Tag Archives: environment

2017: Li Woteng: China Should Fill the Leadership Void Left by the United States

When I saw this article in the Chinese language edition of the Financial Times by independent scholar Li Woteng   黎蜗藤,  it made be think of the interview that former U.S. Embassy Beijing Chargé d’affaires David Rank had on the PBS … Continue reading

Posted in Environment 环境, Foreign Relations 外交, Military 军事 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

1998 PRC Environment Book “Deep Concerns” by Zheng Yisheng and Qian Yihong Translation Summary

The 1998 book by Zheng Yisheng and Qian Yihong, economists at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, made a deep impression on me twenty years ago when I worked in the Environment, Science and Technology section of U.S. Embassy Beijing. … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption 腐败, Economy 经济, Environment 环境, Politics 政治, Society 社会 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 1998 PRC Environment Book “Deep Concerns” by Zheng Yisheng and Qian Yihong Translation Summary


最近纽约时报登了社评“为了了解中国,看他的法律的背后”描写美国法律教授Norman Page 在上海教比较法律课。我把那篇文章放在最后面。 网络上在 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/01/opinion/to-understand-china-look-behind-its-laws.html?_r=1&ref=opinion Yesterday at a book shop in Chengdu, the Xinhua Wenxuan near Chunxi Lu, I bought several law related books that I thought I thought I would mention on the development of Chinese law and international comparisons.   … Continue reading

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2008: China’s Electric Power Development Path Needs to Bear Our Grandchildren in Mind

中国电力发展要给子孙留条活路 http://www.315wqchina.com/newsDetail.asp?id=820 China’s Electric Power Development Path Needs to Bear Our Grandchildren in Mind March 24, 2008 By Sun Xiangfang, a Xinhua Press Agency journalist who has followed the PRC electric power industry for ten years. Summary: The director of the … Continue reading

Posted in Economy 经济, Environment 环境, Society 社会 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment