men, jade dragons, jade birds, and jade tortoises in the Niheliang and Lingjiatan tombs, the jade annulus and jade battle-axes in the Liangzhu tombs, and the jade heads and jade phoenixes in the Shijiahe tombs of the powerful and noble people in Tianmen, Hubei, show that the concept of jade as a precious object and as a ceremonial object became popular in the various regions of the Chinese Cultural Sphere. Jade cong [jade tube with round hole and rectangular sides] and jade annulus first appeared in the large tombs of the early Liangzhu culture, and thereafter spread to the surrounding areas and were passed on to future generations, and were also found in the large tombs of the Xia and Shang periods. During the Shang period, the jade cong and jade bi also spread to the ancient Shu civilization area where the Samsungdui and Jinsha sites are located.

The battle-ax became a symbol of kingship and military power. About 6,000 years ago, social division intensified, the authority of military chiefs increased and gradually transformed into a king who overrode society. Large tombs around the world were buried with exquisitely crafted jade battle-axes, which became a symbol of military command power. In the large tombs at the Gangshang site, the highest-ranking male aristocrats were buried with two jade battle-axes, one large and one small. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the battle-axe was a symbol of kingship. There is a bronze battle-axe in the tomb of Wuhao, the wife of King Wuding of Shang Dynasty, and there are two “Yashou” battle-axes in the tomb of the king of Su Butun of Qingzhou, Shandong Province, all of which show the majesty of the king. It is recorded in “Book of Documents- Chapter: Mu Oath” that when King Wu invaded Zhou, “the king had a yellow battle-axe on his left staff” to command the army. The word “king” in the oracle bone inscriptions — and the word “king” in the gold inscriptions — are derived from the image of the battle-axe.

Around 5,500 years ago, colored pottery became a splendid symbol of integration in various regions. In the middle and late Yangshao culture in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, motifs of flowers and birds simplified into dots and curved triangles were common in the upper and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the Xiliao River basin, the first time that the prehistoric culture of the middle reaches of the Yellow River exerted a strong influence on other regions. This extensive and strong influence of Yangshao culture colored pottery in the Central Plains on the surrounding areas may be related to the rise of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Di [Shennong] group and the expansion of their sphere of influence in ancient history.

In summary, around 5,000 years ago, regional civilizations were like “stars in the sky“, shining brightly on the Chinese lands. Regional civilizations intermingled with each other and gradually formed the “Early Chinese Cultural Sphere” with shared [cultural?] genes.

2. Reasons why the Central Plains became the core area of Chinese civilization

About 4,300-4,000 years ago, when the civilizations of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the lower reaches of the Yellow River declined one after another, the civilization process in the Central Plains did not suffer a setback, but rather maintained its development from Yao, Shun and Yu to the Xia and Shang dynasties. Why was this so? Research on the origins of Chinese civilization has yielded the following insights:

First, agricultural development and stability. Paleoenvironmental studies have shown that around 4,200 years ago there was a global climate anomaly, and civilization declined in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, while civilization in the Central Plains region reached a new level of development. The multidisciplinary analysis of research on the origin of the Central Plains found that the diverse topography of the Central Plains region, the corn, millet, rice, wheat, soybeans constitute a multi-species planting system, pigs, dogs, cows, sheep and other diversified livestock breeding, so that the Central Plains has a strong resistance to natural disasters. The consolidation of agriculture,  civilization and the continued development of society, lay the foundation for the establishment of the Xia and Shang dynasties.

Secondly,  open and tolerant, adopting a wide range of cultural elements. In the Taosi and Wangchenggang and other sites, you can see the convergence of cultural factors from other regions to the Central Plains, such as the pottery wine vessels and wooden coffins of the prehistoric culture in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, the jade cong and jade jewellery of the Liangzhu culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the metallurgy imported through the north-western region, and so on, were absorbed by the Central Plains. The Central Plains blended cultural factors from all over the world and gave birth to the Xia and Shang dynasties.

Thirdly, extensive alliances formed to create synergies. According to ancient historical legends, the Central Plains Group has emphasized alliances since the time of the Yellow Emperor. Faced with the challenge of surrounding forces expanding into the Central Plains, the Central Plains Group used alliances to build up its strength, with Yao, Shun and Yu becoming successive allies. At the site of Yuhui Village at the foot of Mount Tu in Bengbu, Anhui Province, a special relic from the eve of the Xia Dynasty was found: a square earthen platform in the center, in front of which there are 30 small rectangular pits arranged in a single line, surrounded by ceramic wine containers characteristic of each region. The seventh year of Ai Gong recorded in the Zuo Zhuan (左传∙哀公七年) says: “[The great officers] replied, “When Yu assembled the States on mount Tu, there were 10,000 States whose princes bore their symbols of jade and offerings of silk.” This archaeological phenomenon may reflect a certain historical shadow of the documentary legend.

Fourth, the creation of a ritual system to consolidate the power of the king. In order to maintain social stability and strengthen the power of the group, the Taosi culture created a ritual and music system in the form of drums, chimes, bells, jade battle-axes, sets of containers, etc., which was inherited and developed by the Xia and Shang dynasties, and the system of rituals became the core content of Chinese civilization.

For these reasons, the civilization of the Central Plains continued to develop and eventually became the core of Chinese civilization.

3. From convergence to radiation

In the late Xia Dynasty, there was an important shift in the relationship between the Central Plains and the surrounding areas. The Xia dynasty, inheriting earlier innovations absorbing from the east of jade tooth-shaped jade ritual instrument, white pottery, primitive ceramics and hard ceramics, etc., regulated ceremonial rituals as a manifestation of the king’s power and to  show respect for the ceremonial apparatus. At this time, the bronze ritual objects, embedded turquoise dragon bronze plaques, bronze bells, stone chimes, and jade ritual objects composed of tooth jang, battle-axe, knife, and ga, etc., contain the value of ritual. These artifacts and the concepts contained in them spread to the surrounding areas, affecting as far as Haidai  海岱 [aka Shandong]  in the east, Gansu and Qinghai in the west, Chifeng in Inner Mongolia in the north, and Southern China in the south. The Xia Dynasty thus became the core leader of Chinese civilization.

With the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, Chinese civilization entered the stage of dynastic civilization, and a new process of integration led by the Central Plains Dynasty began. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the bronze and jade ritual objects and metallurgical technologies of the Central Plains had a strong influence on the surrounding areas. During the Late Shang Dynasty, bronze ritual objects such as zun and earthenware appeared in the ancient Shu civilization capital of Sanxingdui. After the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the hierarchical structure from the center to the local level was established in terms of patriarchal blood relations, and the rule of the Central Plains Dynasty over the surrounding areas became more solid, and the culture and technology radiated outward from the capital of the king was rapidly popularized and spread in the area ruled by the dynasty, and the integration of cultures was strengthened in various places, thus laying a solid foundation for the formation of the united multi-ethnic state of the Qin and Han dynasties.

In the integration process of Chinese civilization, there are many common civilization genes that have been nurtured since 8,000 years ago. Throughout the long process of the origin of civilization, these common genes have appeared and disappeared, but they have always persisted and become the underlining color of Chinese civilization.

4.  Showing the role of exchange and mutual understanding in the formation of Chinese civilization

General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out that “civilizations exchange because of diversity, learn from each other because of exchange, and develop because of mutual learning“. Exchange and mutual learning have always been an important driving force for the progress of human civilization. The formation and prosperity of Chinese civilization is inextricably linked to exchanges and mutual learning among regional civilizations and with external civilizations.

