2024 VOA: Economist Mao Yushi in Vancouver, BC

Chinese economist Mao Yushi and his wife have moved permanently to their daughter’s home in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Chinese economist Mao Yushi of the banned independent economic thinktank Unirule recently wrote a message for Chinese youth.

Translation below.

I am very old and won’t live much longer. The world of the future is for the young. You should be more anxious than I am about the kind of society you will face. It is everyone’s responsibility to make progress in society, and if society goes backward, it will be caused by all of us. If society goes backwards, it will be caused by each and every one of us. by @MaoYuShi

Independent Spirit

Free Thought

Mao Yushi

January 13, 2024 in Vancouver

Interview with Mao Yushi via YouTube in Chinese

01/24/2024 Cai Shenkun says: How did Mr. Mao Yushi feel when he left his homeland last year? Was it a short stay or a long stay?

Translation of Mao Yushi’s (@MaoYuShi) last few Twitter posts from 2015

  • Don’t think that the failure of a college student to start a business is his personal business. It is actually a national GDP loss. On the contrary (no matter who) entrepreneurial success is GDP increment. Therefore, we should not blindly encourage entrepreneurship, but should encourage those who are more certain to succeed in entrepreneurship. I estimate that the probability of entrepreneurial success for college students is relatively small. Their strength is that they have specialized knowledge, but their weakness is that they do not understand society and the market. It is only after learning about society and the market that they can have the conditions to start their own business.
  •  The Nobel Prize for Science has been added to the Economics Prize since ’69, indicating that economics has become a rigorous science. Every year since then, one to three people have been awarded the prize. Among these about one hundred economists who have won the prize, none of them has deepened the doctrines of Marx. It shows that Marx’s economics is misguided. Modern mainstream economics is now used exclusively to guide our economic policy. But the guiding theory of China is still Marx — China is unique in the world in that way.
  • Why is corruption so serious in China? In some countries, such as Northern Europe, corruption is a unique phenomenon. The reason for this is that the social climate is different in each country. Most of the embezzlers in China would not be corrupt if they lived in the Nordic countries. It can be seen that the individual is mainly responsible for the problem of corruption, but society is also responsible. It is not objective to put all the blame on individuals, nor does it help to completely eliminate corruption. Improving the social environment deserves attention
  • Some people are so self-contained and confined in their minds that they are unwilling to listen to any voice that thinks differently from their own, and they shut themselves up in the darkness and live in it all their lives, and they still think that they are right to a fault. They are not to blame for this phenomenon, the problem lies in our education. People are taught by indoctrination instead of being encouraged to think with their own minds. They will only accept the existing programs and reject new things. The fact that China’s 1.3 billion people don’t get a Nobel Prize in science has something to do with it.
  • Our civil servants are accustomed to handling official business with the posture of the dictatorship of the proletariat. If their service could be like that of the flight attendants in the first class cabin, the conflict between the government and the people could probably be reduced by more than half. The difference is that the flight attendants serve the guests well because they have bought expensive first class tickets. Civil servants do not appreciate that the people also pay a lot of tax and do not feel at all that they are supported by tax money. To improve the service attitude of civil servants, it must be emphasized over and over again that tax money feeds the Government.

See his Mao Yushi’s Wikipedia biographical article Mao Yushi

Mao’s essay on 2006 visit to USA 2006: Chinese Economist Mao Yushi on his Trip to the US

I went to several Unirule talks while at US Embassy Beijing in the late 1990s.

Liberal scholar Mao Yushi’s 95-year-old move overseas raises concerns

January 18, 2024

中国自由派经济学者茅于轼与夫人在加拿大近照 (公子沈X账号发布视频截图)
Recent photo of Chinese liberal economist Mao Yushi and his wife in Canada (Screenshot of video posted by Gongzi Shen X’s account)

WASHINGTON – Recently, images of a 95th birthday celebration for Mao Yushi, a prominent liberal Chinese economist who has been banned for several years, and his wife, Zhao Yanling, who left Beijing in the middle of last year and settled in a suburb of the southwestern Canadian metropolis of Vancouver, have been circulating on overseas social media, with some friends organizing a celebration of his 95th birthday. The fact that the afflicted couple has traveled far away from home at such an advanced age has triggered emotions among many netizens. Some commentators were pleased that the outspoken intellectual had finally escaped the repression and surveillance of the Chinese Communist Party authorities and had come to a free country to enjoy his old age in the company of his loved ones. A source told Voice of America about the recent situation of Mr. and Mrs. Mao Yushi and disclosed some little-known inside information.

