Tag Archives: thought

2023: Chinese on Chinese Political Science

China as a country is unique, in the way that Australia spans two major categories, country and continent, — China is both a single country (as the old saying goes, if divided it must unify; if unified it must divide … Continue reading

Posted in Politics 政治, Science, Technology and Academic 科技学术 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

2023: Xi Jinping Economic Thought: Contributions and Worldwide Significance

The wisdom and unique ability of the Chinese Communist Party to lead China thanks to its brand of scientific socialism is one of the main pillars of its claim to legitimacy as the leader of China. That role is enshrined … Continue reading

Posted in Ideology 思想 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

2020: “The Six Classics are History” and the Sinicization of Marxism

【Summary】 The relationship between classics and history is the core issue in the history of Chinese thought, running through the entire process of historical development since the Zhou and Qin dynasties. The Communist Party of China has always faced its own unique relationship between classics and history, that is, the relationship between Marxist “classics” and Chinese practice “history,” with the core proposition being the sinicization of Marxism. It is worth noting that the sinicization of Marxism and the method of handling the relationship between classics and history in “all classics are history” are very similar. This is not a coincidence, but has its theoretical origins: on the one hand, the Communist Party of China is the inheritor of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation and consciously draws nourishment from it from the very beginning of its establishment; on the other hand, Fan Wenlan, as a key figure, became a crucial link between Mao Zedong and Zhang Xuecheng. Just as the proposition of the sinicization of Marxism was put forward, Fan Wenlan arrived in Yan’an, and his grand theory of the evolution of Chinese classical studies was highly valued by Mao Zedong. Faced with similar issues of the relationship between classics and history, there are also key figures as the intellectual link, and the relationship between the theory of “all classics are history” and the sinicization of Marxism has an inherent logical connection, which has significant methodological implications. Continue reading

Posted in History 历史, Ideology 思想 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

1999: Hu Ping: What is Thought Reform

Some URLs added. Hu Ping: What is Thought Reform via Independent Chinese PEN website 獨立中文筆會 胡平:什么是思想改造  JULY 15, 2017  Thought reform, Hu Ping 1. Thought reform and “brainwashing” Thought reform, also known as “brainwashing”. Many Chinese people think the word “brainwashing” comes … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Revolution, History 历史, Ideology 思想, Politics 政治 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

My Student Reported on Me!

我被学生举报了! 原创: 凡人钒语 凡人钒语 [from qq public account  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Jv2haHKMbgxL81gRZhCtrQ  ]   A student reported me on Monday morning! We were discussing in class whether rich people or poor people made greater contributions to society.  One girl got very angry, and spoke up, … Continue reading

Posted in Ideology 思想, Politics 政治, Society 社会 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments