2022: Did Mao Support Taiwan Independence Back in 1947?

Two articles on Chinese Communist Party statements of support for the independence of Taiwan during the 1930s and 1940s. The first a Radio Free Asia article lists several instances. Most support Taiwan independence from Japan, which had taken Taiwan from Qing imperial China in 1995 as a result of China’s defeat in the Sino-Japanese War. Taiwan didn’t accept subjection to Japan and rebelled, founding the Republic of Formosa. It took Japan six months to defeat Taiwan’s resistance to Japanese rule.

Mao Zedong in Liberation Daily March 8, 1947 “I support Taiwan becoming independent and setting up the state that it desires.”

The second article an anonymous Chinese scholar writing under the penname of 京都静源 Kyoto Sizumoto who describes himself as a researcher on “Chinese History of Thought with Traditional Scripture as the main focus, Paleography with Shang and Zhou Jinwen as the main focus, Shang and Zhou History with Religious and Institutional History as the main focus, Classical Literature with Editions and Corrigenda as the main focus, Overseas Sinology with Kyoto School as the main focus, and Chinese History of Literature with Ancient Myths and Poetry as the main focus.” He apparently is not sweating maintaining his anonymity too much.

Kyoto Sizumoto argues that the first generation Communist Party leaders supported the independence of Taiwan from Japan but not from China.

However, in 1947, nearly two years after Japanese rule ended, after the suppression that came after the February 28 Incident during which Chiang Kai-shek’s KMT slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians, Mao supported Taiwan’s right to become fully independent.

Like any good lawyer would do Kyoto Sizumoto neglects to bring up information that hurts his own case.

Some might ask how far one could get betting on the sincerity of Mao Zedong. Calling for Taiwan independence might just have been a way to cause more trouble for the Nationalist Party aka KMT/Republic of China against which Mao was then leading a rebellion. There are many wheels within wheels in the Communist Party’s long fight against the KMT. For an ROC/Taiwan perspective, this translation of the Wiki article on PRC spies is intriguing: PRC Spies in the ROC/Taiwan Military

【Historical Trivia】Mao Zedong: We Support Taiwan Independence


Radio Free Asia July 29, 2021

【Historical Trivia】Mao Zedong: We Support Taiwan Independence

In 1947, the “February 28 Incident” broke out in Taiwan. During a broadcast speech in Yan’an, Mao Zedong (left in the picture) said, “We support Taiwan independence.” On the right is Zhou Enlai.
Data image

In mainland China, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, on Wednesday (28th), criticized Taiwan Legislative Yuan President You Si-kun by name for spreading “Taiwan independence” remarks. That evening, You Si-kun countered, citing research by Professor Li Xiaofeng from the Institute of Taiwan Culture Studies at National Taipei University of Education, pointing out that the CCP also once supported Taiwan independence. He sarcastically suggested that the Taiwan Affairs Office should be fair and “not let go of Mao Zedong.” What exactly is going on here?

Professor Li Xiaofeng once contributed an article to Taiwan’s “Apple Daily” on May 6, 2015, titled “The CCP Once Supported Taiwan Independence.” The article pointed out that in 1928, under the suggestion of the CCP, Taiwanese left-wingers Xie Xuehong, Lin Mushun, and others organized the Taiwanese Communist Party. On April 15, the Taiwanese Communist Party was established in the French Concession in Shanghai. The second and third articles of the political program proclaimed, “Long live the independence of the Taiwanese people” and “Establish the Republic of Taiwan.” At that time, the CCP not only did not oppose but also sent a representative, Peng Rong, to attend the founding meeting of the Taiwanese Communist Party.

According to the book “Red Star Over China” by American scholar Edgar Snow, when Snow visited Yan’an on July 16, 1936, he asked Mao Zedong, “Do the Chinese people want to recover all the lost territories from Japanese imperialists?” Mao Zedong replied, “We not only want to defend the sovereignty south of the Great Wall but also to recover all our lost territories. This means that Manchuria must be recovered. But we do not include Korea, which was formerly a Chinese colony. When we recover our lost territories and achieve independence, if the Korean people want to break free from the shackles of Japanese imperialists, we will warmly support their fight for independence. This also applies to Taiwan.”

Li Xiaofeng also pointed out that in June 1941, Zhou Enlai, in an article titled “Nation Above All and State Above All,” clearly stated that China should not only pursue its own independence and autonomy but also support the independence and liberation movements of other nationalities and countries. These movements included the anti-Japanese movements in Korea and Taiwan.

Furthermore, according to the May 1, 1945, “Liberation Daily,” before the end of World War II, the CCP held its 7th National Congress from April 23 to June 12, 1945. A document from the congress included Taiwan among other nations. The congratulatory message from “Taiwan and other nations” included Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, and Burma. The congratulatory message clearly stated that the CCP had long supported the independence movements of “various Oriental nationalities,” including Taiwan.

Professor Li further pointed out that after the war, when the Nationalist government took over Taiwan, the “February 28 Incident” broke out in 1947. The CCP’s “Liberation Daily” published an article on March 8 supporting Taiwan independence. Mao Zedong said in his broadcast speech from Yan’an, “The armed forces led by our Chinese Communist Party fully support the Taiwanese people’s struggle against Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang. We support Taiwan independence; we support Taiwan establishing a state that meets its own requirements.”

Did the First Generation of CCP Leaders Support Taiwan Independence?


August 8, 2022

Did the First Generation of CCP Leaders Support Taiwan Independence?

——Whose Taiwan: A Comprehensive Review of Historical Documents and Political Claims

Kyoto Sizumoto, Ph.D. in Literature

In Taiwanese academia, the claim that the first generation of CCP leaders supported Taiwan independence is quite prevalent. They cite numerous original archival documents showing Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and even the founders of the Taiwanese Communist Party supporting “Taiwan independence.”

