2024: Xi’s New Quality Productivity Innovation Builds China and Makes the World a Better Place

Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping has recently been discussing grand strategies for China’s way forward. While Xi Jinping Thought has Xi’s name attached, it is a corporate enterprise refined over the years through a process of constant development, revision and clarification. For example, Rule by Document is part of the Chinese political and economic system at Central Party School Professor Zhang Xuebo explained in 2017 Zhang Xuebo: Observations on the History of Rule by Document 1982-2017 . Xi Jinping referred to updating process in a recent overview article 2017-2024: Xi Jinping on High-Quality Development for China

“What are new quality productive forces, and how to develop them? I have been contemplating this and have noticed some research results from the academic community. In summary, new quality productive forces are advanced productive forces characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality, driven by innovation, breaking away from traditional economic growth models and productive force development paths, and conforming to new development concepts. They are generated by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading, with the core content being the significant improvement of total factor productivity. “

Over the past several years, Xi Jinping has been using expression like “new quality productivity” and “high quality development” is discussions of grand economic strategy.

The Chinese Communist Party, as an avatar of scientific socialism, has seen always seen science as an engine for development. During Mao’s time the social sciences were largely discarded since the scientific correctness of Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought made the western-developed social sciences both superfluous and suspect. Even genetics was denounced for its supposed ideological shortcomings. Scientism, calling on science to bolster views outside a science’s scope of applicability, has been common as discussed in D. W. Y. Kwok: Scientism in Chinese thought, 1900–1950. During the Cultural Revolution, PRC scientific and medical journals were full of boldface citations from scientists grateful at how Mao had inspired their work on meteorology or surgery as I noticed on day looking through Chinese scientific journals as a college student studying Chinese in the mid 1970s.

After Mao came the Four Modernizations and Deng’s famous quote “Science is the first productive force.” During the 1980s several scientific funding programs started typically name for the month and year in which they began such as the 863 Program that began in March 1986. In 1995, a national conference on eliminating institutional roadblocks that hindered communication among university, government and private company researchers “Science and Education for a Prosperous China” . That reports was summary translated and analyzed on the old US Embassy Beijing website (a bit further down the URL link’s page) still available on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.

Over the past forty years, much has changed and much has remained the same! Themes below include learning from foreign researchers, maintaining our Chinese ideological integrity, and the importance of intellectual property protection (IPR) for China’s own IPR industries, reform efforts.

Several June 2024 reports from Nature on Chinese science:

China seeks global impact and recognition

The country’s lead in high-quality research looks set to shape the direction of world science.

China’s big-science bet

With a view to increase its prestige and influence in global science, the country is investing heavily in major facilities.

Chinese science still has room to grow

Strengths in chemistry and the physical sciences have propelled the country to the top of the Nature Index. But there is untapped potential in other subject areas.

Xinhua Press Agency report translated below

A group of journalists from Xinhua, the Party’s official press agency, spent nine months compiling this report, immersing themselves in both Xi Jinping Thought in his numerous books and in Chinese S&T achievements.

The project was initiated in September 2023 and took 9 months of study, research, writing, revision, and proofreading. The entire project team carefully studied General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important discussions on new quality productivity, extensively interviewed authoritative departments and institutions, experts and scholars, business people, and scientific researchers, combed the theoretical context and practical path of new quality productivity, dug into typical cases and vivid stories, and meticulously researched and wrote, going through multiple versions of revisions, and soliciting opinions from authoritative departments and relevant experts and scholars, ultimately forming this report.

Larry Catá Backer’s The Law at the End of the Day Blog has an analysis and translation of Shaping Algorithmic Governance in an Era of “High Quality Development”: 孙凝晖《人工智能与智能计算的发展》Sun Ninghui; “The Development of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Computing” (special lecture of the 14th National People’s Congress Standing Committee. May 2024) beginning with…

1. The economic-policy role of AI and related tech ought not to be underestimated in the Chinese policy universe. “General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the new generation of artificial intelligence should be used as a driving force to promote the leapfrog development of science and technology, the optimization and upgrading of industries, and the overall leap of productivity, and strive to achieve high-quality development.” [ 习近平总书记指出,把新一代人工智能作为推动科技跨越发展、产业优化升级、生产力整体跃升的驱动力量,努力实现高质量发展。 ] (《人工智能与智能计算的发展》). It is a centerpiece of the vanguard’s evolution of the concept and application of “high quality development” of productive forces and thus of the New Era forms of Socialist modernization. It also has a double use–its internal success will produce external benefits–both along the Chinese Belt & Road, and in its engagement with its primary “big country” rival–the United Stated. It is the form of development, then, that becomes key to the evolution of internal and external policies. 

The article below discusses how Xi Jinping made a theoretical contribution to Marxist theory on productivity, PRC central and local government initiatives guided by this new thinking to support plans for the future as well as recent PRC achievements in science and technology.

Full Text | Empowering China and Benefiting the World Better – The Theoretical Contributions and Practical Value of New Quality Productivity



Chapter 1: The Innovative Development of Marxist Productivity Theory

1.1 The Theoretical Contributions of New Quality Productivity

1.2 Relationships to Grasp in Understanding New Quality Productivity

1.3 The Contemporary Significance of Developing New Quality Productivity

Chapter 2: Developing New Quality Productivity with Technological Innovation at Its Core

2.1 Strengthening Technological Innovation, Especially Original and Disruptive Technological Innovations

2.2 Leading Industrial Innovation with Technological Innovation

2.3 Developing New Quality Productivity Based on Local Conditions

Chapter 3: Shaping New Production Relations Adapted to New Quality Productivity

3.1 Further Deepening Reforms to Promote Efficient Coordination of New Quality Productivity Elements

3.2 Maintaining High-Level Openness and Creating a World-Class Business Environment

Chapter 4: The Global Significance of New Quality Productivity

4.1 Injecting New Momentum into Global Economic Recovery and Sharing Development Opportunities

4.2 Exploring New Production Relations and Expanding New Practices in Economic Governance

4.3 Empowering Chinese Modernization and Pioneering New Forms of Human Civilization

Chapter 5: Exploration and Practice of Developing New Quality Productivity in Various Regions

5.1 Harvesting the “Crown Jewel” of the Shipbuilding Industry

5.2 Anhui Builds a Quantum Innovation High Ground

5.3 Hangzhou’s Western Science and Innovation Corridor Cultivates a New Growth Engine

5.4 Beijing’s “Star Valley” Helps Realize the Aerospace Power Dream

5.5 China’s “Optics Valley” Stands Out in the Field of Optoelectronic Information Industry

5.6 China’s Western Science and Innovation Harbor Creates a “University without Walls”

5.7 Shandong Accelerates Digital and Real Economy Integration, Promoting Industry Digitization

5.8 Chongqing’s Practices in the New Energy Vehicle Industry

5.9 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Builds an Active Technology Cluster

5.10 Chengdu-Chongqing Jointly Build Western Science City to Form an Innovation High Ground




Compilation Notes

In 2023, during an inspection tour, General Secretary Xi Jinping first proposed the significant concept of “new quality productivity.” Subsequently, at the Central Economic Work Conference, the Politburo group study sessions, the National People’s Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and during local inspections, General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically elaborated and made significant deployments regarding new quality productivity, profoundly addressing major questions about what new quality productivity is, why it needs to be developed, and how to develop it.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important discourses on developing new quality productivity is an innovation and development of Marxist productivity theory, further enriching Xi Jinping’s economic thought. It provides fundamental principles and action guides for further liberating and developing productive forces, achieving high-quality development, and advancing and expanding Chinese-style modernization in the new era and new journey, injecting new wisdom and impetus into the prosperity and development of China and the world.**

Chapter 1: The Innovative Development of Marxist Productivity Theory

“In summary, new quality productivity is innovation-led productivity that breaks away from traditional economic growth methods and development paths, characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality, embodying an advanced productive force state that aligns with new development concepts.” [1] — Xi Jinping  

1.1 The Theoretical Contributions of New Quality Productivity

1.1.1 The Basic Connotation of New Quality Productivity

On January 31, 2024, at the Politburo group study session on solidly promoting high-quality development, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, deeply explaining the new concept of new quality productivity:

“In summary, new quality productivity is innovation-led productivity that breaks away from traditional economic growth methods and development paths, characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality, embodying an advanced productive force state that aligns with new development concepts. It is generated through revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading, with the core elements being the substantial improvement of total factor productivity, characterized by innovation, high quality, and advanced productive forces.” 

High-quality development is the fundamental principle of the new era. Since China entered the new era, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made a series of major decisions and deployments, promoting high-quality development to become a consensus and conscious action of the entire Party and society, and the main theme of economic and social development. In recent years, achievements in technological innovation have been fruitful, the effectiveness of innovation-driven development has become increasingly evident; urban and rural regional development has become more coordinated and balanced; comprehensive deepening of reforms has unleashed development momentum and vitality; the green and low-carbon transition has made significant progress, and the pace of changing development methods has accelerated, resulting in significant achievements in high-quality development. At the same time, there are still many factors restricting high-quality development that must be highly regarded and effectively addressed.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that high-quality development requires new productivity theories to guide it, and new quality productivity has already formed in practice and shown strong driving and supporting power for high-quality development, requiring us to summarize and generalize it theoretically to guide new development practices. [2]

New quality productivity is innovation-driven productivity. Innovation, especially original and disruptive technological innovation, plays a key role in developing new quality productivity. Reviewing past industrial revolutions, new scientific theories formed the basis, leading to new production tools, significant adjustments in economic structures and development methods, and important transformations in social production and living methods. Revolutionary technological breakthroughs will drive the improvement of laborers, means of labor, objects of labor, and their optimized combinations, leading to a substantial leap in productivity.

New quality productivity is productivity that transforms growth methods. Economic growth driven by traditional productivity generally relies on the horizontal, replicative expansion of extensive inputs of means of labor, objects of labor, and laborers, heavily dependent on factor inputs. New quality productivity aims to improve the quality and efficiency of laborers, improve production methods and tools, establish a new “production function,” and change the corresponding relationship between “input variables” and “output variables,” leading to a substantial improvement in total factor productivity.

New quality productivity is productivity applied to industries. New quality productivity meets and creates new demands through high-quality supply, leading to new products, services, and industries, transforming industrial structures. From the perspective of industrial development, applying technological innovation results to specific industries and industrial chains can transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, and foster the construction of future industries, promoting continuous industrial iteration and upgrading.

New quality productivity is productivity that achieves green development. New quality productivity detaches from traditional economic growth methods that overly depend on conventional resources and energy, representing an advanced productive force state that embodies the concept of green development. It is inherently green productivity and an environmentally friendly, sustainable development productivity. Developing new quality productivity means accelerating the green transformation of development methods, pursuing an ecology-first and green development path.

1.1.2 The Innovation and Development of Marxist Productivity Theory

Productivity is the capacity of people to transform and utilize nature, the most active and revolutionary factor driving social progress.

Before the emergence of Marxist productivity theory, Western economists like Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Friedrich List had already studied and discussed productivity.

Marx and Engels systematically analyzed and profoundly explained productivity. Marx pointed out in “Capital,” “Productivity, i.e., the development of productive capacity and its factors,”[3 ] “Labor productivity is determined by various circumstances, including the average skill level of workers, the development level of science and its application to technology, the social combination of production processes, the scale and efficiency of production materials, and natural conditions.” [ 4] Engels believed that the essence of productivity is the capacity formed by the combination of labor-capable people and production materials to transform nature.[5 ] In the “Communist Manifesto,” Marx and Engels stated that after the proletariat seizes power, it must “increase the total amount of productive forces as quickly as possible.” [6 ]

The theory of productivity is a classic Marxist theory. The CPC has always adhered to applying and continuously developing Marxist productivity theory based on its practice. Comrade Mao Zedong clearly stated, “The purpose of socialist revolution is to liberate productive forces.” [ 7] Comrade Deng Xiaoping proposed, “There are many tasks for socialism, but the fundamental one is to develop productive forces.”[8 ]

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the role of productivity, making a series of important discourses, emphasizing, “To comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society, achieve socialist modernization, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the most fundamental and urgent task is to further liberate and develop social productive forces,”[9 ] “We must adhere to the concept that science and technology are the primary productive forces, talent is the primary resource, and innovation is the primary driving force, deeply implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talent, and the innovation-driven development strategy, opening up new fields and new tracks for development, and continuously shaping new driving forces and new advantages for development,” [10 ] “To adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must continuously adapt the relations of production to the development of productive forces.”[ 11]

Facing a rapidly changing world and China, sticking to old practices and rigid thinking without the courage for theoretical innovation cannot scientifically answer the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times. General Secretary Xi Jinping, coordinating the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, accurately observed and grasped the trends in world science and technology and economic development, and creatively proposed the significant theory of developing new quality productivity. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “Developing new quality productivity is an inherent requirement and important focus for promoting high-quality development. We must continue to do a good job in innovation and accelerate the development of new quality productivity.” [12 ] General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important discourses systematically elucidate the rich connotations, core essentials, practical paths, and scientific methods of new quality productivity, profoundly addressing major theoretical and practical questions of what new quality productivity is, why it needs to be developed, and how to develop it, enriching and developing Marxist productivity theory, marking a new level of the CPC’s understanding of the laws of productivity development.

1.1.3 Further Enriching Xi Jinping Economic Thought

Marx pointed out, “The realization of theory in a country always depends on the extent to which the theory meets the needs of that country.” [13]

Xi Jinping Economic Thought is rooted in the spatial and temporal coordinates of China’s development, continuously enriched and developed in the great practice of Chinese modernization, pointing the right direction for China’s high-quality economic development, providing fundamental principles. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourses on new quality productivity are the latest achievements of Xi Jinping Economic Thought, significantly relevant and historically significant for promoting high-quality development and advancing Chinese modernization in the new era and new journey.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has proposed a series of new concepts, new ideas, and new strategies around China’s economic development, inherently unified in logical consistency. The “new normal of economic development” forms the basic context of China’s economic development, “high-quality development” sets the grand logic for shaping China’s future development, “new development stage,” “new development concept,” and “new development pattern” clarify China’s historical position, guiding principles for modernization, and the path choices for economic modernization. “New quality productivity” reveals the evolution of productivity, embodies the direction of productivity upgrading, and aims to unleash new driving forces for high-quality development.

Currently, global technological innovation is entering an unprecedentedly intense and active period. General Secretary Xi Jinping has always grasped the major trends in productivity development, guiding China to seize the opportunities of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, continuously promoting the transformation of production relations to adapt to the development requirements of productivity, ensuring that the great ship of China’s economy continues to ride the waves and move forward.

The proposal of new quality productivity theory provides the foundational logic for Xi Jinping Economic Thought. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasizes, “Innovation is the primary driving force leading development,” clearly stating that the “bull nose” of economic and social development is innovation. In terms of “deepening supply-side structural reform,” the core goal of current reform is to achieve industrial innovation driven by technological innovation. By continuously increasing the technological content of products and services through technological innovation, we can better meet people’s material and psychological needs, allowing supply and demand to reach a new higher level of matching. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasizes promoting “high-quality development,” clearly defining the construction of a “modern economic system,” and proposing accelerating the construction of a “modern industrial system.” Innovation-driven development relies on new quality productivity to lead, the fundamental characteristic of a modern industrial system lies in forming new quality productivity, and the core competitiveness of a modern economic system is reflected in developing new quality productivity. In summary, the proposal of new quality productivity provides the foundational logic for these important concepts, innovatively leading development and empowering development with advanced productive forces, marking the further enrichment and development of Xi Jinping Economic Thought, further answering a series of major questions about economic construction in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, with rich theoretical connotations and significant practical value, continuously expanding the new realms of Marxist political economy.

Developing new quality productivity is rooted in the vivid practice of Chinese modernization and socialist economic construction, reflecting the great advantages and vitality of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. It concretely embodies the fundamental task of socialism in the new era and new journey, being the inevitable choice for promoting high-quality development with more advanced productive forces. This also means that China will be more determined to follow the path of innovation-driven development, build new competitive advantages, and seize the initiative in development.

1.2 Relationships to Grasp in Understanding New Quality Productivity

1.2.1 Productivity and Production Relations

Marxist political economy posits that when productivity develops to a certain stage, it conflicts with existing production relations. When the current production relations become constraints on the development of productivity, the transformation of production relations becomes inevitable, which in turn promotes the development of productivity.

In his important speech at the commemorative meeting of the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth, General Secretary Xi Jinping stated, “To learn Marx, we must learn and practice Marxist ideas on productivity and production relations,” “We must boldly deepen comprehensive reforms, consciously stimulate the development vitality of social productivity through the adjustment of production relations, consciously adapt the superstructure to the development requirements of the economic base, and make socialism with Chinese characteristics advance more in line with laws.” [14 ]

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has carried out a series of explorations and practices in the aspects of ownership of means of production, income distribution system, and the socialist market economy system, expanding Marxist political economy theory on production relations and strongly promoting productivity development.

Developing new quality productivity similarly requires the construction of new production relations adapted to it. This is an urgent proposition for promoting high-quality development in the new era, necessitating continuous deepening of reforms in economic systems, science and technology systems, and other areas, focusing on addressing the blockages and bottlenecks that constrain the development of new quality productivity, ensuring the smooth flow and efficient allocation of all kinds of advanced quality productive factors towards the development of new quality productivity.

1.2.2 Supply and Demand

New quality productivity aims to balance supply and demand. Supply and demand are two sides of economic development, with their balance being relative and imbalance being absolute. Meeting the people’s growing needs for a better life with quality supply is an inherent part of developing new quality productivity.

The report of the 20th CPC National Congress proposed, “To organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of supply-side structural reform.” [15 ] New quality productivity forms new products, services, and industries that continuously meet the people’s growing needs for a better life, actively creating, stimulating, and satisfying new demands. Meanwhile, productivity cannot exist independently of demand; the supply of products or services by enterprises must be converted into consumption through exchange to be meaningful. Developing new quality productivity must be guided by the needs of comprehensive human development, fully leveraging the demand’s traction function on productivity development.

In the current and upcoming periods, factors restricting China’s economic development exist on both the supply and demand sides, but the main aspect of the contradiction lies on the supply side. Developing new quality productivity means leveraging the first driving force of innovation, focusing on breaking supply constraints and blockages, and meeting and creating demand with high-quality and effective supply. In the process of continuously expanding domestic demand and meeting the people’s needs for a better life, we must promote continuous upgrading and innovation on the supply side, driving the continuous emergence of new industries, new technologies, new products, and new business forms, forming a higher-level dynamic balance where demand drives supply and supply creates demand.

1.2.3 Inheritance and Innovation

Marxism holds that everything in the world is in motion and ever-changing. Likewise labor productivity is constantly changing. New quality productivity is not fixed but is dynamically generated and constantly developing.

As the saying goes, “If you can improve yourself in a day, do so; if you can improve day by day, keep improving.” Continuous progress in science and technology will drive the sequential emergence of new states of productivity and industrial patterns. To master the initiative in developing new quality productivity, it is necessary to closely follow the frontiers of technology, grasp the trends of technological development, and promote the emergence of original and disruptive technological innovations, continuously forming new momentum for developing new quality productivity.

Developing new quality productivity must adhere to practical realities, focusing on establishment before disruption and adapting measures to local conditions. In terms of technological innovation, it should be guided by forming realistic productivity, avoiding impractical approaches or blindly imitating others. In industrial development, it is necessary to prevent herd behavior and bubbles, as well as the abandonment of valuable traditional methods. General Secretary Xi Jinping vividly compared this to “not throwing away the tools that provide sustenance before having new ones in hand.” While actively cultivating strategic emerging industries and developing future industries, traditional industries should not be neglected or abandoned. It is essential to organically integrate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries, and the layout of future industries, promoting them scientifically and in a coordinated manner. Currently, it is necessary to support the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries while using new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries, moving towards high-end, intelligent, and green development.

1.2.4 Material and Civilization

The leap in social economic forms and civilization is marked by productivity and production tools. Looking at human history, from the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age to the Steel Age, and from the Steam Age, Electrical Age to the Information Age, these stages reflect both the changes in tools and the cultural development and progress of civilization brought by productivity advancements.

The cultivation and generation of new quality productivity is an important force and symbol of cultural development and civilization progress. Culture is the active part of civilization, and civilization is the sedimented culture. The essence of civilization is a progressive state, and mastering new technological means is necessary to promote continuous civilization development. Currently, the world is in a new stage led by informatization, reconstructing national core competitiveness based on informatization. Those who can better understand and grasp this trend, better adapt to and lead the development direction of new productivity, and promote the transformation of production relations and superstructures will be able to comprehensively enhance their national power. New quality productivity was proposed in the era of the ever-evolving mobile internet, big data, and artificial intelligence. It is important to see the unlimited possibilities of disruptive innovation and its applications, and to think about the development of civilization and the progress of the times from this perspective.

1.3 The Contemporary Significance of Developing New Quality Productivity

1.3.1 Practical Requirements for National Construction and National Rejuvenation

Developing new quality productivity is an inevitable choice to advance Chinese modernization and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development and meeting the people’s aspirations for a better life.

Currently, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. How can we respond to these changes, create opportunities, and open up new prospects while firmly grasping development and historical initiatives? Developing new quality productivity is a necessity of the times, an urgent need for development, and an inevitable trend.

After 75 years since the founding of New China, especially over 40 years of reform and opening up, China’s economic aggregate has consistently ranked second in the world. However, there is still a significant gap between China’s technological innovation and industrial core competitiveness compared to advanced global levels. To basically achieve socialist modernization by 2035 and build China into a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful socialist modern power by the middle of this century, it is objectively required to promote quality change, efficiency change, and power change in economic development, improve total factor productivity, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity.

China has completed the industrialization process in decades that took several centuries in Western developed countries, building the world’s most complete and largest industrial system and entering the ranks of innovative countries, laying a solid foundation for developing new quality productivity. On the new journey, by grasping the crucial point of innovation, cultivating a “deep green color” for development, being a prime mover in promoting reforms, and creating a “strong talent engine”, China will continuously open up new pathways, build new momentum, create new comparative advantages, and expand new spaces, promoting high-quality development to reach new heights.

1.3.2 The Call of the Times for Global Sustainable Development

Currently, the global economy is still struggling to recover and has yet to find effective new growth momentum. According to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) April 2024 forecast, the global economic growth rate for 2024 is 3.2%, up 0.3 percentage points from the October 2023 forecast but still well below the historical average of 3.8% (2000-2019).

For many years, China has been a source of global growth, contributing about 30% annually to global economic growth. Accelerating the formation of new quality productivity supported by technological innovation in China will inject strong momentum into global economic development.

China’s development of new quality productivity will strongly boost global technological change. In 2023, China’s annual expenditure on research and experimental development reached 3.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1% [16] over the previous year, making China the second-largest spender on R&D globally. By the end of 2023, China had 4.015 million domestic invention patents (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), an increase of 22.4% year-on-year, making it the first country with more than 4 million effective domestic invention patents. China has become a genuine intellectual property powerhouse, continuously contributing significantly to global innovation and development.

The global expansion of China’s new quality productivity will promote global economic development. China’s 5G technology supports communication and mobile internet in many countries. China’s production of desktop computers, laptops, and mobile phones has long maintained the world’s leading position. New models are also going global, with Chinese software such as Temu becoming the fastest-growing shopping applications in global markets, allowing more people to enjoy high-quality and cost-effective products and services provided by Chinese companies.

China is providing important support for global green and low-carbon development. China has established efficient production and manufacturing systems for solar equipment, electric vehicles, and other green products, effectively reducing the cost of global green and low-carbon transition. In 2023, exports of new products represented by new energy vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the first time, growing by 29.9% year-on-year, against the backdrop of a sluggish global trade.

China adheres to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, continuously expanding high-level opening-up, promoting high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, providing more opportunities for other countries to participate in emerging industries, and sharing the dividends of new quality productivity development. This will play an important role in advancing international economic cooperation and promoting regional sustainable development.

Chapter 2: Developing New Quality Productivity with Technological Innovation as the Core Element

“Technological innovation can foster new industries, new models, and new momentum. It is the core element of developing new quality productivity.” [17] — Xi Jinping

2.1 Strengthening Technological Innovation, Especially Original and Disruptive Technological Innovations

Technological innovation is an important force driving productivity development. From “productivity includes science” [18] to “science and technology are the primary productive forces” [19] to “technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity,”[20] Marxists’ understanding of the core and critical role of science and technology in productivity development has continuously evolved through theoretical and practical exploration.

The transformation of technological achievements into real productivity manifests as the birth of new industries and the deep transformation and upgrading of existing industries. Currently, technological innovation empowers economic and social development with its pervasive penetration, diffusion, and driving force. China has unique advantages in developing new quality productivity. In recent years, China’s overall strength in technological innovation has steadily improved, with increasing capabilities in basic research. In 2023, the proportion of basic research funding in total R&D expenditure increased to 6.65%. The number of high-end talents has gradually increased, the domestic market is vast, application scenarios are rich, and the industrial chain structure is comprehensive and long. China’s manufacturing scale has ranked first globally for fourteen consecutive years.

The proposal of new quality productivity means that China will push technological innovation with greater determination and effort, accelerating the achievement of high-level technological self-reliance, tackling key and core technologies, and producing more original and disruptive technological innovation results, injecting new momentum into economic and social development.

2.1.1 Firmly Grasping Key and Core Technologies

Key and core technologies hold a central position in the industrial technology ecosystem. They are crucial for enhancing the leading role of technological innovation and ensuring high-level technological self-reliance.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, “Key and core technologies cannot be obtained, bought, or begged.” [21] Only by accelerating breakthroughs in key and core technologies can we firmly grasp the initiative in innovation and development.

To tackle key and core technologies, it is necessary to focus on overcoming major difficulties. We must start from urgent national needs and long-term demands, making full efforts in fields such as basic raw materials, high-end chips, and industrial software. We should use breakthroughs in key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies as entry points, strategically deploying a series of strategic and reserve technology research projects and implementing national major scientific plans and scientific projects. We must optimize fiscal science and technology investment, guide enterprises and society to increase R&D investment, strengthen intellectual property protection, improve tax policies that promote enterprise technological innovation, increase support from the capital market for technology-based enterprises, actively develop venture capital, and expand patient capital.

To tackle key and core technologies, we need to leverage the significant advantage of the socialist system that allows for concentrated efforts on major tasks, strengthening the leadership of the party and state over major technological innovations, and improving the new national system. Centering around national strategic needs, we should improve top-level design, scientifically allocate innovation resources, and optimize the positioning and layout of national scientific research institutions, high-level research universities, and leading technology enterprises, uniting the efforts of government, market, and society to form a powerful synergy for scientific and technological breakthroughs.

2.1.2 Persistently Strengthening Basic Research

Basic research is at the starting end of the research-to-application-to-production scientific chain. A solid foundation is necessary for building a tall scientific enterprise. Currently, the paradigm of scientific research is undergoing profound changes, and the global cycle of basic research to application is significantly shortening, urgently requiring strengthened basic research to solve key technological problems from the source and bottom level.

On February 21, 2023, the Central Political Bureau of the CPC conducted a collective study on strengthening basic research. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that strengthening basic research is an urgent requirement for achieving high-level technological self-reliance and an inevitable path for building a world-leading technological power. [22]

In recent years, China’s original innovation capacity from “0 to 1” has continuously improved, achieving a series of internationally influential major original results: building major national instruments such as “China Sky Eye” “中国天眼” FAST, the Steady High Magnetic Field Facility SHMFF, and the China Spallation Neutron Source, and making breakthroughs in quantum computing, artificial starch synthesis, and nano-confined catalysis.

Basic research is the source of technological self-reliance. Only through basic research can we turn uncertainties into certainties and the unknown into the known. The world has entered the era of big science, where the organizational level of basic research is increasingly high, and institutional guarantees and policy guidance have an increasing impact on the output of basic research.

On one hand, we need to optimize the layout of basic disciplines, supporting the development of key disciplines, emerging disciplines, unpopular disciplines, and weak disciplines, using a high-quality disciplinary system to support basic research and original innovation. On the other hand, we need to increase diversified investment in basic research, meeting the needs of different types of basic research, and providing financial support for the continuous emergence of major original results in frontier directions.

For major scientific issues and strategic needs, we must systematically plan and forward-deploy, coordinating strategic-oriented systematic basic research, frontier-oriented exploratory basic research, and market-oriented applied basic research, aiming to occupy the high ground of frontier technology with institutional and mechanism innovation as the guarantee, strengthening the whole-chain design and integrated deployment from basic research, key technologies, equipment development to result transformation.

2.1.3 Strengthening the Role of Enterprises in Innovation

Enterprises are the main organizers and participants of technological innovation activities and are important supporters of developing new quality productivity. Strengthening the role of enterprises in technological innovation is key to achieving high-level technological self-reliance.

As of the end of 2023, there were 427,000 enterprises in China with effective invention patents, an increase of 72,000 from the previous year. Enterprises held 2.909 million effective invention patents, accounting for 71.2%, surpassing 70% for the first time. The proportion of enterprise R&D investment in total social R&D investment has exceeded 75% for several years. The role of enterprises as innovation leaders has become more prominent.

In the context of accelerating the development of new quality productivity, China has taken multiple measures to further strengthen the role of enterprises in technological innovation:

Strengthening the leading role of enterprises in technological innovation decisions, supporting enterprises’ broader and deeper participation in national technological innovation decisions; enhancing enterprises’ leading role in R&D investment, increasing the implementation of policies such as additional deductions for R&D expenses, and connecting technology, industry, and finance chains; reinforcing enterprises’ leading role in scientific research organizations, allowing enterprises to take the lead in major projects and key engineering technology research projects.

The key to bridging the “last mile” of technological achievements transformation lies in enterprises. China will continue to improve laws and regulations on the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, remove policy obstacles related to the use, disposal, and income rights of scientific and technological achievements; improve the docking and industrialization mechanisms of industry-academia-research results, support enterprises in building intermediate test platforms, and enhance the capacity of enterprises to transform scientific and technological achievements; leverage the guiding role of leading enterprises and the supporting role of small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting upstream and downstream linkage and integrated development of the entire industrial chain, forming a complete industrial ecosystem.

Developing new quality productivity requires a large number of high-quality, interdisciplinary technology entrepreneurs. They must not only possess innovative spirit but also scientific literacy, be able to recognize the importance of new scientific discoveries, and have the ability to coordinate various elements of production around innovation and coordinate all parties in industry-academia-research collaboration. China is creating a favorable environment to let entrepreneurs proficient in technological innovation, business models, and management methods stand out.

2.2 Leading Industrial Innovation with Technological Innovation

Throughout modern human history, each leap in productivity has been accompanied by technological and industrial revolutions. However, technological revolutions can only lead to industrial transformations under suitable economic conditions and social systems.

Currently, a new wave of technological advancements focused on artificial intelligence, clean energy, and biotechnology is emerging, with countries accelerating the implementation of national strategies to drive new industrial revolutions, such as the United States’ “Advanced Manufacturing Partnership,” Germany’s “Industry 4.0,” Japan’s “Revitalization Strategy,” France’s “New Industrial France,” and the United Kingdom’s “High-Value Manufacturing Strategy.

In the process of Chinese modernization, building a modern industrial system has become an inevitable requirement for accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity.

2.2.1 Transforming and Upgrading Traditional Industries

China’s industrial system is relatively complete and holds a pivotal position in the global division of labor and industrial supply chain systems. Some industries are world leaders. Their advantages must be consolidated and leveraged effectively.

Traditional manufacturing is an essential foundation for supporting national economic development and meeting people’s needs. Injecting “new” and “quality” into traditional industries means accelerating structural system upgrades, technological path innovation, and development model optimization in the directions of high-end, intelligent, and green development, thereby promoting qualitative improvements and rational quantitative growth.

Install the “high-end” engine. Accelerate the promotion and application of advanced and suitable technologies, strengthen the competitive edge of traditional manufacturing sectors, advance the strengthening, extension, and supplementation of industrial chains, support traditional manufacturing in deepening specialized fields, incubate new technologies, explore new tracks, and cultivate new industries. Deeply implement the industrial foundation reengineering project and strengthen the support system for traditional manufacturing.

Install the “intelligent” engine. Accelerate the empowerment of digital technologies, vigorously promote the intelligent transformation, digital transformation, and network connectivity of enterprises, and expedite the deep integration of information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, 5G, and the Internet of Things with the entire manufacturing process and all elements. Promote networked collaboration in the industrial chain and supply chain, and drive the overall transformation and upgrading of industrial parks and clusters.

Install the “green” engine. Accelerate green technology innovation and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies, strengthen green manufacturing, develop green services, expand the green energy industry, and develop green low-carbon industries and supply chains to build a green low-carbon circular economy system, enhancing the “new” content of development through the “green” content of industries.

According to the goals outlined in the guidelines jointly issued by eight departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission, by 2027, the development level of high-end, intelligent, green, and integrated traditional manufacturing will be significantly improved, effectively supporting the stable proportion of manufacturing in the national economy and further consolidating and enhancing its position and competitiveness in the global industrial division of labor. The penetration rates of digital R&D and design tools in industrial enterprises and the numerical control rate of key processes will exceed 90% and 70%, respectively. Industrial energy consumption intensity and carbon dioxide emission intensity will continue to decline, with water consumption per unit of industrial added value decreasing by about 13% compared to 2023, and the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk industrial solid waste exceeding 57%.

Currently, China is promoting a new round of large-scale equipment upgrades and the renewal of consumer goods. According to the action plan issued by the State Council, China will focus on key industries such as petrochemicals, steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, machinery, automobiles, light industry, textiles, and electronics, launching four major actions: advanced equipment renewal, digital transformation, promotion of green equipment, and improvement of safety levels, comprehensively driving equipment renewal and technological transformation to lay a solid foundation for transforming and upgrading traditional industries.

2.2.2 Cultivating and Expanding Emerging Industries

Strategic emerging industries are at the forefront of technological and economic development and play a significant leading role in the long-term development of the economy and society. To a large extent, they determine a country or region’s comprehensive strength, particularly its core competitiveness.

Strategic emerging industries are crucial carriers of new quality productivity. In September 2023, during a symposium on promoting comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “Actively cultivate strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, and electronic information, and actively cultivate future industries, accelerating the formation of new quality productivity to enhance new development momentum.”  [23]

Strategic emerging industries have a pioneering nature, with integration and clustering being new models of industrial development. Strategic emerging industry clusters, through the concentration of industries within certain geographical spaces, achieve the organic combination and maximization of the benefits of talent, technology, and capital, becoming an important trend in China’s industrial development.

In March 2024, Nanjing released 18 artificial intelligence application scenarios, focusing on five major fields: “AI + Industry,” “AI + Power,” “AI + Transportation,” “AI + Healthcare,” and “AI + Information Consumption,” creating a “testbed” for collaboration on underlying technologies and applications, and exploring more promising innovation models and product directions for artificial intelligence.

Currently, China is seizing the development opportunities of strategic emerging industries, building a series of advanced industrial clusters with international competitiveness in fields such as new-generation information technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, and green and environmental protection. China is also constructing a series of new growth points with distinctive features, complementary advantages, and reasonable structures.

Promoting the integrated and clustered development of strategic emerging industries requires continued efforts in deploying innovation chains around industrial chains, improving ecosystem construction and scenario applications, and strengthening the construction of digital platforms.

Innovation chains should be deployed around industrial chains, fully leveraging the advantages of leading enterprises, platform effects, and demonstration leading roles to promote the integration of innovation chains with industrial chains and the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industrial chains.

Ecosystem construction and scenario applications should be improved, with government investment playing a guiding role for societal investment. Support should be provided for localities to build landmark industries in segmented fields based on their inherent advantages and future development prospects, with industrial demand driving the development of education, technology, and talent.

Digital platform construction should promote the integration of the digital economy with the real economy. By leveraging digitization, related enterprises, industry research institutions, and government public departments should collaborate innovatively to achieve system integration and resource sharing.

2.2.3 Planning and Developing Future Industries

Future industries are at the forefront of reshaping the global innovation landscape and economic structure, key to firmly grasping future development initiatives.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of future industries, issuing a series of important instructions and decisions. The “14th Five-Year Program for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the Long-Range Objectives for 2035” explicitly states, “Organize and implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans in frontier technological and industrial transformation fields such as brain-like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future networks, deep-sea and aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, and plan and layout a batch of future industries.” China’s future industry development ideas are becoming clearer, with development blueprints for key areas gradually unfolding.

Currently, future industries have become key fields for creating new growth engines from central to local levels. Developing future industries is expected to cultivate and form a series of new pillar industries and industrial clusters worth hundreds of billions or even trillions of yuan. It can also extensively empower and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional advantageous industries, playing a greater role in strengthening, supplementing, and extending industrial chains.

In November 2022, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education approved the “Pilot and Cultivation List of Future Industry Science Parks,” designating 10 future industry science parks in eight provinces and cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Heilongjiang, as the first batch of future industry science park construction pilots. In August 2023, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice “On Organizing the 2023 Future Industry Innovation Task Project,” accelerating the application of new technologies and new products in four key directions: the metaverse, humanoid robots, brain-computer interfaces, and general artificial intelligence.

Local governments, based on their scientific and industrial foundations, are actively “placing their bets” on future industries. Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shenzhen, and other regions have taken the lead in introducing development plans, action plans, implementation schemes, and supporting policies for future industries, making forward-looking layouts for future industries a key aspect of economic development and long-term planning.

China’s future industries are at a critical period of achieving significant leaps in innovation vitality, radiation capability, and comprehensive strength. It is necessary to continuously innovate ideas and measures to adapt to industrial development, planning the spatiotemporal layout of future industries. Given that the technological routes of future industries are still to be clarified and business models need to mature, cultivating future industries requires precise support, akin to fine-tuned control of temperature, light, water, and air. The support should emphasize nurturing the development soil, focusing on assisting small, new, and young enterprises, strengthening original innovation, and supporting scenario markets. It is essential to innovate regulatory models, increase institutional supply, and create an atmosphere and space that encourages innovation, tolerates failure, and allows for bold exploration and experimentation.

2.3 Developing New Quality Productivity According to Local Conditions

Whether it is technological innovation or industrial innovation, the key is to proceed from practical realities and fully utilize local advantages based on technological foundations.

During the 2024 National People’s Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in his participation in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation, “We must firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions. Developing new quality productivity does not mean ignoring or abandoning traditional industries; we must prevent blind following and bubbles, and avoid pursuing a single model.”  [24]

The emphasis on “according to local conditions” by General Secretary Xi Jinping reflects the epistemology and methodology of Marxism, providing direction for different regions in China to develop new quality productivity by leveraging their advantages.

“According to local conditions” is both an accurate grasp of China’s national conditions and a profound understanding of the laws of innovation. Developing new quality productivity involves multiple levels, including technological innovation, industrial upgrading, organizational management, and talent cultivation. Since different regions have varying resource endowments, primary functions, industrial bases, and research conditions, the approaches to developing new quality productivity will differ. Blind actions that disregard the laws of innovation, industrial laws, and local conditions must be avoided. Instead, it is essential to adhere to practical realities, seek truth from facts, and explore development paths for new quality productivity that are suited to local realities.

Developing new quality productivity requires a focus on both “newness” and “quality.”

From historical experience and the current situation of promoting industrial innovation through technological innovation, there has never been a uniform development path, nor can any development model be simply copied. It is necessary to consider the national regional innovation layout, based on local characteristics and grassroots exploration and practice, to find scientifically reasonable innovation development paths and avoid uniformity and single models.

Developing new quality productivity should emphasize the application and value transformation of innovation results. Innovation results should not remain confined to laboratories but should become products on production lines and commodities in large markets. In accelerating the application of technological innovation results, it is crucial to focus on solving actual local economic and social development problems, deploying innovation chains around industrial chains, and arranging industrial chains around innovation chains to accelerate the transformation into real productivity, enhancing local development’s endogenous power.

Developing new quality productivity requires preventing involution-type “内卷式  of competition between like and like. When planning and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, there is no need to blindly pursue large and comprehensive models, nor should attention be focused solely on specific fields or products. Instead, comparative advantages should be leveraged to form a coordinated, complementary, and distinctive overall pattern.

Developing new quality productivity requires strengthening cross-departmental coordination and cooperation, linking technology chains, industrial chains, policy chains, talent chains, and capital chains, and avoiding each region and department from acting independently. It is necessary to adhere to a “national chessboard” approach for overall optimization, scientifically laying out from the perspective of showcasing the country’s overall comparative advantages and allowing each region to fully display its strengths.

Technological innovation cannot be rushed or delayed. To excel in the grand task of innovative development, it is essential to focus on technological innovation as the core element, rely on industrial innovation as a strong support, and pursue coordinated efforts to ensure the continuous surge of technological innovation results, making the steps towards developing new quality productivity more stable and powerful.

Chapter Three: Shaping New Production Relations Adapted to New Quality Productivity

“Production relations must adapt to the requirements of productivity development. To develop new quality productivity, we must further comprehensively deepen reform and form new production relations that match it.” [25] – Xi Jinping

Developing new quality productivity is both a development issue and a reform issue.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “Reform is the key to liberating and developing social productivity and the fundamental driving force for national development.” “To develop new quality productivity, we must further comprehensively deepen reform and form new production relations that match it.”  [26]

From the perspective of human industrial development history, any country that can lead the global technological wave and industrial revolution must have constructed a new institutional system that can more effectively incentivize and protect innovation compared to other countries. This is the core carrier of national competitiveness. Therefore, the competition in new quality productivity between countries on the surface is a competition of new technologies and new industries, but in essence, it is a competition of national institutions. Whoever can provide market mechanisms, industrial regulations, financial systems, and industrial policies that match the new technological wave and industrial transformation will win the competition in new quality productivity between countries.

3.1 Further Comprehensive Deepening of Reform to Promote Efficient Coordination and Matching of New Quality Productivity Elements

New quality productivity requires proactive planning and guidance from the government, scientific policy support, market mechanism adjustments, and continuous innovation from enterprises and other micro-entities. It is cultivated and driven by the “visible hand” of the government and the “invisible hand” of the market working together.

Since the reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China has, through continuous exploration and practice, creatively proposed developing a market economy under socialist conditions, establishing, and improving the socialist market economic system. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China has accelerated the improvement of basic market economy systems such as property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit, and perfected the mechanisms for implementing the principle of Two Unwaveringly Supports“:

  • “Unwaveringly consolidate and develop the publicly owned economy” and 
  • “Unwaveringly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-publicly owned economy” 

– – laying an institutional foundation for the efficient coordination and matching of various production factors.

3.1.1 Grasping the “New” Characteristics of New Quality Productivity Elements

Compared to traditional productivity, new quality productivity encompasses completely new elements. Driven by the wave of new technological revolution, laborers, labor tools, and labor objects have undergone overall elevation, optimized combinations, and innovative configurations. It is essential to accurately grasp the new characteristics of new quality productivity elements.

Higher Quality Laborers are the First Element of New Quality Productivity. New-type laborers are the most active and decisive factors in new quality productivity. Unlike traditional ordinary technical workers who primarily engage in simple repetitive labor, new-type laborers represent a transformation of modern labor, being talented in making strategic innovations that create new quality productivity and application-oriented talents who can skillfully master new quality production materials. They have higher educational levels, stronger learning abilities, and not only possess traditional occupational skills but can also adapt to digital and intelligent work environments, possessing comprehensive abilities for cross-border integration.

New-type laborers include top scientific talents who lead the world’s technological frontiers, make significant breakthroughs in disruptive scientific understanding and technological creation, and top scientific leaders who make outstanding contributions in basic research and key core technologies; engineering and technical talents represented by excellent engineers and technical workers represented by great craftsmen of major countries; and outstanding entrepreneurs with strategic thinking who dare to innovate, keenly grasp the frontier technologies and industrial trends, continuously invest in innovation, and promote industrial innovation through technological innovation.

More Advanced Labor Tools are the Power Source of New Quality Productivity. The integration and application of new-generation information technology, advanced manufacturing technology, and new materials technology have bred a large number of new-type production tools that are more intelligent, efficient, low-carbon, and safer. Traditional machinery-based production tools have undergone disruptive changes, with the extensive application of industrial internet, industrial software, and other technologies, greatly enriching the manifestations of production tools. The labor process has shifted towards platform-based, ecological, shared, and remote production collaboration, promoting the organic integration of the digital economy and the real economy, significantly improving productivity and economic efficiency.

As an important aspect of labor tools, new-type infrastructure is the foundational support of new quality productivity. New-type infrastructure centers on information network infrastructure, characterized by digitization, networking, and intelligence, including high-speed networks, big data centers, intelligent logistics systems, and more. China is accelerating the construction of a systematic, efficient, practical, intelligent, green, safe, and reliable modern infrastructure system, providing necessary conditions for the generation of new-type labor objects and the application of new-type labor tools.

Broader Labor Objects are the Material Basis of New Quality Productivity. Thanks to technological innovation, the objects of human labor have changed dramatically. On the one hand, the means by which humans obtain materials and energy from nature have become more advanced, extending the scope of utilization and transformation of nature to deep space, deep sea, and deep earth. On the other hand, humans continuously create new material resources through labor, transforming them into labor objects and significantly increasing productivity. New-type labor objects, such as data, have permeated various industries, releasing tremendous productivity potential.

Driven by the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, laborers, labor tools, labor objects, and production methods are undergoing transformative adjustments, promoting the convenient flow, networked sharing, systematic integration, collaborative development, and efficient utilization of elements such as labor, capital, land, knowledge, technology, management, and data, accelerating the formation of new quality productivity.

3.1.2 Innovating the Allocation of Production Factors

On January 31, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping, while presiding over a collective study session of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, emphasized the need to unblock the bottlenecks that hinder the development of new quality productivity, establish a high-standard market system, innovate the allocation of production factors, and ensure the smooth flow of various advanced and high-quality production factors towards developing new quality productivity.  [27]

Achieving innovative allocation of production factors fundamentally depends on deepening reforms.

—Continuously deepening market-oriented reforms of factors.

The 19th CPC National Congress identified market-oriented allocation of factors as a key focus of economic system reform. The 4th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee further emphasized advancing the construction of the factor market system to achieve market-determined factor prices, autonomous and orderly flow, and efficient and fair allocation. In 2020, the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council issued the “Opinions on Building a More Perfect Market-Oriented Allocation Mechanism for Factors,” which outlined the reform directions for five factor areas: land, labor, capital, technology, and data.

China’s market-oriented reform of factors is continuously advancing. At the beginning of 2024, China released the “Three-Year Action Plan for ‘Data Factor ×’ (2024-2026),” explicitly proposing to “amplify, overlay, and multiply the role of data factors.” Compared to the earlier “Internet+” action, the “Data Factor ×” action fully reflects considerations for the innovative allocation of production factors.

—Accelerating the construction of a unified national market.

In today’s world, the market is the most scarce resource. China’s super-large-scale market has the advantage of rich application scenarios and amplifying innovation returns. Accelerating the construction of a unified national market can promote the orderly flow and rational allocation of innovation factors, support the accelerated transition of technological innovation to industrial innovation, and better leverage the advantages of economies of scale and agglomeration effects, further reducing market transaction costs, and creating favorable conditions for the continuous emergence of new quality productivity.

In recent years, China has made positive progress in accelerating the construction of a unified national market, including fully implementing the reform of the stock issuance registration system, initiating the pilot of rural collective operational construction land entering the market, and advancing the establishment of a unified national electricity market and carbon market. At the same time, a series of policies and measures that hinder a unified market and fair competition have been abolished, revised, and corrected, and a series of supporting policies have been introduced in areas such as property rights, market access, fair competition, and credit.

Next, China will continue to break down local protectionism and regional barriers to create a favorable environment for business entities, optimize the layout of innovation resources and industries, build a hierarchical development system of provincial, national, and world-class clusters, and promote the orderly transfer of manufacturing within the country.

—Building a high-standard market system.

Efforts to unblock the bottlenecks that hinder the development of new quality productivity must provide foundational support for the optimized allocation of innovation resources from an institutional perspective.

The high-standard market system that China is building is a fundamental reform characterized by unified openness, orderly competition, comprehensive systems, and sound governance. It encompasses high-standard market system foundation institutions, high-standard factor market systems, high-standard market environments and quality, high-standard market infrastructure, high-standard market openness, and high-standard modern market regulatory mechanisms.

Regarding the foundational institutions of a high-standard market system, strict property protection is the original driving force for stimulating the vitality of various business entities. Implementing a unified national negative list system for market access is a prerequisite for forming a unified national market. Fair competition is an effective market operation mechanism that can promote sufficient competition and survival of the fittest among business entities.

Building a high-standard market system emphasizes institutional comprehensiveness, fair competition, and the importance of the government in maintaining market order and addressing market failures. In summary, it is necessary to fully leverage the decisive role of the market in resource allocation while better utilizing the role of the government to promote the better combination of an effective market and a proactive government.

3.1.3 Improving the Mechanism for Factor Participation in Income Distribution

Improving the mechanism for factor participation in income distribution is crucial for stimulating the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of various production factors in participating in production, allowing the vitality of various production factors to burst forth.

Under the conditions of new quality productivity, there are higher requirements for the innovative allocation of traditional quantitative factors such as land, capital, and labor. New types of factors such as artificial intelligence, green energy, data, aerospace, deep sea, and frequencies are rapidly emerging, while quality factors like knowledge, technology, and management play increasingly important roles. Improving the mechanism for factor participation in income distribution is intrinsic to shaping production relations that adapt to new quality productivity.

The 4th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee identified “distribution according to labor as the mainstay, coexistence of multiple distribution methods” as an important component of the basic socialist economic system. The 20th CPC Party Congress emphasized improving policies and systems for distribution according to factors.

Currently, China is improving the mechanism for labor participation in distribution, increasing the proportion of labor remuneration in primary distribution, and consolidating the dominant position of distribution according to labor. It is also improving the mechanism for capital participation in distribution, promoting capital market reform, and perfecting the mechanism for matching returns with risks. Efforts are being made to improve the mechanism for land participation in distribution, enhancing the precision of land factor allocation and utilization efficiency, and establishing a sound mechanism for the distribution of land value-added benefits. In addition, the mechanism for knowledge participation in distribution is being improved to form a virtuous cycle where knowledge creates value, and value creators receive reasonable returns. The mechanism for technology participation in distribution is being improved by establishing systems for implementing equity, options, and dividend incentives for researchers. The mechanism for management participation in distribution is being improved by coordinating the use of employee stock ownership, equity incentives, and equity dividends as medium- and long-term incentive measures. The mechanism for data participation in distribution is being improved by establishing rules for data ownership, openness, sharing, and transactions, allowing data owners to obtain due benefits from data use.

3.1.4 Facilitating the Positive Cycle of Education, Technology, and Talent

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to “facilitate the positive cycle of education, technology, and talent according to the requirements of developing new quality productivity” [28] and to “deepen reforms in the technology system, education system, and talent system.”  [29]

Education is the important foundation for developing new quality productivity, technology is its core element, and talent is its primary resource. China adheres to prioritizing the development of education, achieving technological self-reliance, and driving development with talent, further strengthening the solid foundation of coordinated resource allocation and activating the key engine for shaping new momentum and new advantages.

Efforts must be made to deepen reforms in the technology system. It is necessary to reform the technology management system, granting more autonomy to research units and giving scientists greater authority in deciding technical routes and using funds. It is essential to deploy the entire chain of technological innovation decisions, R&D investment, research organization, and result transformation, focusing on “who innovates, what to innovate, how to innovate, and for whom to innovate.” There must be a systematic layout of key innovation resources such as policies, funds, projects, platforms, and talent. The system for using, disposing of, and managing the benefits of scientific and technological achievements must be improved continuously to enhance the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.

Efforts must be made to persistently deepen reforms in the education system. It is necessary to coordinate innovation in vocational education, higher education, and continuing education, promote the integration of general education and vocational education, industry-education integration, and the integration of science and education, focusing on the deep development of human resources and innovation-driven development. Higher education institutions must adjust and optimize their subject layouts, discipline structures, and professional settings around national strategies and industry needs. Whether it is basic education, higher education, or vocational education, emphasis must be placed on stimulating innovative thinking and creative abilities in talent.

Efforts must be made to continuously break through reforms in the talent system and mechanism. It is essential to accelerate the formation of a training mechanism conducive to talent growth, a utilization mechanism conducive to talent fully playing their roles, an incentive mechanism conducive to talent showcasing their abilities, and a competitive mechanism conducive to talent standing out. The “one-size-fits-all” approach must be avoided, and an evaluation system for talent based on innovation value, ability, and contribution must be accelerated. Positive measures should be taken to “reduce burdens and untie” talents, giving them full trust and a relaxed growth environment, especially for fundamental research and technology applications with long R&D cycles, where strategic patience must be maintained. It is necessary to implement systems like “revealing the list and taking command” and “horse racing.” A more open and inclusive international technology cooperation strategy should be implemented, facilitating cross-regional circulation channels for education, technology, and talent elements to gather global talents for use.

3.2 Persisting in High-Level Openness to Create a First-Class Business Environment

China’s economic development achievements have been made under open conditions. Developing new quality productivity and achieving high-quality development must also be conducted under high-level openness.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, “We must expand high-level opening-up to create a favorable international environment for developing new quality productivity.”  [30]  Faced with increasingly complex international situations and growing uncertainties, China insists on high-level opening-up, continuously building a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and international, providing crucial support for developing new quality productivity.

3.2.1 Optimizing Resource Allocation Globally

High-quality capital, key resources, advanced technology, and top talents are crucial for developing new quality productivity. Currently, global resource allocation is showing new development trends. China is promoting high-level opening-up, leveraging the advantages of its super-large-scale market, attracting global resources and elements with domestic large-scale circulation, enhancing the linkage effect of domestic and international markets and resources, and creating a globally competitive innovation ecosystem.

Since the reform and opening up, China has played three important roles in the process of economic globalization: deep participant—deeply participating in the global manufacturing value chain division, active promoter—making great contributions to promoting global economic growth, and cooperative innovator—jointly advancing the new round of global technological revolution and industrial transformation.

Foreign media reports indicate that China is promoting the formation of a global technology ecosystem, gradually becoming an unignorable participant in international technological cooperation and a significant attractor of global innovation resources and elements.

China’s position in the global industrial chain division is steadily improving, laying a solid foundation for integrating into the international circulation at a higher level and attracting global resources and elements. In the face of a complex external environment, China is releasing more prominent signals of openness through a series of powerful measures—

China announced pilot access initiatives in areas such as value-added telecommunications and fully lifted foreign investment restrictions in the manufacturing sector. The “Action Plan for Solidly Promoting High-Level Opening-Up to Attract and Utilize Foreign Capital” was issued, national and free trade zone versions of the negative list for cross-border service trade were published, and the “Regulations on Promoting and Regulating Cross-Border Data Flow” were released. The “Pudong New Area Comprehensive Reform Pilot Implementation Plan (2023-2027)” proposed exploring the implementation path for capital account convertibility and piloting the use of digital RMB in trade settlement, e-commerce payments, carbon trading, and green electricity trading. Major exhibitions such as the China International Import Expo, Canton Fair, China International Fair for Trade in Services, Digital Trade Fair, and China International Consumer Products Expo were held to build platforms for two-way opening-up…

China’s door of openness is opening wider and wider, promoting the optimization of resource allocation globally and creating a better environment and conditions for developing new quality productivity.

3.2.2 Further Expanding Institutional Opening-Up

Compared with opening-up through the flow of goods and factors, institutional opening-up is a higher level of opening-up. By breaking down various barriers at the institutional and rule levels, the linkage effect of domestic and international markets and resources can be effectively enhanced, further playing a role in attracting global high-quality innovation elements and resources.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to focus on serving the construction of a new development pattern, with institutional opening-up as the focus, deepening institutional reforms in key areas of investment, trade, finance, and innovation, improving supporting policies and measures, and actively raising the level of China’s opening-up.  [31]

Regarding further expanding institutional opening-up, China insists on better combining coastal opening with inland and border opening, exploring opening system rules that adapt to coastal-inland linkage development; better combining “bringing in” and “going out,” creating new platforms for international cooperation; better combining manufacturing sector opening with service sector opening, constructing new rules and standards for opening education, healthcare, finance, and other sectors; better combining multilateral opening with regional opening, participating in promoting global institutional opening, and being a builder and contributor to an open world economy.

Currently, China is accelerating the promotion of institutional opening-up in areas such as rules, regulations, management, and standards: the number of pilot free trade zones has increased to 22, with conditions in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, Beijing, and other areas leading to the pilot implementation of international high-standard economic and trade rules; the scope of modern service industry opening has expanded, with the number of comprehensive service industry opening pilot zones increasing to 11; the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement” (RCEP) is being fully and high-quality implemented, and efforts are being made to join the “Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership” (CPTPP) and the “Digital Economy Partnership Agreement” (DEPA), contributing to accelerating the formation of a globally competitive open innovation ecosystem.

3.2.3 Continuously Deepening International Cooperation

Developing new quality productivity aligns with China’s vision of achieving high-quality development and meets the world’s expectations for China to provide a “dynamic variable.” Especially in the fields of green environmental protection and the digital revolution, there is vast cooperation space between China and international partners. Continuously deepening international cooperation in the field of new quality productivity will not only help enhance the levels of global industrial chains and supply chains but also further optimize global resource allocation, allowing all cooperating countries to share the opportunities of industrial upgrading and high-quality development.

China is striving to deepen international cooperation, laying a solid foundation for developing new quality productivity through specific measures, including continuously promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative based on the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits; accelerating the construction of international trade and logistics corridors such as the China-Europe Railway Express and the Western Land-Sea New Corridor to further enhance connectivity; firmly supporting the multilateral trading system, actively participating in and promoting necessary reforms of the WTO, and further improving a high-standard free trade zone network facing the world.

In 2023, China’s non-financial outward direct investment reached $130.1 billion, an increase of 11.4%, maintaining a top three global ranking for 11 consecutive years. China’s outward investment stock amounted to $2.8 trillion, covering more than 190 countries and regions worldwide, consistently ranking in the top three globally for six consecutive years. By the end of 2023, China’s direct investment stock in Belt and Road partner countries exceeded $300 billion, with over 100 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones established, and nearly $2 trillion in completed project contracts in these countries. Belt and Road investment cooperation has deepened and become more practical. China continues to deepen cooperation in green development, the digital economy, and the blue economy, signing 64 memorandums of understanding on investment cooperation in related fields with 38 countries, establishing 70 bilateral investment cooperation working groups with 60 countries, and setting up more than 150 overseas Chinese chambers of commerce in over 120 countries and regions.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “Only when the world is doing well will China do well; and when China is doing well, the world will do even better than before.”  [32]

Creating opportunities through openness and solving problems through cooperation is a valuable experience that China has formed in its process of expanding openness. International cooperation, guided by the important traction of developing new quality productivity, will have broader space and more vivid practices.

Chapter Four: The Global Significance of New Quality Productivity

“The world today is not peaceful. As always, China, with a concern for the future of humanity and the well-being of the people, strives to contribute Chinese wisdom and solutions to the cause of human peace and development, advocating for a multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization.”    [33] — Xi Jinping

The development of productivity is a common characteristic of countries achieving modernization. In the 200-plus years since the Industrial Revolution, the few countries that have achieved modernization have done so by varying degrees of productivity leaps. However, overall, the world’s modernization process has not been smooth, still facing many challenges, including weak economic recovery, severe geopolitical situations, trade protectionism, and anti-globalization trends.

In this context, China’s development of new quality productivity is not only an initiative aimed at the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation but also a commitment to promoting world peace, development, mutual benefit, and common prosperity through its own modernization practice.

4.1 Injecting New Momentum into Global Economic Recovery and Sharing Development Opportunities

In the global economic landscape, China’s role as an “engine” and “ballast” is becoming increasingly prominent. Bloomberg, citing the latest economic forecast data from the International Monetary Fund, predicts that from 2024 to 2029, 75% of global economic growth will be concentrated in 20 countries, with China contributing the most. During the same period, China’s share of new global economic activity will reach about 21%, higher than the G7’s 20%.  [34]

4.1.1 Playing a New Role as an Economic Engine

Why can China continue to play the role of an engine in the global economy during a difficult transition?

An important factor is that China actively embraces the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, striving to promote industrial innovation through technological revolutionary breakthroughs and innovative allocation of production factors, continuously exploring new fields, new advantages, and new tracks to cultivate new momentum for development.

Currently, new quality productivity is stimulating the vitality and potential of the Chinese market, enhancing China’s resilience as a world economic engine. In 2023, China’s three major industries—biopharmaceuticals, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology applications—had a combined output value of over $55 billion. By 2027, the digital economy’s scale is expected to reach $15.7 trillion. China’s efforts to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality are leading to the construction of an entirely new zero-carbon industrial system, triggering massive investments and industrial opportunities. In the field of renewable energy, China has become a veritable global leader. According to the Global Wind Energy Council’s “2024 Global Wind Energy Report,” in 2023, the global newly installed wind power capacity reached a record-breaking 117 GW, a 50% increase compared to 2022. However, if China is excluded, the global wind energy industry’s growth has actually stagnated.  [35]

Research by the International Monetary Fund shows that China’s economic growth has a positive spillover effect on other regions of the world, with a 1 percentage point increase in China’s economic growth raising the output level of other economies by an average of 0.3 percentage points. [36] As traditional industries are upgraded and new industries flourish, new quality productivity will continuously inject new momentum into China’s high-quality economic development, leading to an expanding middle-income group and a continuously growing and upgrading consumer market. In turn, the benefits brought by China’s economic engine to the world will be considerable.

4.1.2 Creating New Opportunities for Win-Win Development

Accelerating the development of new quality productivity will further amplify China’s unique market advantages, creating more development opportunities for international partners.