Research on the origins of Chinese civilization has has learned through DNA and other technologies that 5,000-4,500 years ago, wheat, cattle, sheep and metallurgy native to West Asia were introduced to the northwest region of China, and were in turn later absorbed by the Central Plains region about 4,300 years ago, thus becoming an integral part of the Central Plains civilization. The combination of West Asian metallurgy and the technology of smelting at a high temperature of 1,000 degrees in the Central Plains led to the emergence of the pottery casting method, which ultimately developed into the highly developed bronze vessel casting technology of the Xia, Shang and Zhou periods, which was second to none in the world. The bronze smelting technology of the Erlitou Culture clearly exceeded the primitive stage, and began to produce bronze vessels with certain alloy ratios. As the center of bronze production in China at that time, Erlitou creatively cast wine vessels and cooking vessels in bronze, making them the most important items in the ancestral rituals, thus strengthening the legitimacy of the ruling class.

Along with absorption of innovations brought in from elsewhere, the inventions of Chinese civilization have also made outstanding contributions to human civilization. For example, the millet farming technology invented by the prehistoric ancestors in the north spread southward one after another 6,500 years ago, through China’s Fujian and Taiwan Provinces to Southeast Asia. Rice cultivation technology was similarly spread eastward to Taiwan Province via Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces at a slightly later date, and then widely spread to the southwest region of the Pacific Ocean. With the spread of agriculture, the population growth in Southeast Asia and the island regions objectively brought about the expansion of Austronesian-speaking peoples into the Pacific. Farming and silk production techniques also spread from the Shandong and Liaodong Peninsulas to the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese islands, and from the Eurasian steppe to West Asia and Europe.

In addition to crop species and cultivation techniques, the bronze vessel casting techniques of the Xia, Shang and Zhou civilizations spread to the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, giving rise to the Bronze Age in Northeast Asia. Tooth-shaped jade and jade annulus, which reflect the ritual system of Chinese civilization, spread to Southeast Asia via Sanxingdui and Jinsha in Southwest China and South China during the Xia and Shang Dynasties.

The research on the origin of Chinese civilization has received attention from the international academic community. Colin Lord Renfrew, an authoritative international scholar and professor at the University of Cambridge, highly evaluated the research results and affirmed that at the Liangzhu stage it had already become a civilized society. At the first World Archaeology (Shanghai) Forum held in 2013, the research on the origin of Chinese civilization was selected as a world significant research result by the evaluation committee composed of 40 international top experts from more than 20 countries. In July 2019, Liangzhu site was successfully entered into the list of the World Cultural Heritage on the grounds that “Liangzhu Ancient City Site demonstrates the existence of an ancient city of the late Neolithic period, a rice plantation, and a civilized society in China“. Late Neolithic, with rice agriculture as the economic support, and the existence of social differentiation and unified belief system of the early regional state form, confirming the Yangtze River Valley’s outstanding contribution to the origin of Chinese civilization.” As General Secretary Xi Jinping commented, “Liangzhu Site is a holy place that confirms the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization.”

5.  Revelations about the development of Chinese civilization

1. Pluralistic integration is the source of the vitality of Chinese civilization. An overview of the early evolution of Chinese civilization shows that the civilizations of the various regions of the Chinese land were diverse. Among them, the middle reaches of the Yellow River absorbed various civilizational factors with an open mind and eventually integrated the civilizations of other regions. History has shown that the civilizations of all regions have made positive contributions to the formation of Chinese civilization. It is the convergence and integration of various civilizations that has made Chinese civilization dynamic and sustainable.

2. Openness, tolerance, exchange and mutual learning are the driving forces of civilization. Chinese civilization has actively absorbed the achievements of other civilizations and developed and innovated them. Even in prehistoric times, exchanges were commonplace, and ongoing cross-regional and cross-ethnic exchanges have documented the course of cultural mutual understanding and promoted the development of civilization. Exchange and mutual understanding is the key to the enduring prosperity of Chinese civilization and the support for its eternal charm. Only by being open and tolerant, and by accepting all rivers from all parts of the world, can the tree of civilization grow evergreen and Chinese civilization remain dynamic.