Now, let me analyze and interpret these core documents as follows:

On April 15, 1928, the Taiwanese Communist Party was established in the French Concession in Shanghai. The second and third articles of its political program proclaimed “Long live the independence of the Taiwanese people” and “Establish the Republic of Taiwan.” Note that “independence” and establishing the “Republic of Taiwan” here refer to independence and state-building from Japanese occupation, not independence from China. Many Taiwanese scholars, such as Professor Li Xiaofeng of the Institute of Taiwan Culture Studies at National Taipei University of Education and Shiming, the “father of Taiwan independence,” who passionately advocate that “the Taiwanese Communist Party was the first to support Taiwan independence,” clearly misunderstood the text.

According to Edgar Snow’s “Red Star Over China,” when Snow visited Yan’an on July 16, 1936, he asked Mao Zedong, “Do the Chinese people want to recover all lost territories from Japanese imperialists?” Mao Zedong replied, “We not only want to defend the sovereignty south of the Great Wall but also to recover all our lost territories. This means Manchuria must be recovered. But we do not include Korea, which was formerly a Chinese colony. When we recover our lost territories and achieve independence, if the Korean people want to break free from the shackles of Japanese imperialists, we will warmly support their fight for independence. This also applies to Taiwan.” Additionally, on March 8, 1947, “Liberation Daily” published Mao Zedong’s broadcast speech from Yan’an: “The armed forces led by our Chinese Communist Party fully support the Taiwanese people’s struggle against Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang. We support Taiwan independence; we support Taiwan establishing a state that meets its own requirements.”

These statements by Mao Zedong still advocate for Taiwan’s independence and state-building from Japanese occupation, not independence from China. The claims by Professor Hsiao-Feng Lee of the Institute of Taiwan Culture Studies at National Taipei University of Education and Shih Ming-teh,, the “Father of Taiwan Independence,” that “the CCP long advocated Taiwan independence” are deliberate distortions and malicious misinterpretations.

For the same reasons, Zhou Enlai’s article “Nation Above All and State Above All,” published on the front page of “Xinhua Daily” on June 16, 1941, clearly stated: “Because we oppose the invasion of others, we also oppose invading others. This means that in our struggle for liberation, the Chinese nation has no ambitions of invading others, including Japan. It also means that the Chinese nation opposes other imperialist actions of unjust invasion and oppression of other nations. Because we oppose the invasion of others, we must sympathize with the independence and liberation movements of other nations and peoples. This includes the anti-Japanese movements in Korea and Taiwan, as well as the anti-German and anti-Italian invasions in the Balkans and African nations. We should also support the independence movements in India and Southeast Asia.” This is the original speech by Zhou Enlai that Taiwanese scholars have exaggerated as supporting Taiwan independence.

For the same reasons, the May 1, 1945, “Liberation Daily” reported a congratulatory message titled “Congratulatory Message from Taiwanese and Other Nationalities’ CCP Members to the Seventh National Congress of the CCP,” congratulating the CCP’s Seventh National Congress held from April 23 to June 12, 1945. Here, “Taiwan and other nationalities” clearly refers to countries and regions seeking independence from Japanese rule, not the Republic of Taiwan, and certainly not the “Taiwan Nation” imagined by the Democratic Progressive Party.

When the President of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, You Si-kun, spread “Taiwan independence” remarks, he also cited the above research and evidence by Professor Hsiao-Feng Lee of the Institute of Taiwan Culture Studies at National Taipei University of Education and Shih Ming-teh, the “Father of Taiwan Independence.” Clearly, he has been misled.









又據美國學者斯諾(Edgar Snow)所著《紅星照耀中國》(Red Star over China)一書,1936年7月16日,斯諾到延安訪問時曾向毛澤東詢問:「中國人民是否要從日本帝國主義者手中收復所有失地?」毛澤東當時回答:「不僅要保衛長城以南的主權,也要收復我國全部的失地。這就是說滿洲必須收復。但我們並不把中國以前的殖民地朝鮮包括在內。當我們收回中國的失地,達成獨立以後,如果朝鮮人民希望掙脫日本帝國主義者的枷鎖,我們將熱烈支援他們爭取獨立的戰鬥。這一點同樣適用於台灣。」




記者/責編:方德豪 網編:劉定堅


 (2022-08-08 08:27:29)下一个









基于同样的理由,《新华日报》1941年6月16日第一版发表周恩来《民族至上与国家至上》一文明白表示:“正因为我们反对别人侵略、所以我们也反对侵略别人。这一方面、说是中华民族光自求解放的抗战中并无侵略别人(连日本在内)的野心、另一方面又说明中国民族也反对别的帝国主义侵略其他国家、压迫其他民族之非正义的行动。也正因为我们反对别人侵略、所以我们必须同情于其他民族国众的独立解放运动。这不仅朝鲜、台湾的反日连动;巴尔干、非洲民族国家的反德意侵略、我们应该赞助、便连印度、南洋等地的民解放连动、我们也应该同情。 ”这就是为台湾学者大肆鼓吹的周恩来支持台湾独立的原始发言。



About 高大伟 David Cowhig

After retirement translated, with wife Jessie, Liao Yiwu's 2019 "Bullets and Opium", and have been studying things 格物致知. Worked 25 years as a US State Department Foreign Service Officer including ten years at US Embassy Beijing and US Consulate General Chengdu and four years as a China Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Before State I translated Japanese and Chinese scientific and technical books and articles into English freelance for six years. Before that I taught English at Tunghai University in Taiwan for three years. And before that I worked two summers on Norwegian farms, milking cows and feeding chickens.
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