First, the development of new quality productivity will lead to improvements in labor productivity, industrial value-added levels, and the income and welfare of laborers. By 2035, China’s middle-income population is expected to reach 800 million, forming a stronger purchasing power. With the continuous development of new quality productivity, consumption scenarios will expand, and Chinese people’s production and lifestyle will rapidly shift towards digitalization and greening, stimulating new and diversified high-end consumption demands. Under the dual drivers of purchasing power and demand, China’s import scale will expand accordingly, allowing its trade partners to share China’s large market’s development opportunities more deeply and broadly.

Second, accelerating the development of new quality productivity will make China a more critical link in the global innovation chain. More and more foreign enterprises are participating in the construction of China’s advanced industrial chain and the upgrading of the innovation chain, focusing more of their investments in China on innovation tracks and emphasizing the research and development and expansion of high-value-added innovative technologies and services. For many multinational companies, China is not only an essential market but also an “amplifier” of innovation returns.

Many multinational companies are casting “votes of confidence” in China’s innovative development through increased investments. AstraZeneca, which has been rooted in China for more than 30 years, will invest $475 million to build a new small molecule drug factory in Wuxi and $700 million to establish an inhalation aerosol production supply base in Qingdao. Valeo established a production and research and development base for “Comfort Driving Assistance Systems” in Shanghai. GE Healthcare (China) will double its R&D investment in China over the next three years. It is challenging to find an investment development zone with a scale and space as vast as China’s, and the accelerated development of new quality productivity will further solidify the foreign business community’s recognition that “the next China is still China.”

China’s irreplaceability can be glimpsed from the financial reports of multinational companies. In fiscal year 2023, Bosch Group’s sales in China increased by more than 5%, with intelligent mobility being the main growth driver of its business in China. Apple’s Greater China revenue accounted for about one-fifth of the company’s total revenue. The Shanghai Gigafactory has become Tesla’s main export center globally, with efficiency ranking among the top in the industry. In late April 2024, Tesla CEO Elon Musk visited China again, less than a year after his last visit. A large number of visionary foreign entrepreneurs have keenly perceived the new opportunities brought about by China’s development of new quality productivity.

4.2 Exploring New Production Relations and Expanding Economic Governance Practices

New quality productivity is a development and innovation of Marxist political economy by the Communist Party of China. It embodies tremendous transformative power and presents new challenges for China’s economic governance capabilities.

Currently, China is focusing on improving its economic system and enhancing its economic governance capabilities. This strategic initiative demonstrates China’s confidence in its system and provides valuable experiences and practical examples of economic governance for other developing countries.

4.2.1 Proactively Addressing Global Challenges with Strategic Initiatives

China is currently overcoming the “comparative advantage trap” commonly faced by late-developing countries and is at the forefront of technological research and application in many new fields, facing the challenges of technological development alongside developed countries. To this end, China is actively improving policies, filling institutional gaps, and leveraging system advantages to create new opportunities amid changes, seizing strategic initiatives.

China’s institutional exploration in developing the digital economy is notable. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the development of the digital economy has been highly prioritized, and data has become a fundamental strategic resource for the country. In April 2020, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the “Opinions on Improving the Market-based Allocation Mechanism for Factors of Production,” in which data was established as a new factor of production for the first time in a central document. China became the first country in the world to establish data as a factor of production at the national policy level.

Since 2022, China’s data element market development has entered the fast lane. In December 2022, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the “Opinions on Building Basic Data Systems to Better Leverage the Role of Data Elements,” outlining the blueprint for data element market development. In February 2023, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the “Overall Layout Plan for Digital China Construction,” setting phased goals and tasks and proposing that by 2035, China’s level of digital development will rank among the world’s leaders. In March of the same year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the “Plan for the Reform of Party and State Institutions,” which included proposing the establishment of the National Data Administration.

Elevating data to the status of a new production factor aligns with the development trend of the digital economy. China is working to solidify the foundation for data element-driven growth, safeguard data sovereignty, promote digital economic development, and build new competitive advantages in data. At the same time, China is actively participating in international cooperation on the digital economy and the formulation of related rules, allowing the results and experiences of China’s data element development to benefit more countries and people.

China is at the forefront of addressing the current global deficit in digital governance and challenges in emerging digital fields. In 2020, China proposed the “Global Data Security Initiative,” clarifying government behavior norms and promoting joint responsibility and cooperation among enterprises to address security risks. In 2023, China issued the “Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services,” the world’s first specific legislation for generative artificial intelligence. In the same year, China submitted the “China’s Position on Global Digital Governance Issues”  《中国关于全球数字治理有关问题的立场》 to the United Nations, calling for the elimination of the digital divide and opposing technological monopolies.

By actively exploring and responding to new production factors, China demonstrates its determination and practical spirit to enhance economic governance capabilities, which will drive global economic governance reforms and further unleash global economic potential and vitality.

4.2.2 New Economic Governance Practices Resonate Worldwide

China’s development of new quality productivity and promotion of institutional innovation and changes in production relations have sparked significant international interest.

Managing the relationship between government and the market is the core issue of China’s economic system reform. Xi Jinping’s proposal to “let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation and better leverage the role of the government” has led to continuous innovation and breakthroughs in socialist market economy theory and practice.

In the fields of basic research and key core technologies, China is working to improve the system of the CPC Central Committee’s unified leadership over scientific and technological work, enhance the new national system, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological forces, and optimize the allocation of innovative resources. In terms of the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, the emphasis is more on the market’s role, strengthening the leading position of enterprises in innovation. This provides useful insights into effectively utilizing both the “invisible hand” and the “visible hand.”

In the process of comprehensively deepening reforms and improving economic governance, the methodologies embedded in Xi Jinping’s economic thought, such as “establishing before abolishing,” “seeking progress while maintaining stability,” and “promoting stability through progress,” have garnered increasing attention from the international community.

Anna Malindog-Uy, vice president of the “Asian Century” Strategic Research Institute in the Philippines, highly praised Xi Jinping’s emphasis on “actively promoting industrial upgrading, intelligence, and greening.” She believes this deployment is forward-looking, emphasizing empowering economic development with technology, digital economy, and green technology, while balancing economic growth, technological progress, and sustainable development. [37]

The international community evaluates that placing the formation of new production relations compatible with new quality productivity in an important position reflects the increasing maturity of China’s economic governance. The formation and development of new quality productivity in China highlight the great advantages and vitality of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and will provide the world with Chinese solutions for exploring better economic governance methods.

4.3 Empowering Chinese-Style Modernization and Opening Up New Forms of Human Civilization

Every advancement in human civilization is driven by leaps in productivity. In the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization, the development of new quality productivity in China will drive cultural development and civilizational progress.

4.3.1 Deeply Practicing the Concept of “Humans and Nature as a Community of Life”

Industrialization has created unprecedented material wealth but also caused irreparable ecological damage. The contradiction between limited resources and unlimited human needs has become prominent, and climate change has become one of the most severe challenges facing humanity. Traditional productivity, characterized by low efficiency, high pollution, and extensive growth driven by factor inputs, cannot support sustainable economic development.

Compared with traditional productivity, new quality productivity focuses on achieving intensive growth through innovation. One dimension of this is promoting industrial iteration and upgrading based on knowledge, information, data, and computing power, thereby overcoming the exclusivity and consumption of natural material resources and reducing excessive reliance on resources. Promoting a new round of productivity leap is not only about technological innovation itself but also about deeply understanding that “humans and nature are a community of life.”

The idea that ecological prosperity leads to civilizational prosperity and ecological decline leads to civilizational decline has become a broad consensus in China. One characteristic of Chinese-style modernization is modernization that achieves harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. New quality productivity facilitates the formation of green and low-carbon industries and promotes comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The development model of “pollution first, treatment later” and “controlling nature and plundering nature” is becoming a thing of the past, and a path of civilization characterized by harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, pursuing sustainable development, is being opened up.

4.3.2 Enhancing Humanistic Care in the Modernization Process

Chinese-style modernization is a new type of modernization that is people-centered and future-oriented. As Xi Jinping said: “The ultimate goal of modernization is to achieve the free and comprehensive development of people. Whether the modernization path can be followed smoothly and steadily depends on whether it adheres to a people-centered approach.” [38]

China’s development of new quality productivity aims to ensure that the achievements of modernization benefit all people more fairly, promoting and facilitating comprehensive human development. Therefore, the development of new quality productivity is part of China’s efforts to improve and protect human rights.

New quality productivity places greater emphasis on improving the quality of workers and cultivating new types of workers, shifting the mode of economic development from investing in material goods to investing in people. China believes that only by achieving high-quality population development on a higher level and on a larger scale can it provide a deeper foundation for continuously cultivating new quality productivity.

Chinese-style modernization is modernization for the common prosperity of all people. With its large population, China must create social wealth commensurate with its population size. Developing new quality productivity helps cultivate new economic growth points and economic growth poles, thereby ensuring sustainable growth and expanding the total amount of social wealth. China is improving its income distribution mechanism around developing new quality productivity, which helps narrow the gap between the rich and the poor and provides strong support for achieving common prosperity.

The development of new quality productivity will also bring about a new economic form that serves more of “human modernization.” This means that in modernized production and life, people will show stronger subjectivity, creativity, and civility. The development of new quality productivity provides greater possibilities for achieving comprehensive human development and adds a stronger humanistic care to human modernization.

4.3.3 Boosting Development Confidence in the Global South and Promoting Civilizational Exchange

Science and technology belong to the era and the world. The practice of Chinese-style modernization empowered by new quality productivity is good news for the Global South. China’s technological innovation, industrial upgrading, and transformation experiences will open up new realistic paths for the modernization of late-developing countries and promote the global economy towards a more diverse and balanced future.

China does not pursue isolated modernization but looks forward to achieving modernization together with other countries, including many developing countries. This vision is both aspirational and challenging. On one hand, the dominance of capital, moving from industrial expansion to financial expansion, has led to economic hollowing out and widening wealth gaps in some countries. Some countries restrict the flow of innovative elements such as knowledge, technology, and talent, suppressing the competitive industries of other countries and hindering global development. On the other hand, late-developing countries have long been trapped in the “comparative advantage trap,” unable to break through the bottleneck of “dependent modernization” and achieve an equal and autonomous leap in productivity development.

If developing countries cannot become important participants and contributors in the process of adjusting the new global economic governance system and international trade rules, they will lose discourse power and initiative in the new track of global economic and industrial development. This is especially urgent for developing countries. In shaping the international innovation ecosystem, China insists on advocating for late-developing countries, jointly promoting the global flow of innovation elements, and tapping into economic growth drivers. China believes that technological achievements should benefit all humanity rather than become tools to restrict and suppress the development of other countries. China has issued the “International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative,” advocating for open, fair, just, and non-discriminatory international scientific and technological cooperation concepts and promoting the building of a global scientific and technological community. It has proposed the “Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative,” calling for countries to strengthen information exchange and technical cooperation to form broadly consensual frameworks and standards for artificial intelligence.

China is also committed to building the “Belt and Road” into a road of innovation, cooperating to build science and technology innovation alliances and innovation bases for co-building countries, and creating opportunities and platforms for joint development. China advocates making good use of the APEC mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises and holding the APEC Specialized New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises International Cooperation Forum to continuously build consensus on the specialized and new development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In the face of political backlash against globalization and de-globalization, China has consistently promoted high-level institutional openness, continued technological innovation, and advocated for deeper openness, exchanges, and integration to achieve collective leaps in productivity. Standing at a new crossroads of human development, amid the unprecedented changes of the century, China is an active participant and firm supporter of economic globalization. China’s development of new quality productivity will bring broad new opportunities to the world. In the process of jointly building a community with a shared future for humanity, we believe that the international community can find a path of cooperative win-win productivity leaps, opening a new chapter of sustainable prosperity and harmonious coexistence.

Chapter Five: Exploration and Practice of Developing New Quality Productivity in Various Regions

“All regions should adhere to reality, establish before breaking, adapt measures to local conditions, and guide categorically. Based on local resource endowments, industrial foundations, and research conditions, they should selectively promote the development of new industries, new models, and new dynamics, using new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries, and actively promote industrial upgrading, intelligence, and greening.” [39]  —Xi Jinping

According to Xi Jinping’s important instructions on developing new quality productivity and the central government’s decision and deployment, regions across China, based on the overall national development strategy, adhere to reality and adapt measures to local conditions. They are bravely exploring and accelerating the cultivation and formation of new quality productivity, continuously making progress, and emerging a batch of typical cases and practices that provide new insights and open new spaces for high-quality development.

5.1 Building the “Crown Jewel” of the Shipbuilding Industry

The “crown jewel” of the shipbuilding industry—large cruise ship construction—has brought more good news. The second domestically-produced large cruise ship has begun final assembly and installation, entering an accelerated construction phase.

On April 20, 2024, the domestically-produced large cruise ship “Ship No. 2,” measuring 341 meters in length, 37.2 meters in width, and over 140,000 tons in total weight, entered Dock No. 2 of the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This signifies that China has essentially formed its capability for mass design and construction of cruise ships.

In November 2023, the first domestically-produced large cruise ship, “Adora Magic City,” was named and delivered, giving China a significant position in the global large cruise ship design and construction field. In January 2024, “Adora Magic City” began its maiden commercial voyage, entering the lives of ordinary people.

Globally, domestically-produced large cruise ships have broken the long-term monopoly of European and American countries. Currently, China’s vast consumer market and rich application scenarios provide a broad scope for the industrial development of these national heavyweights.

These “heavyweights” possess inherent greatness. This is not only due to the massive scale of their million- or even ten-million-piece components but also due to the significant challenges of comprehensive research, integrated innovation, key breakthroughs, and industrial upgrades.

With the assembly of large cruise ships, large LNG ships, and aircraft carriers, the shipbuilding industry’s “three pearls” are now complete. From these advanced manufacturing high-end equipment and iconic achievements in technological innovation, one can trace the internal logic of China’s high-end manufacturing industry climbing to new heights.

First, consider practical capability. From the construction base of domestically-produced large cruise ships—Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., hundreds of large ships have sailed into the global shipping market. Be it ultra-large container ships or offshore oil drilling platforms, they have all been conquered one by one. These are leading projects in China’s new industrialization development. Designing and constructing large cruise ships represents a new advancement in the strength of China’s shipbuilding industry. Domestically-produced large cruise ships have integrated 1,500 suppliers worldwide, forming a “map” of the cruise ship supply chain, laying a solid foundation for mass construction of large cruise ships.

Second, consider innovation capability. High-end equipment itself is a “proving ground” for innovation capabilities. Through the large cruise ship project, China established its first national cruise ship design team and trained a core group of key personnel in large cruise ship R&D and design. Through cross-verification of basic scientific research and practical ship engineering, multiple key technologies have been overcome, including overall layout, aesthetic design, safe return to port, and alternative design.

A single ship is an innovation platform, an industrial chain, and an open window. In 2023, China’s three main shipbuilding indicators achieved overall growth, with its international market share exceeding 50% for the first time. Statistics show that out of the 18 major types of ships globally, China ranks first in new orders for 14 types.

Third, consider driving capability. Large cruise ships, with their complex integration of “giant system” engineering and lean processes, become the pinnacle product of high-end equipment in the shipbuilding industry. High-end equipment is a proving ground for innovation capabilities. With the realization of mass production, domestically-produced large cruise ships are becoming increasingly localized. Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. continues to strengthen international cooperation while steadily increasing the rate of domestic components, promoting the construction of a domestic cruise ship support industry cluster and forming a complete cruise ship industrial chain.

Currently, besides the “Ship No. 2” domestically-produced large cruise ship, Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding is also accelerating the research and design development of ultra-large, medium, and small cruise ships, aiming to develop a series and large-scale development of cruise ship products, ultimately forming a fleet of domestically-produced large cruise ships. Through the cruise ship project, it helps to build an industrial innovation system integrating technology demand, product development, technological innovation, technology verification, and industrialization.