On January 14, Professor Sheng Hong, former director of the Beijing Tianze Institute of Economic Research, posted on the overseas social platform X (formerly known as Twitter), sharing a number of congratulatory messages from a group of friends and colleagues celebrating Mao Yushi’s 95th birthday. Overseas independent current affairs commentator Cai Shenkun posted on the X platform about a birthday banquet held in Vancouver for the old-timer. The news of Mao Yushi’s overseas appearance after several years of silence quickly spread on the Internet, drawing the attention of many netizens to the economist, who had made many controversial remarks earlier, and his recent situation.

Settled in Canada

Mao Yushi’s friend, current commentator Cai Shenkun, told the Voice of America that the old man is currently not convenient to accept media interviews, but his physical condition and all aspects are good.

Cai Shenkun: “His condition is quite good. Because he is now older. Just out, settled in Vancouver, basically he does not intend to go back. Whether from the age, or from the reality, now the political situation, certainly they are already settled, so he will not go back.”

Cai Shenkun said, Mao Yushi couple came to Canada after living in their daughter’s home, living conditions are good.

He said, “his daughter over here, all aspects of the situation are also still very good, anyway, life is also more stable.”

Talking about the physical condition of the two elderly, Cai Shenkun said: “Auntie Zhao’s health is very good, walking, doing things are very good, including treating people, she is busy, she has no problems. Mr. Mao’s ears have a little need to use hearing aids, and for walking he needs crutches.”

Mao Yushi Believes China Will Move Toward Democratization

Voice of America reporter Ye Bing: Is Mao Yushi still concerned about current events?

Cai Shenkun: He certainly cares about current events. But under the present circumstances, he cares only about some of his personal views in the past. The current situation, he also thinks that the dark period will not last long. Throughout history, anyway, always encountered such a dark period of time. He is optimistic that it will not last long. But he went on to say, “I probably won’t see it” (laughs). I hope that China will move towards the rule of law, democracy and freedom. This day, he thinks it won’t be too far away.

Ye Bing: What impressed you most about meeting them this time?

Cai Shenkun: The old man is still relatively optimistic about the future (attitude), he is not so pessimistic. He believes that China will definitely move towards democracy and the rule of law, and become a modern country integrated into world civilization. In fact, he himself has spoken a lot.

Overseas Chinese writer Gao Falin posted on X platform to relay Mao Yushi’s message to young people. The message said, “I’m very old and won’t live long. The world of the future belongs to the young. What kind of society will you face? You should be more anxious than me. It is everyone’s responsibility to make progress in society. If society regresses, it is also caused by each one of us.”

The picture in this post shows that Mao Yushi on January 23, 2024 handwritten by the master of the national academy Chen Yinkan in 1929 made Wang Guowei monument inscription: “the spirit of independence and freedom of thought”.

As for what Mao Yushi hopes to see in the future of Chinese society should be, Cai Shenkun said: “China needs popular elections, competing political parties ah, to have a multi-party system is not it ah? The judiciary has to be independent, the people have to vote, and that’s basic for a civilized country. He said you are still a – he didn’t talk about an authoritarian dictatorship – he talked about China is still a traditional country now. The old man speaks very precisely and clearly.

Cai Shenkun disclosed that Mr. and Mrs. Mao were allowed to leave the country

In December 2018, a reporter in Beijing with his photographic assistant went to Mao Yushi’s home to make an exclusive interview about China’s reform and opening up over the past forty years, asking the scholar, who was nine years old at the time, to comment on the current situation and political and economic development. His views were clear and logical, and his criticisms of Xi Jinping for amending the Constitution to reinstate the life tenure system for leaders and for denying the reforms and engaging in a Cultural Revolution retrogression are still relevant today. Shortly thereafter, this outspoken representative of private market economics was once again banned by the authorities and rarely appeared in public.

 Link to video in Chinese: Mao Yushi on 40 Years of Reform: Economic Development is Guaranteed by Political Clarity

 As an influential liberal scholar and critic of Mao Zedong who has advocated restoring him from the altar of the gods to a human being, Mao Yushi’s ability to take his wife overseas came as a surprise to many as China’s space for expression has tightened and the border controls on critics have escalated markedly.