3. Cultural soft power is a guarantee for enhancing the creativity and influence of Chinese civilization. The civilization of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties continued to consolidate advanced concepts, resulting in the mainstream values represented by the “rites”, a richly connoted idea that influenced the surrounding regions and led and promoted the development of civilization in those regions. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, “rites” were inherited and carried forward, given new connotations, and became the core concept of Chinese civilization, which spread to the surrounding countries and regions through exchanges and mutual understanding, and became the core value of Eastern civilization.

4. The origins, formation and early development of Chinese civilization were basically synchronized with the other three major native civilizations of the world, and their brilliant civilizational achievements were no less impressive. China’s agricultural origins 10,000 years ago and the formation of its civilization more than 5,000 years ago were roughly contemporaneous with those of ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. More than 3,000 years ago, the Zhou Dynasty constructed the largest polity of its time through the feudal system. The Hundred Schools of Thought in the Spring and Autumn Period around 2600 years ago was the awakening of the humanistic spirit during the “Axial Age“, which coincided with Ancient Greece and Ancient India. Corn and rice farming, jade and silk making, etc., reflect the wisdom and creativity of our Chinese ancestors and are important contributions to human civilization. In the process of the formation of Chinese civilization, there were various trials and tribulations, such as climate anomalies and social upheavals. The early Chinese, however, were self-reliant and courageous in overcoming the difficulties and obstacles, and finally accomplished the creation of our great Chinese civilization, which is ranked as one of the four major civilizations. Such a civilization’s development and achievements are the source of our cultural self-confidence today. Now and in the future, Chinese civilization will stand out.

5. The unification of the country is what the people yearn for and the foundation of its strength and prosperity. During the development of Chinese civilization, there were wars, the establishment of various states, and the division of the country into feudal lords, but under the leadership of the core of unity, the development of productive forces and the progress of society led to the establishment of the Qin-Han unitary state. Since then, the concept and national political practice of “seeking unity and commonwealth” has infused the minds of the Chinese people with a powerful appeal, united the hearts of the Chinese people, and guided the identity of the Chinese people, and has become the core ideological system of the Chinese civilization that has lasted through the ages, forging the unique character of the Chinese civilization.

History has shown that national unity is both an essential attribute of Chinese civilization and a fundamental guarantee of its continuity. National unity, national unity and social tranquility will surely lead to even more brilliant achievements for Chinese civilization.

6. Chinese civilization has gone down a unique path of development and formed its own unique civilizational genes. Each civilization should be seen as beautiful, each in their own way. The cradle of Chinese civilization was a vast and diverse place, and as a result, Chinese civilization has undergone a unique process of multiple origins, collision and exchange, and integration. Such a grand process gave birth to the family-state system of “under Heaven, there is nowhere that is not the king’s land” 普天之下,莫非王土 and the political ideal of the Great Unity of the whole world 世界大同, and formed the development trend of civilization that is led by the core, and is characterized by pluralism and unity. Therefore, the process of the formation and development of Chinese civilization is the process of the formation and development of a multi-ethnic unified nation. Such a process has made Chinese civilization sustainable and the Chinese national community unbreakable. After the formation of the unified multi-ethnic state, “Great Uniformity” 大一统 became the highest value and ideal pursued by the Chinese nation zhonghua minzu.

Chinese civilization has developed a unique economic, political and cultural system based on agriculture, a patriarchal system to sustain social organization, a system of rituals to maintain social hierarchical order, promoting virtues to guide ethical relations among people, and the concept of the uniting heaven and humanity to harmonize the relationship between human beings and nature. Clearly, civilizations can take different paths. Every civilization should be beautiful in its own way. Our Chinese self-confidence is rooted in this. 