5.2 Anhui is Building a Quantum Innovation Development Zone

In recent years, quantum technology has developed rapidly. In Anhui, which is dedicated to building a development zone for quantum information innovation, the quantum industry is thriving, currently gathering over 60 enterprises in the quantum technology industry chain, ranking among the top in the country.

In the High-tech Zone of Hefei, where the Institute of Advanced Technology of the University of Science and Technology of China is located, Yunfei Road has become known as “Quantum Street” due to the presence of dozens of quantum technology industry chain enterprises. The world’s first thousand-kilometer quantum secure communication “Beijing-Shanghai Trunk Line,” the world’s first quantum science experimental satellite “Micius,” and the “Jiuzhang” quantum computing prototype, which achieved the milestone of “quantum computational superiority,” were all born here or nearby.

In 2023, the first national-level “Quantum Information Future Industry Technology Park” was inaugurated in the High-tech Zone of Hefei. Moving from laboratory achievements to “Quantum Street” applications, and then to the technology park, the three major directions of the quantum communication, quantum computing, and quantum precision measurement industry chains are entering the fast lane of technological industrialization, enhancing productivity levels in application fields.

How has a central province been able to speed along the new track of quantum information?

Technological innovation is key. Anhui has formed a basic research system for quantum information, including multiple research institutions. In recent years, it has successfully constructed the “Jiuzhang 3” quantum computing prototype with 255 photons and the “Zuchongzhi 2” programmable superconducting quantum computing prototype with 66 qubits. At the same time, it has gradually established a mechanism for transitioning cutting-edge research into practical applications, set up several technology achievement transformation platforms, and facilitated the local conversion and incubation of technological achievements from universities and research institutes, allowing quantum technology to develop faster.

Scenario innovation is an important exploration for shortening the distance between basic innovation and application. Anhui opens up various fields such as enterprise production and government applications, providing real demonstration opportunities for new technologies, new products, and innovative solutions from tech companies, accelerating the application and iteration of technological achievements.

Thanks to the openness of government scenarios, in 2012, when QuantumCTek started, it completed the construction of the Hefei Metropolitan Area Quantum Communication Test and Demonstration Network. This was the world’s first large-scale quantum communication network and an important milestone for QuantumCTek‘s quantum communication technology moving from the laboratory to engineering. Today, the Hefei Quantum Metropolitan Area Network has been built and is operational, laying 1,147 kilometers of network fiber, covering eight core nodes and 159 user nodes, providing quantum secure access services and data transmission services.

Enterprises are the main body of innovation, and innovation is the source of vitality for enterprises. Through implementing major scientific and technological projects, building innovation platforms, and introducing enterprise talents, Hefei currently ranks first among cities in the country for the cumulative number of quantum patents applied.

At Guoyi Quantum, in 2023, nearly 30% of the company’s investment was in research and development, with nearly 70% of its 600 employees engaged in R&D. With support from key R&D projects and talent policies, Guoyi Quantum has adhered to original innovation and made breakthroughs in several key core technologies. Now, its quantum measurement technology has been applied to various fields such as oil exploration, life sciences, and aerospace, with the company’s order volume exceeding 500 million yuan last year.

5.3 Hangzhou’s Western Science and Innovation Corridor Fostering New Growth Engines

Opening the map of Hangzhou, from the eastern starting point at the Zijin’gang Campus of Zhejiang University, passing through the Zijin’gang Science City, Future Science City, Qingshan Lake Science City, to the western end at Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, stretches a broad “corridor” spanning 39 kilometers and covering an area of about 416 square kilometers. This is the Hangzhou Western Science and Innovation Corridor.

From a drone’s perspective, the corridor is futuristic. The “National Heavy Equipment” hypergravity experiment facility looks like a spaceship spreading its wings, surrounded by Zhejiang Province’s five laboratories, including the Zhijiang Laboratory and the Westlake Laboratory. The area is home to 3,354 national high-tech enterprises, 91 national science and innovation platforms, and 580,000 professional and technical talents. Since 2023, 80 new enterprises have been established here every working day, providing continuous momentum for high-quality economic development.

The bionic hand that lit the main torch at the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Para Games and the quadruped robot dog patrolling quietly 8 meters underground in the Asian Games Village, are both high-tech products from the corridor.

Entering the corridor, in the exhibition hall of Zhejiang Strong Brain Technology Co., Ltd., the only unicorn enterprise in the field of brain-machine interfaces in China, Ni Mincheng, an experience officer who lost both hands, wrote the phrase “Good Luck and Happiness!” using an intelligent bionic hand, impressing everyone with his calligraphy.

Currently, the corridor is committed to building world-class digital technology and strategic emerging industrial clusters. According to industry experts, for many years, the corridor has accumulated a strong market foundation for industrial development through relevant policies that encourage talent introduction, technology research and development, and guide market applications, creating a distinctly advantageous industrial environment.

“The biggest feature of the corridor is that it creates an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem that brings together five major elements: a proactive government, prestigious universities, leading enterprises, diverse investors, and entrepreneurs,” said Fang Yi, chairman of Daily Interactive. These five elements ensure long-term and sustainable policy support, talent output, technological innovation, capital support, and entrepreneurial projects for industrial development.

To better serve enterprises and promote high-quality development, Hangzhou has introduced special policies for the corridor’s industries, talents, and technology. Since last year, more than 30 municipal departments have connected with the corridor to provide services. Significant progress has been made in building a talent “reservoir,” public facilities, and intelligent governance.

In April 2023, from winning a high-level cybersecurity competition to leading his team to settle a startup in Dream Town in the corridor, 26-year-old Mu Haowen took only three days. According to Mu, the corridor’s understanding of their team project was impressive, and the entrepreneurial atmosphere, industrial support, and enthusiastic services here were irresistible.

Currently, the corridor is leveraging its innovation foundation to accelerate the cultivation of new economic growth engines. In 2023, the corridor achieved an industrial added value of 350 billion yuan, with high-tech industries contributing over 85%.

5.4 Beijing’s “Star Valley” Boosts the Dream of a Space Power

In Zhongguancun, Beijing, along the Beiqing Road corridor north of Houhuancun and south of Dongyuhe, numerous commercial satellite and industry chain enterprises are clustered in an area known as “Star Valley.” A batch of commercial satellites have been launched from here, heading into space and creating numerous highlights in commercial spaceflight.

“3, 2, 1, ignition!” On April 28, 2024, in Beijing’s “Star Valley,” the krypton gas electric propulsion engine tailored for space satellites by Aotian Technology Co., Ltd. was undergoing an ignition test in the intelligent manufacturing workshop.

Liu Tongbo, R&D director of Aotian Technology, said this self-developed new energy engine for satellites can save 90% of the propellant, reduce the satellite’s mass by 40%, and efficiently and cost-effectively assist satellites in quickly reaching their orbits.

Aotian Technology, the technology company behind this innovation, was established only six years ago and has already achieved leading positions in on-orbit orders, product deliveries, application numbers, and technology maturity. This is just a glimpse of Beijing “Star Valley’s” pursuit of the space dream.

Beijing is one of the birthplaces of China’s space industry. In Haidian District, where “Star Valley” is located, institutions like the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are clustered, making it the main hub of the “Northern Star” in Beijing’s “Southern Arrow Northern Star” industry layout. This area hosts nearly 200 commercial space industry chain enterprises and institutions, initially forming a complete industrial chain ecosystem covering satellite manufacturing, satellite measurement and control, satellite operation, and more.

With a relentless focus on cutting-edge technologies, targeting bottleneck areas and industry gaps, “Star Valley” has built its unique advantages through technological innovation.

Jiang Ke, chairman of Zhongguancun Eagle Valley (Beijing) Technology Service Co., Ltd., the operator of “Star Valley,” said that although the companies here have been established for a short time, many are “small but fast,” achieving the leap from “village high-tech” to “national high-tech” within a few years.

Guoke Tiancheng, with steadily rising performance and annual revenue exceeding 500 million yuan, has reaped the benefits of independent research and development. Recently, its self-developed infrared components, known for their high cost-performance ratio, have led to expedited orders from the overseas market.

The high demand for products is inseparable from the company’s deep cultivation in the optoelectronic field and emphasis on independent research and development. Luo Juedian, chairman of Guoke Tiancheng, remarked that the path of innovation is a marathon with no endpoint. Moving forward step by step is the only way to achieve one breakthrough after another.

The mechanisms for pioneering innovation, proactive services, and allowing innovators to develop without distractions have further encouraged innovation. In 2024, Beijing issued the Action Plan for Accelerating the Innovative Development of Commercial Spaceflight (2024-2028), and Haidian District released the Action Plan for Building a Commercial Spaceflight Innovation Development Zone (2024-2028), coordinating resources at both the municipal and district levels to improve the quality of the industry chain, open up application scenarios, and optimize the innovation ecosystem.

Targeting key core areas such as satellite networking and communications, space remote sensing, and monitoring, Beijing has established the Beijing Natural Science Foundation Commercial Spaceflight Joint Fund to support original innovation. The fund has accumulated a scale of up to 3.8 billion yuan, with 39 enterprises in seven districts of Beijing already participating.

The influence of “Star Valley” is expanding, consolidating new advantages in regional development. Now, Haidian District in Beijing is striving towards the new goal of “double hundred and double thousand”—aiming to build 1 million square meters of industrial space, cultivate 100 specialized and new enterprises, have over 1,000 operational satellites, and achieve a commercial spaceflight industry scale exceeding 100 billion yuan by 2028. This will contribute new strength to accelerating breakthroughs in aerospace information technology and realizing the dream of becoming a space power.

5.5 “China Optical Valley” Standing Out in the Optoelectronics Information Industry

Established in 1988, the Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Zone is the birthplace of China’s first optical fiber and the national optoelectronics information industry base, known for its scale and innovation strength, earning it the name “China Optical Valley.” Currently, it houses 16,000 optoelectronics information enterprises, covering the entire industry chain from optical fiber applications to the extension of optical chips, screens, terminals, and networks, with a regional GDP exceeding 270 billion yuan.

Many “firsts” and “innovations” have been born here, such as the first 400G coherent commercial silicon photonic transceiver chip in China, the world-leading 232-layer 3D NAND flash memory chip, and the first 100,000-watt industrial fiber laser in China.

One optical fiber has led to the creation of a world-class optoelectronics information industry base. “China Optical Valley” focuses on “light” leadership, is determined to achieve “chip” breakthroughs, promotes the rise of “screens,” fosters the growth of “terminals,” and strengthens “network” empowerment. It deeply implements the chain construction, supplementation, and extension plan, creating internationally competitive industrial clusters.

Focusing on core technologies, a number of optoelectronics information enterprises in “China Optical Valley” have strengthened their awareness of independent innovation and opened up the market not only in China but also overseas, firmly grasping the leading role in industry development.

Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd., one of China’s largest optical communication device suppliers, is also a high-tech enterprise focusing on the systematic and strategic research and development of optoelectronic devices. The company’s R&D personnel seized the trend of optical fiber communication bandwidth evolving towards the C++ band and developed optical fiber amplifier products in 2020, setting an international standard in this field.

China Information and Communication Technologies Group Corporation (CICT) has adhered to independent research and development, owning over 20,000 patents, 90% of which are invention patents, leading the formulation of more than 80 related international standards, and cultivating a team of standard talents with international vision and specialized technology.

“China Optical Valley” is committed to building a batch of scientific research infrastructure, gathering talents from around the world, establishing an innovation ecosystem, and creating open and shared research centers. The Hubei Jiufengshan Laboratory is one such facility.

“Scientific and technological innovation must ‘go from 0 to 1’ and also achieve the breakthrough ‘from 1 to 10,'” said Ding Qichao, director of Hubei Jiufengshan Laboratory. The laboratory has built an industry-leading compound semiconductor infrastructure, including a 9,000 square meter cleanroom and first-class compound semiconductor processes, testing, and materials platforms.

Currently, hundreds of projects are operating simultaneously, focusing on joint exploration and technological breakthroughs around common key technological bottlenecks with academia and industry, and promoting the integrated development of production, education, and research.

Here, incubation acceleration and manufacturing bases have also been established. In the south of Hubei Jiufengshan Laboratory, R&D office buildings, pilot workshops, cleanrooms, conference centers, and talent apartments have been initiated, and the “government-industry-academia-research-finance-service-use” innovation community is expected to yield more fruitful results.

5.6 China Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbor Creates a “University Without Walls”

At the China Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbor of Xi’an Jiaotong University, the research platform of the New Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Nanomaterials Research Center is conducting experiments on various energy storage and conversion materials. Since its establishment, this shared technology platform has not only achieved several technological breakthroughs but also incubated five enterprises in the new energy field, involving lithium batteries, sodium batteries, hydrogen production, and hydrogen storage.

One such enterprise is Xi’an 1908 New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. This high-tech company, founded on the original scientific achievements of Xi’an Jiaotong University, has developed a series of new high-density solid-state hydrogen storage materials to address the challenges in the hydrogen energy storage and transportation industry. These materials meet the needs for long-term hydrogen storage and long-distance transportation and can be widely used in industrial hydrogen supply, power energy, and mobile applications. The technology is at the forefront internationally.

“Emerging field enterprises cannot grow without the nourishment of universities in their early stages,” said Cheng Yonghong, the company’s founder and a professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University. Before the pilot platform was built and put into use, the company operated in a neighborhood just across the wall from the Innovation Harbor, to ensure seamless connection of personnel, information, and other elements. In these aspects, Xi’an Jiaotong University plays a crucial supporting role.

China Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbor is an important platform for Shaanxi Province and Xi’an Jiaotong University to actively integrate into the co-construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, implement innovation-driven development, and promote the development of the western region. The first phase in Xixian New Area, Xi’an, consists of the platform area, academy area, and incubation area. The platform area has established eight major platforms, 30 research institutes, and over 300 scientific research platforms in the four major directions of science, engineering, medicine, and humanities, gathering 30,000 scientific and technological talents.

As a powerful carrier of Xi’an Jiaotong University’s concept of “running a university without walls,” China Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbor actively explores a new model of deep integration of industry, academia, and research with “one center, one incubation, two focuses, and one sharing.” It focuses on gathering global innovation resources, aligning with national development strategies, meeting local industrial needs, introducing various financial capitals, cultivating a good innovation ecosystem, and nurturing excellent innovative talents. So far, it has conducted pragmatic cooperation with more than 170 leading enterprises and scientific research institutions.

Further explorations are underway: emphasizing systematic and task-oriented innovation consortia, anchoring major goals, and making the connection between academia and industry closer. By introducing financial capital, it establishes technology achievement transformation incubators carried by large enterprises, ensuring “maturation of one batch, incubation of one batch.” Leveraging the attractiveness of “double first-class” universities, it establishes a mechanism for recruiting, cultivating, and utilizing high-end overseas talents jointly by universities and enterprises, striving to achieve win-win situations for schools, enterprises, and governments.

“In the innovation consortium, both universities and enterprises form ‘scientist + engineer’ teams, breaking the traditional cooperation model of ‘Party A and Party B, one project, one contract, one fund,’ accelerating the deep integration of industry, academia, and research led by enterprises,” said Lu Jianjun, Party Secretary of Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Since 2021, Xi’an Jiaotong University has identified 1,300 easily convertible achievements from over 30,000 existing technological results and pushed them to enterprises. The university has transferred or licensed more than 1,000 patents, resulting in the establishment of 204 technology-based enterprises.