Cai Shenkun told the Voice of America that he had learned some inside information and speculated that the authorities’ permission for Mr. and Mrs. Mao Yushi to leave the country was a sign of “shaking off their burdens”.

He said: “When he [Mao Yushi] asked to leave, it was the Ministry of State Security that took the initiative to put him on the plane. They could not wait for him to leave as soon as possible. (Laughs) Nobody want to cause trouble about it. For years he had not been allowed to speak out or to give interviews. He has been silent for so many years. And then came the pandemic. Both of them got COVID but they got through it and both of them are fine now. .

Gongzi Shen commented on the consequences of the CCP’s stifling of free speech

Gongzi Shen, the host of the Canadian video program “Gongzi’s Commentary,” is currently in Taiwan to observe the election and visit the country after the election. He told VOA that friends had invited him to Mao Yushi’s birthday banquet, but he regretted that he could not attend due to his schedule.

Gongzi Shen had this to say about the Mao Yushi he knew.

“Mr. Mao gives a lot of very pertinent advice to the decision-making level of China’s policies. And is worried about the country and the people, in the past has been committed to promote the development of economics in China, especially the popularization of the public, I think made a very outstanding contribution. When I was in middle school, I even bought a book written by him. So he has made a great contribution to the progress of Chinese society. But even such a gentle old man, who devoted his whole life to China, to improving the lives of the Chinese people, to changing China’s policies, to making China more rational and scientific and common-sense, such a patriot was subjected to some unfair treatment in his later years. He eventually left the country and came to Canada to retire.”

Since Communist Party leader Xi Jinping took office, he has continued to tighten the scale of ideological and theoretical publishing controls, and the space for speech has tightened dramatically. in 2014, the writings of a number of authors, including Mao Yushi, were banned from circulation by authorities by name. Previously, he had been labeled a “traitor” after publicly speaking out against or criticizing Mao’s idolization, the one-child birth control policy, the construction of aircraft carriers, and about the disputed Diaoyu Islands (Japan’s Senkaku Islands), among other sensitive issues, as well as making recommendations that have led to a barrage of abuse and siege by Mao’s followers and those of an ultra-leftist persuasion, He was labeled as a “traitor”, a “lackey of the U.S. Empire”, and “anti-national, anti-Party, and anti-socialist”.

Overseas media personality Gongzi Shen pointed out that under Xi Jinping’s rule, there is no room for mild-mannered public intellectuals like Mao Yushi, and there is less room for speech and survival, forcing people to vote with their feet and leave the country, leading to a growing trend of people wanting to “run” abroad.

He said: “In this kind of period, in fact, there are a lot of Chinese entrepreneurs, the Chinese middle class is also trying to find ways to flee abroad. The whole situation has changed in a way that makes it very difficult for such a mild-mannered old man to continue to speak out in China, to continue to contribute his passion and knowledge. I think this shows that China is now going backwards, and it is extremely regrettable that the trend of progress in the past has been reversed. Educated people are leaving the country, and those who stay in China will only become more and more mediocre, more and more ignorant, and more and more opposed to science and truth. That’s why many people want to leave China, and old Mr. Mao Yushi is one of them. It is clear that under Xi Jinping’s rule, China has completely lost the little space for freedom of expression that it had in the past, and that the future will only be more closed and more desperate.”

Bumpy experience

According to Wikipedia, Mao Yushi was born in Nanjing and came from a famous family. he attended the National Chiao Tung University to study business administration and mechanics before 1949, and then went to Heilongjiang province to work as a railroad worker, where he worked as a train driver and railroad engineer. he became an assistant researcher at the Academy of Science and Research of the Ministry of Railroads in 1955, and was later labeled as a rightist. He was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution and was sent to Datong Locomotive Factory for labor, during which he made great efforts to study economics and had some significant accomplishments. He proposed the principle of merit-based distribution in 1979. In 1979, he proposed the principle of merit-based distribution and was transferred to the America Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences as a researcher. 1986, he went to Harvard University as a visiting scholar.