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping has 

  • Profoundly grasped the laws of historical development, 
  • Scientifically summed up and interpreted the historical experience of the development of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years, 
  • Vigorously advocated openness and inclusiveness, and 
  • Actively absorbed advanced civilizational factors from all over the world for our own use on the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the outstanding traditional Chinese culture. 
  • Vigorously advocated the inheritance and promotion of the outstanding traditional Chinese culture to enhance the nation’s cultural self-confidence and historical self-confidence and to enhance the international influence of Chinese civilization; 
  • Vigorously advocated the concept of a community of human destiny to safeguard world peace and development; and
  • Resolutely safeguarded national unity and national solidarity to enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation. 

This series of strategically important initiatives to enrich the people and strengthen the country has resulted in great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. It has been proved that Xi Jinping’s theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, which has been fully nourished by the excellent traditional Chinese culture, is a powerful ideological weapon and guide to action that leads the Chinese nation, which has a history of more than 5,000 years of civilization, to achieve a great renaissance.

II. Suggestions for the next step in deepening the research on Origins of Chinese Civilization

1. Expanding research time and space. The study of the origins of Chinese civilization has provided a framework understanding of the origins, formation and stages of development of civilization in regions other than the Yangtze, Yellow and Xiliao River basins, but it still needs to be expanded in both time and space.

In terms of time, the research on the origins of Chinese civilization has found that a number of civilization factors were already emerging 8,000 years ago, and we need to explore how these civilization factors originated and developed. Therefore, the upper time limit of the research on the origin of Chinese civilization should be moved backwards from 5,500 years ago to 8,000 years ago. At the same time, there is still an urgent need to study the governmental system, management and operation mechanism, and the inheritance and development of the cultural genes of the Shang and Western Zhou dynasties, which were 3,500 years ago. Therefore, it is suggested that the lower limit of the age of the source research should be placed at the end of the Western Zhou period, i.e. 2800 years before present.

In terms of space, it is still unclear how the northeastern, northwestern, southwestern and southern regions of China were integrated into the Chinese civilization in a “snowball” fashion, as well as the process of integration and key time points. The frontier regions from ancient times have been an inseparable part of China’s united multi-ethnic state, and need to be studied more intensively.

2. Expand the field of research. According to archaeological discoveries, ancient Chinese literature and ancient historical legends contain rich historical and cultural information, and not all ancient historical legends are myths, but may bear the marks of historical development. Therefore, the research on exploring sources needs to strengthen the integration of archaeology and history, and analyze the historical information in the literature and ancient history legends. In addition, there is an urgent need for research on the relationship between the rich prehistoric inscribed symbols and writing in various regions, the spiritual world, belief system and cosmology of the prehistoric ancestors, and the process of forming China’s cultural genes.

3. Conduct comparative research. In the past, our scholars’ research focused mainly on Chinese civilization itself, with little comparative research on Chinese civilization and other civilizations of the world, not to mention the lack of original research on other civilizations of the world. However, it is only through in-depth comparative studies that we can better understand the characteristics of Chinese civilization itself, the position of Chinese civilization in the world civilization, and the commonalities and laws of the evolution of the world civilization. It is also only through comparative research that Chinese civilization can become an important field of study for world civilizations.

4. Strengthen the transformation, dissemination and exchange of results. The research on the exploration of sources has been carried out for 20 years and has achieved fruitful results, but most of these results remain at the level of academic research, of which the public knows little or even nothing at all. The transformation and dissemination of the research results should become an important task. At the same time, foreign scholars are not too concerned about the research results of Chinese scholars, the results of the source of research failed to get more understanding and recognition in the international academic community. It is a long way to strengthen the communication and interaction with the international academic community and to promote the internationalization of academic achievements.

Editor: Xia Hongzhen

Editor: Yu Hao



王 巍

来源: 中国人大网  浏览字号:   2023年09月01日 15:52






































































































编 辑: 夏红真

责 编: 于 浩

About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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