5.7 Shandong Accelerates Digital-Physical Integration to Promote Industrial Digitization

In the final assembly workshop of Weichai Group’s No. 1 Factory in Weifang High-tech Industrial Development Zone, industrial robots swiftly “fly,” and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) busily move about. From material delivery to online testing, and then to production pace improvement, real-time monitoring and dynamic adjustments are made, achieving 99% automation. The continuously changing numbers on electronic displays throughout the workshop reflect the production progress, with a diesel engine rolling off the production line every 85 seconds on average.

As one of the first national smart manufacturing pilot demonstration projects, Weichai has accelerated the integration and application of new-generation information technology and manufacturing. Various smart manufacturing technologies such as visual recognition, online detection, and robotics are widely used in the production process. The information support platform, like a “digital brain,” covers the entire product lifecycle, promoting intelligent, automated, and digital production, extending to the entire enterprise operation.

Weichai is a typical example of Shandong accelerating digital-physical integration, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries to develop new quality productivity.

In recent years, Shandong has introduced a series of policies, including the “Opinions on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of the Digital Economy” and the “Action Plan for the Digital Transformation of Shandong’s Manufacturing Industry (2022-2025).” It has created the nation’s first SME digital transformation promotion center, launched ten major digital industrialization projects and eight major industrial digitalization actions, strengthened the digital talent team, and established a 10 billion yuan special fund at the provincial level. Shandong ranks among the top in the country in terms of the number of national industrial internet platforms, industrial digitalization index, manufacturing digital transformation index, and digital-physical integration index.

Building industrial internet platforms is an important starting point for promoting industrial digitization. Shandong has continuously carried out the “Industrial Empowerment Shandong” special action, accelerating the large-scale application of industrial internet, and striving to create a batch of typical scenarios to drive the batch digital transformation of enterprises.

In Linqing City, known as “China’s Bearing Town,” more than 400 enterprises and over 5,000 devices in the city’s bearing industry have gone “cloud-based” relying on the industrial internet platform. The average labor and energy consumption of relevant enterprises has reduced by 20%, greatly enhancing competitiveness.

Currently, Shandong has 47 national industrial internet platforms, with more than 10 million industrial devices connected to provincial-level platforms and serving over 300,000 enterprises nationwide.

To achieve data aggregation, connectivity, and use among the government, industries, and enterprises, Shandong has vigorously promoted the construction of the “Industrial Brain.” Shandong has cultivated 32 provincial-level “Industrial Brains” and the provincial-level capability center of the “Industrial Brain” has gathered 957 “small, fast, light, accurate” products and solutions, serving 49,500 small and micro enterprises. The “Industrial Brain” for the special vehicle industry, created by Inspur Yunzhou, has reduced the supply-demand matching time for raw materials in the industry by 70%, and the production cost of multiple special vehicle parts has decreased by nearly a quarter.

Meanwhile, Shandong continues to advance digital infrastructure. By the end of 2023, Shandong had built and launched 202,000 5G base stations, 11,800 kilometers of deterministic networks, connected 29 top-level nodes of the industrial internet identification system, and had 230 million registered IoT terminals in use.

In 2023, the digital transformation coverage rate of Shandong’s above-scale industrial enterprises reached 87.3%, and the application penetration rate of the industrial internet in characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises reached 50%. Shandong plans for the digital transformation coverage rate of above-scale industrial enterprises to reach about 90% in 2024, with the digital economy accounting for more than 50% of the province’s GDP by 2025.

5.8 Chongqing’s Practice in the New Energy Vehicle Industry

In mid-April 2024, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited China, with his first stop being Chongqing, a southwestern municipality. He visited Bosch Hydrogen Power Systems (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., accompanied by executives from automotive giants like Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

As a major hub of China’s automotive industry, Chongqing has seized the opportunities in the new energy vehicle (NEV) industry in recent years, focusing on building an NEV innovation development zone. Chongqing has formed a full industry chain “map,” based on 16 NEV manufacturers and about 200 supporting enterprises above a certain scale, covering pure electric, range-extended, hybrid, and hydrogen power technologies, integrating intelligent networking and autonomous driving technologies.

In 2023, Bosch Hydrogen Power Systems (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. shipped more than 1,000 hydrogen powertrain products, ranking among the top domestically. Based on these achievements, one of its parent companies, Qingling Motors, has successively launched hydrogen-powered commercial vehicles ranging from 4.5 tons to 18 tons, leading the way in the industrialization of cutting-edge technologies.

At Changan Automobile’s global R&D center, rows of technologically advanced and stylish NEVs are displayed, showcasing the latest technological achievements such as all-electric digital platforms and high-computing-power central computing platforms. Changan Automobile Chairman Zhu Huarong said that the company has continued to increase R&D investment over the years, mastering over 600 technologies in intelligent connectivity and intelligent driving.

In building the NEV innovation development zone, Chongqing recognizes that it requires not only meticulous work and leapfrogging by complete vehicle and supporting enterprises but also the support of ICT and internet companies. Targeting the trend of cross-industry cooperation, Chongqing has introduced companies like Huawei and Baidu in recent years, promoting pioneering technologies and pilot demonstrations, effectively driving industrial development.

With a mobile app, a passenger can summon a driverless car to take them to their destination and then leave on its own. This smart travel scenario unfolds daily in Yongchuan District, Chongqing. In 2022, Baidu began fully driverless autonomous driving commercial operations in Yongchuan, using scene applications to drive industry implementation. This has attracted more than ten companies, including CoolWow Technology and JuSpeed Millimeter Wave Radar, to gather momentum.

Technological innovation has boosted product competitiveness. In the first quarter of 2024, Chongqing’s NEV production growth rate exceeded 100% year-on-year, with annual production expected to reach 1 million units. Chongqing Seres Automotive achieved its first quarterly profit of 220 million yuan. Thanks to the jointly developed high-end brand AITO with Huawei, Huawei’s automotive software and hardware technologies have flourished in Seres Automotive, with the AITO brand accumulating nearly 300,000 sales, including over 120,000 deliveries of the AITO New M7 model.

“Chongqing is now focusing on the comprehensive development of vehicle R&D and manufacturing, key components supporting and application scenario construction, charging and battery-swapping infrastructure, to create a trillion-yuan intelligent connected NEV industry cluster,” said a representative from the Chongqing Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission. Chongqing is also actively promoting innovative applications in autonomous driving and vehicle networking, accelerating the deep integration of software, artificial intelligence, and the automotive industry to prepare for the future development of the automotive industry.

5.9 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Builds Active Technology Clusters

Thanks to the Tianhe-2 supercomputer in Guangzhou and high-efficiency, high-precision algorithmic analysis technology, Associate Professor Lin Zanyu from the University of Hong Kong can more conveniently track the origin, transmission, and evolution of important pathogens from vast amounts of pathogen gene data and other epidemiological and ecological data.

Similarly, with the assistance of the Guangzhou supercomputer, Professor Gan Jianping’s team from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’s Marine Dynamics and Simulation Research Group developed a new three-dimensional, high-resolution multi-scale ocean circulation model for China, achieving significant breakthroughs in their scientific research.

“Over the past five years, more than 200 faculty members from HKUST have used the Guangzhou supercomputer. The platform provided by the Guangzhou Supercomputing Center allows us to do things that we couldn’t do before,” said Gao Min, Dean of the Fok Ying Tung Research Institute at HKUST.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is rich in scientific and technological resources and has active innovation and entrepreneurship. In recent years, the three regions have worked together to promote the construction of the Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Center and the Comprehensive National Science Center, enhancing the efficient connection of innovation elements, continuously improving innovation efficiency, and vigorously developing innovative industries, unleashing the “Bay Area Power” of technological innovation.

In the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), marine technology forces in the Greater Bay Area are collaborating. The laboratory has its headquarters in Nansha, Guangzhou, and branches in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, with 38 million yuan RMB allocated to the Hong Kong branch.

“Hong Kong and mainland scientific exchanges are expanding, with various aspects creating conditions to encourage Hong Kong scientists to participate in mainland scientific programs,” said Qian Peiyuan, Director of the Hong Kong branch of the laboratory and founding chair of the Department of Ocean Science at HKUST.

Collaborative talent recruitment has also accelerated. The Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone leverages the combined advantages of the systems and resources of both regions, exploring a new mode of talent recruitment coordination between Hengqin and Macao, fully utilizing the “talent pool” function of the University of Macau and Macau University of Science and Technology, and introducing and gathering a group of high-level professionals familiar with international market operations who are eager to innovate and start businesses.

Cities within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have their own distinctive advantages. Guangzhou is home to numerous universities and research institutes with outstanding basic research capabilities, hosting national laboratories, comprehensive national technology innovation centers, and major national scientific infrastructure platforms. Shenzhen’s enterprise strength is prominent, with 94% of total social R&D investment coming from enterprises. Hong Kong boasts five universities among the world’s top 100, and the Hong Kong government has announced the “Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint,” investing over 200 billion HKD in recent years to accelerate the development of the innovation ecosystem.

Thanks to complementary advantages between cities, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area continues to unleash the immense potential of technological cluster development. The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2023, released by the World Intellectual Property Organization in September 2023, ranks the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou cluster second globally, marking the fourth consecutive year that this technology cluster has ranked second worldwide.

Currently, the alignment of science and technology innovation rules and mechanisms in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is further deepening, actively promoting the free flow of funds, talent, taxes, and logistics to better gather innovation elements. This also means that under the “One Country, Two Systems” framework, promoting interaction and openness between different systems and frameworks will generate more synergy, enabling better integrated development in basic research, applied technology, and other areas in the Bay Area.

5.10 Chengdu-Chongqing Jointly Building Western Science City to Form an Innovation Development Zone

“Currently, the platform has launched 272 sets of instruments and equipment, published 232 technical service lists, and provided thousands of professional services to more than 100 integrated circuit design enterprises from Chengdu, Chongqing, and nationwide,” said the head of the Business Development Center of the Integrated Circuit Design Innovation Public Platform in Tianfu New Area.

This public platform, known as the “Chip Hospital” located in Western (Chengdu) Science City, can solve technical problems in concept verification, product development, and pilot production for enterprises, significantly reducing R&D costs and shortening R&D cycles for chip companies in Chengdu and Chongqing.

Since the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle was proposed four years ago, the two cities have focused on building a nationally influential science and technology innovation center and jointly establishing the Western Science City at a high level.

In recent years, Western (Chengdu) Science City has formed a spatial layout of “one core, four zones, and multiple bases,” constructing a high-level laboratory system of “national laboratory + provincial laboratories + key laboratories,” accelerating the construction of the first national laboratory in the western region, and building a large-scale facility cluster with related disciplinary directions and supporting functions. Western (Chongqing) Science City is focusing on building four major innovation development zones in digital intelligence technology, life and health, new materials, and green and low-carbon technology, deeply developing 16 key areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and big data.

Focusing on jointly building the Western Science City, Chengdu and Chongqing are advancing together, optimizing and strengthening the core functions of innovation source transformation and cultivating and expanding the modern industrial system. A new pattern of continuously gathering innovation resources and actively releasing innovation vitality is taking shape.

First, collaboratively layout major innovation platforms. As of the end of March this year, the number of national key laboratories in Sichuan and Chongqing has reached 27, with 319 major scientific platforms, 22 newly established national science and innovation bases, and 316 national-level innovation platforms. Currently, more than 10,000 large-scale instruments and equipment in Western Science City have achieved open sharing, and more than 160 core technology research projects jointly implemented by Sichuan and Chongqing have solved a number of problems.

Second, deepen industry-research cooperation with complementary advantages. Enterprises in Sichuan Tianfu New Area have carried out nine scientific research projects in collaboration with research institutions in Chongqing, including the aerospace industrial data and detection company that received support from Chengdu’s regional cooperation science and technology project; the Chengdu Supercomputing Center has established cooperative relationships with over 50 users, including the Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chongqing Seres Automobile.

Third, focus on distinctive strengths to drive science and technology services. Chengdu and Chongqing regard science and technology services as an important starting point for promoting technological innovation and achievement transformation. For example, the Tianfu International Technology Transfer Center has collaborated with the Liangjiang New Area Mingyue Lake Collaborative Innovation Research Institute to further explore innovation and connection of resources and elements between the two regions.

Driven by the joint construction of the Western Science City, the technological energy transform research success into products in Sichuan and Chongqing is being fully mobilized. The two regions have gathered nearly 70,000 technology enterprises, 21,000 high-tech enterprises, and achieved a technology contract transaction value of over 280 billion yuan.


Since its inception, the Communist Party of China has represented the development demands of China’s advanced productive forces and has shouldered the historical mission of transforming old production relations and establishing new ones.

Developing new quality productivity is an intrinsic requirement and an important focal point for promoting high-quality development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee, with Xi Jinping at its core, has regarded the further liberation and development of productive forces in society as the most fundamental and urgent task to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, guiding China’s economy into a stage of high-quality development. In pursuing the inevitable logic of developing new quality productivity, achieving high-quality development, and building a modern socialist country, the formation and development of new quality productivity will provide important support for China to adapt to the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation trends, as it strives to achieve sustainable and leapfrog development of productive forces in society, and advancing the modernization of China in an all-rounded manner to build a strong socialist modern country.

Productivity is the fundamental driving force of human social development. In the face of common global challenges, new quality productivity will open new ideas and spaces for the development of human social productivity, capable of promoting China’s own modernization and benefiting the modernization process of many developing countries and even the all of human society.


  1. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  2. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  3. “Collected Works of Marx and Engels,” Volume 7, People’s Publishing House, December 2009.
  4. “Capital: Volume I,” People’s Publishing House, April 2018.
  5. “Review of Contemporary Chinese Marxism (Volume 2),” Social Sciences Academic Press, April 2018.
  6. “The Communist Manifesto,” People’s Publishing House, January 2015.
  7. “Collected Works of Mao Zedong,” Volume 7, People’s Publishing House, June 1999.
  8. “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Volume III,” People’s Publishing House, April 2001.
  9. “Xi Jinping: Earnestly Unite Ideological Understanding with the Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee,” Xinhua News Agency, December 31, 2013.
  10. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Persisting in the View that Technology is the Primary Productive Force, Talent is the Primary Resource, and Innovation is the Primary Driver,” Xinhua News Agency, October 16, 2022.
  11. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Promoting the Whole Party’s Study and Mastery of Historical Materialism to Better Understand the Laws and More Proactively Promote Work at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, December 4, 2013.
  12. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  13. “Collected Works of Marx and Engels,” Volume 3, People’s Publishing House, October 2002.
  14. “Xi Jinping: Speech at the Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx,” Xinhua News Agency, May 4, 2018.
  15. “Xi Jinping: Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive for the Comprehensive Construction of a Modern Socialist Country—Report at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,” Xinhua News Agency, October 25, 2022.
  16. National Bureau of Statistics: “Statistical Bulletin of the People’s Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development 2023,” February 2024.
  17. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  18. “Collected Works of Marx and Engels,” People’s Publishing House, 2009.
  19. “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Complete Three Volumes),” People’s Publishing House, 1994.
  20. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Persisting in Reform and Innovation, Seeking Truth and Being Pragmatic During an Inspection in Hunan to Strive to Write a New Chapter of Chinese Modernization in Hunan. Cai Qi Accompanied the Inspection,” Xinhua News Agency, March 21, 2024.
  21. “Xi Jinping: Speech at the 19th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,” Xinhua News Agency, May 28, 2018.
  22. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Earnestly Strengthening Basic Research and Laying a Solid Foundation for Scientific and Technological Self-Reliance at the Third Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 22, 2023.
  23. “Xi Jinping Presided over the Symposium on Promoting Comprehensive Revitalization of Northeast China in the New Era, Emphasizing Firmly Grasping the Important Mission of Northeast China and Striving to Write a New Chapter of Comprehensive Revitalization of Northeast China. Cai Qi and Ding Xuexiang Attended,” Xinhua News Agency, September 9, 2023.
  24. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Adapting to Local Conditions to Develop New Quality Productivity at the Review Session of the Jiangsu Delegation,” Xinhua News Agency, March 5, 2024.
  25. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  26. “Xi Jinping: Speech at the Symposium of Experts in Economic and Social Fields,” Xinhua News Agency, August 24, 2020.
  27. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  28. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  29. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  30. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Steadily Advancing High-Quality Development at the Eleventh Collective Study Session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau,” Xinhua News Agency, February 1, 2024.
  31. “Xi Jinping Presided over the Second Meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform, Emphasizing Building a Higher-Level Open Economic System and Gradually Shifting from Dual Control of Energy Consumption to Dual Control of Carbon Emissions,” Xinhua News Agency, July 11, 2023.
  32. “Xi Jinping’s Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,” Xinhua News Agency, October 18, 2023.
  33. “Xi Jinping Accepts Credentials from New Foreign Ambassadors to China,” Xinhua News Agency, January 30, 2024.
  34. “Bloomberg: China Will Be the Largest Contributor to Global Economic Growth in the Next Five Years, with a Contribution Rate Exceeding the Group of Seven,” Xinhua News Agency, April 20, 2024.
  35. “Foreign Media: Hyping China’s ‘Excess Green Capacity’ Endangers Global Energy Transition,” Xinhua News Agency, April 22, 2024.
  36. “China’s Economic Fundamentals in a Global Context,” Xinhua News Agency, February 8, 2024.
  37. “Promoting China’s Economic Innovation and Jointly Building a Prosperous World—Xi Jinping’s Important Discussions on Developing New Quality Productivity Trigger Heated Discussions Overseas,” Xinhua News Agency, March 6, 2024.
  38. “Xi Jinping’s Keynote Speech at the CPC and World Political Parties Summit,” Xinhua News Agency, March 15, 2023.
  39. “Xi Jinping Emphasized Adapting to Local Conditions to Develop New Quality Productivity at the Review Session of the Jiangsu Delegation,” Xinhua News Agency, March 5, 2024.