In 1993, Mao Yushi, Sheng Hong, Zhang Shuguang and other economists co-founded the Tianze Economic Research Institute, a private think tank financed by U.S. foundations and private capital, and he is the honorary chairman of the institute and chairman of the Society for Humanistic Economics. In March 2012, Mao was awarded the Milton Friedman Freedom Prize of $250,000 by the Cato Institute, a think tank in the U.S. He is also the author of The Principle of Meritocracy and The Moral Prospects of the Chinese People.

In November 2018, the consulting company hosted by the Tianze Economic Research Institute had its business license revoked by the Beijing Bureau of Industry and Commerce for engaging in unauthorized educational activities. In August of the following year, the Tianze Institute was forced to close down after being accused of violating regulatory requirements.

2013 VOA:

Maoist Left Protests Mao Yushi’s Changsha Speech Hooliganism as a Legacy of the Cultural Revolution?

May 6, 2013 18:39

  • (translated from English) Haiyan

毛左人士在长沙抗议 (博讯图片 )
Maoist leftists protest in Changsha (Bo Xun photo )

HONG KONG -Some Maoist leftists in China recently protested in Changsha, Hunan province, in an attempt to prevent Mao Yushi, a prominent liberal economist, from holding a public lecture in Changsha. However, after announcing the cancellation of the speech, the organizers temporarily changed the venue and held the speech.

Mao Yushi, winner of the 2012 Friedman Prize for Freedom and an outspoken advocate, was scheduled to speak on May 4 at the invitation of the Changsha Simmering Bar Book Club. However, some leftists rushed to Changsha to protest and try to block the speech.

These Maoist leftists gathered in the city with banners that read, “Traitors are always on the street”, “Mao is a scourge to the country and a disaster to the people”, and “Those who oppose Mao Zedong’s thought deserve to die”, and they waved Mao Zedong’s portrait and “Mao Zedong’s death”. They also waved Mao Zedong’s portrait and a red flag reading “Long live Mao Zedong Thought”.

A Changsha netizen familiar with the situation told the Voice of America on Monday that the Maoist-leftists’ actions smacked of the Cultural Revolution and Chongqing’s “Red Star” protests, which was puzzling.

毛左人士在长沙熬吧读书会招牌上涂画标语 (微博图片/@王来扶)
Maoist leftists scrawl slogans on the signboard of Changsha’s Simmering Bar Book Club (Weibo photo/@WangLaiFu)

He said, “The news was released earlier, causing these Maoists to make some early deployments, and many of these Maoists came to Changsha from Henan, Hubei, and Yueyang in their own province, ready to obstruct the speech. This also led to the decision to cancel the speech. This was also due to pressure from many quarters. Because this was canceled temporarily, so many people felt depressed. After careful discussion among the organizers, the location was changed and it was held as scheduled.”

Changsha police denounced for selective enforcement

Changsha police reportedly did not intervene in this rally of Maoist-leftists, and the police did not even show up, causing dissatisfaction among liberals and netizens, who criticized the officials for obvious acquiescence and selective law enforcement.

The netizen, who attended the lecture, said Mao Yushi’s speech was very rational, although there were dissenters in the audience, but they communicated through calm dialog.

He said: “These listeners who participated in the lecture are quite rational, but also hold some questions to discuss with Mr. Mao Yushi, including listening to Mr. Mao on the spot, there are different opinions or doubts, on the spot to Mr. Mao or other scholars to seek a solution. All in a very rational, very academic environment to communicate. I think this is the kind of verve we should have in an era of openness.”

Mao leftist leader Sima Nan said in a microblogging, “Mao Yushi Hunan lecture, originally had local support \ police protection \ fan uproar \ foreign media curtailing \ and with the precedent of Shenyang having arrested skeptics to make an example of them, he cancelled the appearance. Cursing Mao Zedong has become commonplace and Mao Yushi, who is honored as a ‘life coach’ by Zhang Weiying and others, may have made a mistake: it is unwise to treat Chairman Mao’s hometown to a ‘rightist show’.”

This is not the first time Mao Yushi has been besieged by Maoist leftists. In his 2011 article “Reducing Mao to a Human Being,” he criticized Mao for starving more than 30 million people to death during the Great Leap Forward during his reign, and for 50 million deaths due to political reasons after the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Mao Yushi’s repeated anti-Mao remarks have earned him the ire of leftists and a place on the “Top Ten Traitors.