  1. National Laboratory System: Refers to a platform system centered on national laboratories, supported by key national laboratories, and collaboratively operated by various scientific innovation bases. Building a rationally structured and efficiently operating national laboratory system requires accelerating the construction of national laboratories based on national goals and strategic needs, establishing a cross-disciplinary, highly collaborative research organization model, and optimizing and integrating existing national key laboratories to enhance support for innovation and industrial chains.
  2. Future Industry: Refers to a forward-looking emerging industry driven by cutting-edge technological innovation, currently in the nascent or early industrialization stage, with significant growth potential to become a leading and pillar industry, playing a major leading and transformative role in future economic and social development.
  3. Modern Infrastructure System: Refers to a comprehensive network formed by improving layout, optimizing structure, expanding functions, and system integration based on the development of various infrastructure fields to promote Chinese-style modernization, ensure overall national security, and create new international competitive advantages. It mainly includes transportation, energy, water conservancy, information (digital), as well as ecological, environmental, scientific, and financial infrastructure.
  4. New Infrastructure: Refers to infrastructure that provides foundational and public services for digital transformation, intelligent upgrading, and integrated innovation, driven by technological innovation based on information networks. Its connotation is constantly expanding with the maturity and application of new technologies. Currently, it mainly includes three categories: information infrastructure, such as 5G networks and data centers; integrated infrastructure, which promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional infrastructure through deep application of information technology, forming new infrastructure types like intelligent transportation and logistics facilities; and innovation infrastructure, which supports scientific research, technological development, and product and service development, including scientific research facilities.
  5. Industrial Innovation Project: Refers to an important initiative to promote the development of emerging and future industries, focusing on the actual needs of major engineering project construction, strategic product development, and application scenario expansion, organizing key core technology research, pilot verification capability building, and independent innovation product application demonstrations, integrating project, base, talent, and funding resources to promote collaborative innovation among upstream, midstream, and downstream industries and large, medium, and small enterprises, creating globally competitive emerging industrial clusters, and effectively implementing innovation to create new growth points.
  6. National Strategic Emerging Industry Cluster Development Project: Refers to a systematic project promoted by the state to seize the high ground of the new round of technological and industrial transformation and build new international competitive advantages. Through cultivating several globally influential strategic emerging industry bases, deploying a batch of internationally competitive strategic emerging industry clusters, and guiding localities to build and develop distinctive strategic emerging industry ecosystems, it promotes the integration, clustering, and ecological development of strategic emerging industries, cultivating new growth points and poles, and building a tiered development system of strategic emerging industry clusters with distinctive features, complementary advantages, and rational structures.
  7. “AI+” Action: The “AI+” action promotes the deep integration of artificial intelligence technology with various fields of the economy and society, supporting application innovation in various industries, enabling intelligent transformation and upgrading of all sectors, improving productivity, stimulating innovation vitality, reshaping industrial ecosystems, cultivating new momentum for economic development, and forming a new form of economic and social development driven by artificial intelligence.
  8. East Data, West Computing: In 2022, following the deployment by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, national computing power hub nodes were established in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu-Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Gansu, and Ningxia, based on regional development strategies, energy structures, industrial layouts, market developments, and climate environments. These hubs are part of the national integrated computing power infrastructure layout, promoting data center cluster development and guiding data centers towards intensive, large-scale, and green development. The “East Data, West Computing” project aims to fully leverage institutional and mechanism advantages, optimize computing power resource allocation, and deepen collaboration between eastern and western computing power.
  9. “Data Element ×” Action: Refers to focusing on key industries and fields, promoting the coordination of data elements with labor, capital, technology, and other elements, facilitating multi-scenario applications and multi-entity reuse of data, accelerating the integration of diverse data, improving total factor productivity, opening up new economic growth space, and cultivating new momentum for economic development.
  10. Sea-Land-Air Full-Space Unmanned System Market Access Construction: The sea-land-air full-space unmanned system is a new type of logistics and transportation system integrating the operation and regulation of various unmanned equipment such as drones, unmanned vehicles, unmanned ships, and electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, along with their supporting infrastructure. This involves improving market access rules, systematically constructing policy, regulatory, standard testing, data management, and operational regulatory systems for unmanned systems, optimizing the allocation of element resources such as airspace, data computing power, communication frequencies, road rights, and national land space, forming new momentum for integrated development in low-altitude economy, logistics, and vehicle-road collaboration. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council in January 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission promoted the construction of the sea-land-air full-space unmanned system with special market access measures. In September 2023, Hefei, Anhui Province, completed the world’s first city-level application demonstration project for the full-space unmanned system. According to relevant work plans, a batch of technical standards for the sea-land-air full-space unmanned system will be released in 2024, with demonstration experience being promoted in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone and Nansha New Area in Guangzhou.


  1. Han Wenxiu, “Consolidate and Enhance the Momentum of Economic Recovery and Improvement,” People’s Daily, January 2024.
  2. National Development and Reform Commission, “Accelerate the Construction of a National Unified Market to Provide Strong Support for Building a New Development Pattern,” Qiushi, June 2022.
  3. Huai Jinpeng, “Accelerate the Construction of a Strong Education Country,” People’s Daily, December 2022.
  4. Xi Jinping Economic Thought Research Center, “Connotation Characteristics and Development Focus of New Quality Productivity,” People’s Daily, March 2024.
  5. Sun Xuegong, Rong Chen, “China’s New Quality Productivity Injects New Momentum into Global Development,” Guangming Daily, March 2024.
  6. Lu Yanchun, “Consolidate the Foundation of Data Element-Driven Development and Cultivate the Data Asset Value Chain,” Price Theory and Practice, No. 3, 2023.
  7. Hu Yongjun, “Prospective Layout of Future Industries: Advantageous Conditions, Practical Exploration, and Policy Orientation,” Reform, No. 9, 2023.
  8. Zhang Yuzhe, “Accelerate the Integrated and Clustered Development of Strategic Emerging Industries,” Economic Daily, June 2024.
  9. He Jun, “The Economic Nature and Core Proposition of New Quality Productivity,” People’s Forum Magazine, 2024.
  10. Yan Lianfu, “Coordinate Education, Science and Technology, Talent Work to Promote the Development of New Quality Productivity,” Guangming Daily, April 2024.
  11. Chen Qiqing, “Improve and Perfect the Mechanism of Production Factor Participation in Distribution,” People’s Daily, March 2020.
  12. Liu Zhibiao, “Developing New Quality Productivity Injects New Vitality into the World Economy,” Guangming Daily, April 2024.
  13. Wu Wen, “Accelerate the Formation of New Quality Productivity Concerning China’s Modernization,” Beijing Daily, October 2023.
  14. Xi Weijian, “New Quality Productivity Will Change the Geopolitical Landscape,” Global Times, December 2023.

Editorial Notes

The think tank report project team for “Better Empowering China’s Prosperity and the World: Theoretical Contributions and Practical Value of New Quality Productivity” is led by Fu Hua, President of Xinhua News Agency and Chairman of the Academic Committee of Xinhua News Agency’s National High-End Think Tank, with Lu Yansong, Editor-in-Chief of Xinhua News Agency, as the deputy leader, and Ren Weidong, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Xinhua News Agency, as the executive deputy leader. The project team members include Liu Gang, Zhang Xudong, Zou Wei, An Bei, Fu Yan, Cheng Yunjie, Yuan Junbao, Shang Yiying, Zhang Ziyun, Hu Zhe, Zhang Xinxin, Dai Xiaohe, Chen Weiwei, Li Yanxia, He Huiyuan, Liang Jin, Chen Yongrong, Jia Yuankun, Zhang Manzi, Ma Xiaocheng, Wang Zichen, Zheng Xin, Huang Xing, Yang Siqi, Li Leke, etc. The team members are selected from various departments of Xinhua News Agency and domestic branches, all of whom are key personnel engaged in news reporting and research work.

The project was initiated in September 2023 and took 9 months of study, research, writing, revision, and proofreading. The entire project team carefully studied General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important discussions on new quality productivity, extensively interviewed authoritative departments and institutions, experts and scholars, business people, and scientific researchers, combed the theoretical context and practical path of new quality productivity, dug into typical cases and vivid stories, and meticulously researched and wrote, going through multiple versions of revisions, and soliciting opinions from authoritative departments and relevant experts and scholars, ultimately forming this report.

Click the link below to download the report:

Better Empowering China’s Prosperity and the World: Theoretical Contributions and Practical Value of New Quality Productivity




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 目 录

 第一章 马克思主义生产力理论的创新发展

  1.1 新质生产力的理论贡献

  1.2 理解新质生产力需要把握的几对关系

  1.3 发展新质生产力的时代意义

 第二章 以科技创新为核心要素发展新质生产力

  2.1 加强科技创新特别是原创性、颠覆性科技创新

  2.2 以科技创新引领产业创新

  2.3 因地制宜发展新质生产力

  第三章 塑造适应新质生产力的新型生产关系


  3.2 坚持高水平开放,打造一流营商环境

  第四章 新质生产力的世界意义

  4.1 为世界经济复苏注入新动力,分享发展机遇

  4.2 探索新型生产关系,拓展经济治理新实践


 第五章 各地发展新质生产力的探索实践

  5.1 摘取造船工业“皇冠上的明珠”

  5.2 安徽打造量子科创高地

  5.3 杭州城西科创大走廊培育增长新引擎

  5.4 北京“星谷”助力航天强国梦

  5.5 在光电子信息产业领域独树一帜的“中国光谷”

  5.6 中国西部科技创新港打造“没有围墙的大学”

  5.7 山东加速数实融合推动产业数字化

  5.8 新能源汽车产业的重庆实践

  5.9 粤港澳大湾区建设活跃科技集群

  5.10 成渝共建西部科学城努力形成创新高地

 结 语






 第一章 马克思主义生产力理论的创新发展



 1.1 新质生产力的理论贡献

  1.1.1 新质生产力的基本内涵









  1.1.2 对马克思主义生产力理论的创新和发展







  1.1.3 进一步丰富了习近平经济思想







  1.2 理解新质生产力需要把握的几对关系

  1.2.1 生产力与生产关系





  1.2.2 供给与需求




  1.2.3 传承与创新




  1.2.4 物质与文明



 1.3 发展新质生产力的时代意义

  1.3.1 强国建设、民族复兴的实践要求





  1.3.2 全球可持续发展的时代呼唤







  第二章 以科技创新为核心要素发展新质生产力



 2.1 加强科技创新特别是原创性、颠覆性科技创新




  2.1.1 牢牢掌握关键核心技术





  2.1.2 持之以恒加强基础研究







  2.1.3 强化企业创新主体地位







  2.2 以科技创新引领产业创新




  2.2.1 改造提升传统产业








  2.2.2 培育壮大新兴产业










  2.2.3 布局发展未来产业







  2.3 因地制宜发展新质生产力











 第三章 塑造适应新质生产力的新型生产关系






  3.1 进一步全面深化改革,促进新质生产力诸要素实现高效协同匹配



  3.1.1 把握新质生产力要素的“新”特征








  3.1.2 创新生产要素配置方式




  中共十九大明确将要素市场化配置作为经济体制改革的重点之一。中共十九届四中全会进一步强调,推进要素市场制度建设,实现要素价格市场决定、流动自主有序、配置高效公平。2020年,《中共中央 国务院关于构建更加完善的要素市场化配置体制机制的意见》出台,分类提出土地、劳动力、资本、技术、数据五个要素领域的改革方向。











  3.1.3 健全要素参与收入分配机制





  3.1.4 畅通教育、科技、人才的良性循环






 3.2 坚持高水平开放,打造一流营商环境



  3.2.1 在全球范围内优化资源配置







  3.2.2 进一步扩大制度型开放





  3.2.3 持续深化国际合作






 第四章 新质生产力的世界意义





 4.1 为世界经济复苏注入新动力,分享发展机遇


  4.1.1 发挥经济引擎新作用





  4.1.2 创造共赢发展新机遇






  4.2 探索新型生产关系,拓展经济治理新实践



  4.2.1 以战略主动应对全球前沿挑战







  4.2.2 经济治理新实践激发世界回响







  4.3 赋能中国式现代化,开拓人类文明新形态


  4.3.1 深刻践行“人与自然是生命共同体”




  4.3.2 增强现代化进程的人本主义关怀






  4.3.3 提振全球南方的发展自信推动文明互鉴






 第五章 各地发展新质生产力的探索实践




  5.1 摘取造船工业“皇冠上的明珠”












 5.2 安徽打造量子科创高地










 5.3 杭州城西科创大走廊培育增长新引擎










 5.4 北京“星谷”助力航天强国梦













  5.5 在光电子信息产业领域独树一帜的“中国光谷”











  5.6 中国西部科技创新港打造“没有围墙的大学”









 5.7 山东加速数实融合推动产业数字化











  5.8 新能源汽车产业的重庆实践









 5.9 粤港澳大湾区建设活跃科技集群











 5.10 成渝共建西部科学城努力形成创新高地










 结 语





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  3. 怀进鹏,《加快建设教育强国》,人民日报,2022年12月

  4. 习近平经济思想研究中心,《新质生产力的内涵特征和发展重点》,人民日报,2024年3月

  5. 孙学工、荣晨,《中国新质生产力为全球发展注入新动能,光明日报,2024年3月

  6. 卢延纯,《夯实数据要素驱动基础 培育数据资产价格链》,价格理论与实践,2023年第3期

  7. 胡拥军,《前瞻布局未来产业:优势条件、实践探索与政策取向》,《改革》,2023年第9期

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  10. 燕连福,《统筹教育科技人才工作 推动新质生产力发展》,光明日报,2024年4月

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  14. 席伟健,《新质生产力将改变地缘政治格局》,环球网,2023年12月






About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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