Speaking to Voice of America on Monday, Mao Yushi said it was normal to have different views and opinions and to debate them, but slandering his opponents and beating them with sticks is the style of the Cultural Revolution and of hooliganism.

I think most of these people, barring a few, don’t know where their interests lie,” he said. People who are somewhat rational should know that it is hooliganism for you to spread rumors about me, to threaten me, to come to my house and harass me. If your cause is in line with justice, you do not need to use hooliganism to harm the justice of your cause.”

The netizen from Changsha said he was puzzled by the fact that some young people are labeled as believers in Mao Zedong Thought, and believes that there are still many leftist figures in society who are misleading young people and preventing these young people from understanding the truth about the Cultural Revolution.

He said, “It should be said that the legacy of the Cultural Revolution is still very strong, and if this country does not conduct a real and thorough historical reckoning with the Cultural Revolution, and remove this poison from the minds of future generations, they will continue to be poisoned by paranoid people who are still doing this kind of ideological propaganda. These people their behavioral manifestations, the banners, the so-called political advocacy, the slogans ah, can be seen in the extreme bias of thought.”

Mao Yushi, 84, said it was naïve for many people to be dissatisfied with the reality of the disparity between the rich and the poor and to be nostalgic for the Mao Zedong era and his ideas.

He said, “Thinking that Mao could bring a good life to everyone, this is totally wrong. I also feel that an objective evaluation of Mao is now very urgent on the mainland.”

The Global Times, an affiliate of the Communist Party’s People’s Daily, commented on Mao Yushi’s May 4 speech in Changsha, which was besieged, and his April 25 speech in Shenyang, which was marred by leftists, with the article “Being the focus of popular politics, Mao Yushi’s choice”.

The commentary said that Mao had made some “obvious” forays into politics. His “hard-core” supporters and opponents have a well-established circle. The former are Chinese liberal intellectuals and some Western elites. The latter are activists among the so-called “leftists” or “50-centers”.

The commentary also says that the civilization of “political debate” is sorely lacking in China’s court of public opinion, which often turns into a struggle between left and right.


2024年1月18日 01:35

中国自由派经济学者茅于轼与夫人在加拿大近照 (公子沈X账号发布视频截图)
中国自由派经济学者茅于轼与夫人在加拿大近照 (公子沈X账号发布视频截图)

华盛顿 — 遭禁言数年的著名中国自由派经济学者茅于轼携夫人赵燕玲去年年中离开北京,到加拿大西南部都市温哥华郊区定居,近日一些友人为他举办95诞辰贺寿活动的图文信息在海外社交媒体热传。这对患难夫妻如此高龄还远走异国,引发众多网友感慨。有评论人士为这位敢言的知识分子终于摆脱中共当局压制和监控,来到自由国土,在亲人陪伴下安享晚年感到欣慰。一知情者对美国之音介绍茅于轼夫妇的近况,并披露了一些鲜为人知的内情。














此帖中图片显示,茅于轼2024年1月23日手书的国学大师陈寅恪1929年所作王国维纪念碑铭文:“独立之精神 自由之思想”。





茅于轼谈改开四十年: 经济发展要有政治清明作保障










毛左抗议茅于轼长沙演讲 文革遗毒流氓行为?







毛左抗议茅于轼长沙演讲 文革遗毒流氓行为?

2013年5月6日 18:39

毛左人士在长沙抗议 (博讯图片 )
毛左人士在长沙抗议 (博讯图片 )

香港 — 中国一些毛左人士近日在湖南长沙抗议,试图阻止著名自由派经济学家茅于轼在长沙举行公开演讲。不过,主办方在宣布取消演讲后,又临时改变地点,举行了演讲。




毛左人士在长沙熬吧读书会招牌上涂画标语 (微博图片/@王来扶)
毛左人士在长沙熬吧读书会招牌上涂画标语 (微博图片/@王来扶)






毛左派领军人物司马南在微博中称,“茅于轼湖南讲座,原本有地方支持\有警察保护\有粉丝起哄\有外媒策应\又有沈阳抓走质疑者的范例在先,但掂量再三,还是自己取消了。诅咒谩骂毛泽东巳成习性,被张维迎等尊为‘人生导师’的茅于轼, 可能犯了一个错误:把毛主席家乡当成‘右派原生态秀场’实属不智。”











About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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